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User Commentary
If we need training and ask for it, Mphasis will provide it. However, the vendor could be better. We...
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Relationship, Product
When Mphasis rolls out new releases, they aren't providing known issues that already exist or that...
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Relationship, Product, Value
Javelina works and has a lot of pros, but it has a lot of cons too. There are always things wrong...
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Anytime we submit a ticket to Mphasis, their number-one response is always that our issue is invalid...
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Mphasis has lost a lot of good people. We deal with different developers and support staff members,...
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Loyalty, Product
We looked at Mphasis' 1099 module, and we found that the tool wasn't going to be useful. The vendor...
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We don't pay a lot of money for HEALTHpac, so that is what Eldorado has going for them. They are...
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HEALTHpac is pretty user friendly if the user knows DOS and is not looking for a UI because...
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I have had a ticket open with Eldorado for a long time for something that is required. We got an...
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Loyalty, Relationship
Our satisfaction better change next year; otherwise, we will give the lowest score. That will come...
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When we told Eldorado that we needed more user licenses because we kept expanding, a salesperson...
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Eldorado has always been so good, but within the last few months, they have just been nowhere to be...
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Eldorado mainly has clients that do single contracts for one product or line of business, so when...
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HEALTHpac has its uses and its shortcomings. The product's value just depends on what an...
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I like HEALTHpac’s keyboard interface. It is fairly lightweight on the computer; it does not take...
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