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Executive Reaction to the Stimulus Package 2009 Executive Reaction to the Stimulus Package 2009
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Executive Reaction to the Stimulus Package 2009

May 12, 2009

The ARRA is causing whiplash as provider executives change direction, accelerate "meaningful use" plans, or abruptly stop or scale back other plans. The dramatic 2008 economic downturn redirected hospital executives into a survival mode, but the future reimbursement changes per the ARRA have caused a violent shock in the market.

Less than 15 percent of participating organizations reported no adverse impact from the economic downturn. These organizations had already completed (or nearly completed) the implementation of their long-term CIS and were focused on moving nurses and physicians to electronic usage.

Nationwide, healthcare executive teams are scrambling to understand the new rules and how to best position their organization for new monies. Providers are scrutinizing their vendor relationships as never before.

C-level executives have turned a more watchful and critical eye to ROI claims as a result of the economic downturn. Vendors delivering real solutions that clear the "meaningful use" bar will win long-term business.

Vendor-provider partnerships to jointly weather the economic downturn are virtually non-existent. Most vendors appear to be focused on their own financial objectives, and are not offering any creative solutions to benefit the provider’s bottom line or demonstrating ways to leverage a true partnership for long-term mutual benefit.

author - Robert Ellis
Project Manager
Robert Ellis
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