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User Commentary
There are some bugs within the system where it can't see or compute certain information very well....
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
We haven't seen a ton of improvement with Protenus Diversion Analytics, and we haven't seen a lot of...
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OR and anesthesia is an area that the Protenus system is supposed to be monitoring, but I don't...
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Loyalty, Product
I don't know that there is a ton of focus on pharmacy in the Protenus system. I don't think the...
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Relationship, Product
Protenus Diversion Analytics gives us individual cases to examine, and it does a good job of finding...
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Protenus Diversion Analytics’ ability to find diversion in nursing is really variable. There are...
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We are still not getting a lot of drug diversion cases coming from Protenus Diversion Analytics,...
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Loyalty, Product
Protenus has pretty much delayed all of the enhancements and improvements on their platform while...
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Product, Value
The biggest thing we have seen in using Protenus Diversion Analytics has been improved efficiency in...
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Things are going well with Protenus Diversion Analytics. There is definitely a lot of information in...
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Product, Value
The benefit that we see from using Protenus Diversion Analytics is that a lot of the work on the...
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Loyalty, Operations, Product
I have used other diversion products, and Protenus Diversion Analytics is the best one by far. The...
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Product, Value
Protenus Diversion Analytics has helped to better equip our staff and show them just how bad some of...
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Operations, Product
This solution can be a little harder on people who don’t have any kind of background in this area....
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This solution doesn't catch a user if they do a complete name change, even if they have the same...
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The fact that this solution has the academy is a strength. We can go in and learn everything and do...
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There were delays on both sides of the implementation in trying to get the entire program up,...
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Overall, this solution is pretty simple and self-explanatory. However, for someone who is coming in...
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The graphs and the bars in the reports are just too cluttered. There is just too much data in it. It...
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Relationship, Operations
Protenus is very good at providing support and proactive service. In terms of training, Protenus is...
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Loyalty, Relationship
Protenus keeps all of their promises, and they follow up with us in a very polite way. We are very...
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Protenus Diversion Analytics can be used in the OR, and Protenus has made improvements to its...
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Loyalty, Product
Protenus Diversion Analytics' integration is usable. It isn't having problems, and we haven't had...
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Culture, Value
We can pretty much get everything we need from Protenus for one fee. That is something that I really...
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Protenus is very good at delivering new technology. I like the fact that they have routine meetings...
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The only challenge with Protenus Diversion Analytics is that sometimes the reports that are...
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Relationship, Product
I would like Protenus to give us a report on how we are doing in terms of following up with cases....
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I would buy the system again. I actually had to make that choice a while ago. We were transitioning...
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Loyalty, Product, Value
The biggest outcome of the system is basically having something available so that everyone knows...
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Product, Value
By using Protenus Diversion Analytics, we have definitely improved our early detection of diversion...
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Protenus did well with their implementation. They had office hours for our organization, and they...
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One thing that was somewhat difficult in doing the training for Protenus Diversion Analytics was not...
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Protenus Diversion Analytics is still pretty new for us, and I think there are some reports that...
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We have to know where to go in Protenus Diversion Analytics. The training is there, but we have to...
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Protenus has been pretty responsive to questions and getting things resolved in a timely manner....
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Loyalty, Product, Value
Through Protenus Diversion Analytics, we can review all of our EHR activity. There has been a lot of...
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Protenus does really well with training. They offer a lot of additional services, and they do a...
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Loyalty, Product
With what Protenus does integrate, there is a little bit of error. At the same time, there is some...
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One of the big things I want to see in Protenus Diversion Analytics has to do with the idea that the...
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Protenus does better than expected at being proactive. They are actively communicating with us, but...
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Relationship, Product
We had an issue with a recent update, and Protenus Diversion Analytics was unavailable for multiple...
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I haven't used another diversion tool. I have just used reports out of our automated dispensing...
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There are definitely spaces that are not getting tracked at all. We are not reviewing the OR or...
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Loyalty, Product
We have just started using Protenus Diversion Analytics again because we had an EMR change. The data...
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With the nursing area, because the tool is tracking everything from the electronic medical record...
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I haven't really seen Protenus do anything new since we have had them, but their tool is very easy...
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The customer service is wonderful. Support is one area that Protenus is just really great at. They...
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Product, Value
I don't know that the tool is giving me as much as I feel was promised, but it is definitely...
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Loyalty, Value
Protenus has upgraded their technology. Protenus' system is in our long-term plans because it is a...
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There is a learning curve for the product. I know if I were to leave the organization, it would be...
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We have routine meetings with the vendor's customer satisfaction person. That person has been pretty...
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Loyalty, Product, Value
The biggest outcomes we have seen from the product are the discussions that have come out from the...
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The vendor tries to do as many trainings as they can, but we haven't caught anyone yet. But the...
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In terms of the accuracy with which Protenus Diversion Analytics is pulling cases and alerting our...
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I would go so far as to say that the implementation process was flawless. I was pretty blown away by...
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During the sales process, one of the Protenus executives got involved during multiple calls, and...
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Protenus undersells the product and over-delivers on the diversion front. That approach really...
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We were not specifically looking for improvement in identifying suspicious handling of medications...
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Everything has gone well with Protenus over the last year. If there are any concerns or questions,...
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Relationship, Product
There is definitely nothing wrong with the program. Protenus is continuing to make changes to...
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Loyalty, Product
The only new functionality for Protenus Diversion Analytics that we have discussed is controlled or...
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Product, Value
Overall, we have improved on our unreconciled medications organizationally. We are doing better...
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Loyalty, Product
With Protenus Diversion Analytics, it took a while to get the interfaces working well and with the...
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It usually takes Protenus almost a week to reply; the reply is not immediate. But their executives...
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Culture, Loyalty
As long as Protenus is not overpromising what Protenus Diversion Analytics can do, then customers...
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We have much more data and insights than we had before using Protenus Diversion Analytics for policy...
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Product, Value
Protenus has been able to provide us with a system that helps us immensely in terms of time when it...
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Loyalty, Product
The only piece that we are still wishing for that we know Protenus is working on is for us to be...
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The system goes down to our time clock system all the way. So we are getting a timely clock feed and...
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As a vendor, Protenus is very willing to work with their customers. We have routine meetings with...
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The vendor holds webinars, and I participate in those regularly. Our customer success manager is...
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We have decided that we are going to move away from Protenus' system. The vendor whose system we are...
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We have had a few issues with the product's coding. In its matching process, data comes over to...
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Product, Value
The outcomes that we have seen from the product are that we have been able to detect diversion. We...
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Protenus is case driven rather than user-list driven, so instead of giving me a list of potential...
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Loyalty, Product
We are contracting with another drug diversion monitoring vendor. Hopefully, they will cover some of...
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Product, Value
Protenus Diversion Analytics definitely has helped trend certain individuals that come up as...
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I would probably go with Protenus again. I only have a few complaints. They put a lot of stuff on...
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Culture, Value
Protenus tries to establish contracts where they aren't charging for every little thing, but at the...
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Protenus Diversion Analytics is promoted as an anesthesia audit tool, but anesthesia audits are very...
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Protenus Diversion Analytics doesn't directly integrate with everything. The system integrates with...
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Overall, my experiences with Protenus have been pretty good. There are a few deliverables that I...
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There are some aspects of Protenus Diversion Analytics that we have to know in order to navigate,...
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I work very well with someone specific at Protenus, and they are very effective at communicating....
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The go-live actually went well. For the first few months, we were reteaching the AI and weeding out...
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Product, Value
In terms of outcomes, we have been able to track a lot of unreconciled doses, which essentially...
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Loyalty, Value
Personally, I wouldn't buy Protenus Diversion Analytics again. There is a much better software...
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I would tell someone looking at Protenus Diversion Analytics, especially from the drug diversion...
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I would tell others to inquire about a complete report from the purchase history to when a drug is...
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Loyalty, Product
Infusion data is not being pulled by Protenus Diversion Analytics. The selling point of a different...
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We can have a suspected diversion and a true diversion. The system should be able to tell us based...
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Loyalty, Product
A lot of systems have batch files, so we have a 12-day delay. They are not HL7s, so we don't have...
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We haven't had any requests that would require an escalation for a charge, so right now, we are not...
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Loyalty, Product
Protenus has three total applications: one for diversion, one for pharmacy, and one for anesthesia....
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Protenus Diversion Analytics is a very user-friendly system. I have had my techs on it and have even...
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Protenus’ web support is very intuitive. If we open a ticket or our account manager opens a ticket,...
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We have a direct line to the Protenus customer service team, and they help us work through any...
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Product, Value
I like that I can select cases to see and filter out the ones that are not a high priority for us,...
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Protenus Diversion Analytics is good at showing clear user-level data, but that doesn't translate...
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Protenus is great, and I cannot say enough great things about my project manager. They have been...
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Loyalty, Relationship
If someone asked me about a drug diversion solution, Protenus would not be the first vendor I would...
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We have identified a lot of practice opportunities through Protenus Diversion Analytics. The...
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Right now, we are not seeing Protenus Diversion Analytics help us identify diversion, and that is...
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Protenus is continually updating their product based on customer feedback. An outcome of using the...
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We continue to have recurring calls with our customer support person, and they keep those calls on...
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Relationship, Operations
There was an upgrade from another vendor that we were forced into. Protenus was not prepared for...
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With Protenus Diversion Analytics, a lot of things are left up to the end user. There has not been a...
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Protenus Diversion Analytics completely changed the workflow of our drug diversion monitoring. We...
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The main reason we want to replace Protenus Diversion Analytics is that it is still labor intensive...
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When we went through the vetting process, we looked at a few different vendors, and Protenus was...
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We have had a pretty good relationship with Protenus since we started, so whenever we have a few...
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Early on with Protenus, our representatives were very attentive, and we got off on a really good...
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Product, Value
The main outcome we have seen from using Protenus Diversion Analytics is that we have seen the...
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