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User Commentary
I have implemented Imprivata Identity Governance and Administration at every organization I have...
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Imprivata Identity Governance and Administration works, and it has improved over time. It doesn't...
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Imprivata is very engaged when we have a question. They are proactive. They have a new CEO who has...
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The outcomes we saw with Imprivata Identity Governance and Administration were immediate because the...
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Operations, Product
Rolling out upgrades can be a little cumbersome with Imprivata. There is never downtime for the...
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Imprivata Identity Governance and Administration is a fully supported single sign-on and governance...
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Imprivata’s product road map for governance and reporting is light. We have a regular cadence, and...
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Imprivata’s support is pretty good. However, there is poor communication when there are changes in...
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The latest upgrade introduced a lot of new workflows and processes that our organization wasn't...
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The sales process might have been a little misleading. I was involved with the sales process. Our...
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When it comes to integrations, the product has been very helpful and usable in a lot of ways. We...
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Loyalty, Relationship
We have had conversations with executives about Imprivata Identity Governance and Administration,...
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We went through a training class, and a lot of the training items in that class weren't really...
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The system failed our expectations. We did an upgrade for it that was supposed to provide us with...
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Loyalty, Product
There are a couple of things missing from the system. For one, there is no syncing or integration of...
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The system is limited to just a couple of applications right now that can do automation in terms of...
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We had something come up in the system where we wanted to make a change to a field and track certain...
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Imprivata told us that they had a new upgrade. I haven't looked at what is in the upgrade yet. I...
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When we call Imprivata, we may have to wait on some things, but the vendor's people will get back to...
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Imprivata provides pretty good training. When we have to get things done, they will do and show us...
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It has been a while since we have had some of Imprivata's higher-ups in on a meeting with us. We...
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Culture, Operations
If I were talking with someone who was considering Imprivata's system, I would tell them to be...
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I haven't spoken to anyone from Imprivata in months. We usually have a regular meeting with the...
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Loyalty, Product
If people need to have access to our lab system, we need to be able to provide that through...
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Operations, Product
Once my team has been trained on what we have so far in the system, we can use the system pretty well....
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Relationship, Operations
I am not really happy with Imprivata right now. We did an upgrade that required significant effort...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Operations
When we started with Imprivata Identity Governance and Administration, the system was in the...
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I wouldn't buy Imprivata again because of the limitations. Our organization is pretty complex, and...
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Imprivata Identity Governance and Administration met our expectations of what we knew it could and...
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We are getting close to implementing a new product. We are going to phase out Imprivata Identity...
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A lot of the customizations that we need in order to do what we need to do here fall outside of...
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Loyalty, Product
Imprivata made some drastic changes to the system from version 6.5 to the version 7 series. We had...
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We have had to tweak the system's code here and there to see where it breaks downstream or upstream...
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Operations, Product
With the system, we are able to automate our account management. We can also create, modify,...
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The product is part of our long-term plans for now. We are probably going to be asked to change our...
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When we create an account, we have to use both manual and automated processes. Once we finish...
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We are looking at moving away from Imprivata's system and going to another system because we use...
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Product, Value
Imprivata's system has met our expectations. It is the best system for what we need, and it does...
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We are not the type of customer that Imprivata will negotiate with because we only use a small piece...
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I don't think that any identity access options, including Imprivata's, are easy.
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Imprivata is there for us when we need them, but we rarely need them.
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I would tell a peer or friend to explore enterprise-wide identity access tools before exploring...
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I am looking at potentially evaluating alternatives to Imprivata in the future. The company isn't...
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Imprivata didn't remember what they should have about our environment. Some surprises increased the...
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Operations, Value
Imprivata had some huge upgrade charges. At first, they were minimal, but they kept growing....
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Imprivata doesn't do ongoing training. After the initial training, that is it.
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We don’t have a lot of training in place from Imprivata, but our end users have started just using...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
There are a few things that we want to change with Imprivata Identity Governance. We want to track...
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Relationship, Product
Imprivata delivers something amazing, and they have better communication around Imprivata Identity...
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Loyalty, Relationship
We are upgrading to the latest version of Imprivata Identity Governance soon. We have been working...
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