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Drug Diversion Monitoring 2025:
Which Vendors Are Most Effectively Detecting Drug Diversion?
Surveyed healthcare organizations suspect that instances of drug diversion occur far more frequently than they are caught. Drug diversion monitoring solutions are vital for combating this issue, and although previous KLAS research indicates that recent AI developments show promise in enhancing detection and prevention, organizations are raising their expectations. They want solutions that integrate better, handle more-complex data sets, and identify diversion more frequently—especially across multiple departments. Still, secondary outcomes (see chart below) are making these solutions worthwhile in the short term as vendors work to meet organizations’ expectations. To understand the current state of the drug diversion monitoring market, this report examines vendor performance, the impact solutions have on drug diversion detection, and the secondary outcomes customers are realizing with their solutions.
Virtual Scribing Services 2024:
How Are Firms Providing Value in a Developing Market?
As provider organizations continue to look for solutions to improve the clinician experience and reduce administrative burden, documentation technology and services remain front of mind. Though much energy is focused on emerging technologies (e.g., AI or ambient speech), many organizations continue to rely on virtual scribing services to ease the process of documentation for providers, ultimately hoping to reduce burnout and retain valuable staff. This report—an update on KLAS’ 2022 research—provides insights into what value customers receive from virtual scribing services and what impact scribe turnover has on overall satisfaction.

KLAS recognizes that other firms not measured in this report (e.g., DeliverHealth, ScribeAmerica) also provide virtual scribing services; some of these firms are moving away from human scribes due to the rise of AI-powered documentation technology. While there is a lot of excitement around AI and ambient speech, provider organizations continue to find value in virtual scribes for certain specialties or due to provider preferences. As a result, virtual scribes will likely continue to have a place in documentation offerings for at least the near future. (See last section in report for more information.)

Luma Health 2024:
Part of a Series on Digital Health Deep Adopters
To improve the overall patient experience, healthcare organizations continue to reassess their long-term digital health technology plans. In a recent KLAS study, nearly two-thirds of surveyed organizations using patient engagement solutions indicated plans to consolidate their patient engagement technology stack. To accommodate these plans, many vendors are pivoting to offer comprehensive capabilities within a single solution, and as a result, healthcare organizations need transparency into what claims are real and what platforms may best benefit them. The first in a series about digital health deep adopters, this report focuses on Luma Health, who has long been measured by KLAS and whose digital health capabilities are often talked about by responding customers. KLAS spoke to 11 vendor-identified deep adopters of Luma Health’s patient engagement platform to examine (1) vendor performance, (2) validated and needed capabilities, and (3) outcomes realized with the platform.
Clinical Communications 2024:
Which Vendors Best Support Solution Adoption Enterprise-Wide?
Healthcare organizations continue to deploy messaging applications and mobile devices in an effort to ensure HIPAA compliance, improve clinician response times, and reduce miscommunications and alert fatigue. However, many organizations have yet to navigate the complex ecosystem of clinical communications solutions, let alone fully embrace these solutions enterprise-wide, despite promised benefits. The level of solution adoption of a vendor’s clinical communications technology enterprise-wide is often determined by (1) the breadth of the vendor’s offerings, (2) the ease of rolling out modules and interfaces, and (3) the vendor’s ongoing support and guidance. Focused on acute care use cases for clinical communications, this report examines vendor performance in these three areas as well as barriers that prevent organizations from achieving greater adoption and standardization.

Note: EHR integration is often considered the most important interface, but this report focuses on integration with key communication modalities. While vendor performance data includes ratings from both acute care and ambulatory care organizations, data on clinical communications use cases comes only from acute care customers, as enterprise-wide adoption of these solutions is most often in the acute care space. Additionally, KLAS did not validate certain solutions (QliqSOFT, Spok, and Stryker Vocera Edge) being used to support enterprise clinical communications; thus, these solutions are not included in the report.

Epic in the Public Cloud 2024:
Are AWS & Microsoft Azure Meeting the Expectations of Early Adopters?
Over the past three years, a growing number of healthcare organizations have started using public cloud providers for their Epic workloads due to the promised benefits of a cloud environment. In 2023, KLAS published a report exploring the decision-making process of organizations considering the public cloud for their Epic environment; since then, several organizations have gone live with their Epic cloud environment. As an update to last year’s insights, this report examines the viability of Epic in the cloud—looking at the success and scalability of cloud deployments, the strengths and weaknesses of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure, the benefits organizations have achieved, and the areas where third-party support is used to facilitate the cloud journey.

Note: Data for this report was collected from May 2024 to August 2024. At the time of this research, around 30 healthcare organizations in North America were live with Epic workloads in the public cloud; all use either AWS or Microsoft Azure. For this report, KLAS interviewed 18 of those organizations, including 10 clients live with a full Epic production environment.

Small-Hospital EHR (1–200 Beds) 2024:
Buyer’s Remorse among Recent Decision-Makers
Small acute care organizations face unique challenges—such as financial constraints and limited internal resources—that impact or even delay their EHR purchase decisions. As a result, according to KLAS’ 2024 acute care EHR market share report (which tracks all hospital EHR wins and losses), 42% of the small independent hospitals (1–200 beds) still use legacy systems. Still, progress is being made: between 2021 and 2023, KLAS validated go-forward EHR decisions made by 184 such hospitals (almost 14% of the market). This report examines how a sample of those organizations are faring with their new EHR, including what their decisions suggest about future buying energy in this space, how much value they have realized, and how their training experience has been.

Note on Report Sample & Methodology: Data for this report comes from three main sources: (1) KLAS Decision Insights data, (2) KLAS market share data, and (3) KLAS performance data. KLAS Decision Insights data includes all EHR purchases from small standalone hospitals (1–200 beds) between August 2022 and August 2024. The rest of the data comes from a subset of small hospitals that have made an EHR purchase decision in the last three years and have been live for at least three months. Of the vendors with recent wins, only Epic, MEDITECH Expanse, Oracle Health, and TruBridge EHR have sufficient performance data to be included.

Underpayment Recovery Services 2024:
Which Firms Drive Value in Both Recovery & Prevention?
Amid continuing financial pressures to increase revenue with fewer resources, many provider organizations look to firms that can not only recover underpayments but also help improve internal processes to prevent future revenue leakage. Since the 2022 report on underpayment recovery services, KLAS has broken out a denials management services market segment (reported on earlier this year); now, underpayment recovery services include charge capture, transfer DRG, DRG validation, and zero-balance review. Additionally, there have been several acquisitions that have affected the market (i.e., the R1 RCM acquisition of Cloudmed, the FinThrive acquisition of TransUnion Healthcare). This report explores what service lines organizations use firms for, how well firms provide actionable insights, how firms help organizations prevent future revenue leakage, and what factors drive firm selection across the market.
Latin America PACS 2024:
A Look at Vendor Performance in an Evolving Market
The PACS market in Latin America is evolving—vendors have expanded or reestablished their customer bases in certain countries, and some healthcare organizations are considering replacing products that aren’t meeting expectations. An update to KLAS’ 2021 research, this report examines vendors’ regional footprint and performance in Latin America. Altogether, customer satisfaction feedback was collected from 127 respondents, representing 95 separate organizations in 12 countries and territories. Insights are examined first for Latin America as a whole, then for Brazil, and then for other countries throughout the region, collectively referred to as “other Latin American countries and the Caribbean.”
Population Health Management 2024:
Sample of Decisions Made by Large Acute Care Organizations Center on a Few Broad Platforms
In recent years, purchasing energy in the population health management (PHM) market has cooled among large acute care organizations—only 10% of interviewed organizations report a recent or in-progress PHM purchase decision. This trend is largely the result of healthcare organizations deprioritizing initial investments in new solutions and instead focusing on cost reduction and improved ROI through vendor consolidation, better data access and utilization, and improved functionality that supports value-based initiatives (i.e., care management, whole-person care, downside risk contracts). Physician-led ACOs don’t always face the same challenges as large acute care organizations (the majority of the sample included in this data set), so they may make decisions differently. With fewer decisions being made for acute care organizations, there is greater pressure on vendors to more thoroughly prove their platform’s capabilities during the RFP process. To help healthcare organizations navigate purchasing decisions in this market, this report draws from 40 purchase decisions validated by KLAS between July 2022 and June 2024 to examine (1) which vendors’ customer bases are growing, being maintained, or decreasing amid market shifts and (2) which factors contribute to current buying energy. Satisfaction data from current customers is also included.
Healthcare Experience Management 2024:
Improving the Healthcare Experience for More than Just Patients
The patient experience improvement market has evolved over the years. Provider organizations initially used standardized, retrospective benchmarking data to improve the patient experience before shifting to customizable tools that collect feedback in real time and aid with service recovery (see KLAS’ Patient Experience Improvement 2021 report). Now, with the rise of healthcare consumerism, organizations want to broaden their reach to improve the experience of other stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem aside from patients, such as family members/caregivers, employees, clinicians, and even potential consumers and patients. As such, this report—focused more holistically on healthcare experience management—examines customer feedback on how well vendors are developing their offerings to improve the experience of all healthcare stakeholders, not just patients.

† KLAS plans to rename our Patient Experience Improvement market segment to Healthcare Experience Management soon after this report’s publication.

Social Determinants of Health 2024:
A Look at Vendor-Reported Capabilities
Many healthcare organizations are working to proactively address socioeconomic barriers to patients receiving needed healthcare—prompting vendors to roll out technology solutions that can collect and manage social determinants of health (SDOH) data. This report uses KLAS’ Framework for a Successful SDOH Program (introduced in this overview) to compare several SDOH vendors’ offerings and share vendors’ thoughts on how their technology is intended to help organizations achieve their SDOH goals. Note that this report is based on vendor-reported and publicly available information and does not represent any KLAS-validated performance data or other findings. Later in 2024, KLAS intends to publish a report that examines customers’ experiences with their SDOH solutions.
Virtual Care Platforms 2024:
Broad Use Cases across the Enterprise
As virtual care has significantly expanded since COVID-19, provider organizations have generally solidified their outpatient virtual care strategies—leaving inpatient virtual care as the piece most impacting purchase decisions and the area with the most potential for innovation. To provide inpatient and/or outpatient virtual care, provider organizations are mainly pursuing three approaches, all of which have pros and cons: (1) homegrown solutions, (2) point solutions, and (3) virtual care platforms with broad capabilities. This report focuses on virtual care platforms, which often allow for outpatient/inpatient vendor consolidation. While many organizations are still using multiple solutions to deliver virtual care, some are moving toward total consolidation and need an enterprise solution that provides the necessary use cases for their organization. This report examines the virtual care platform market by looking at breadth of use cases as well as vendor performance, especially in terms of innovation and delivering on promises.
Patient Self-Scheduling 2024:
An Early Look at Standalone Solutions
As the digital landscape grows in healthcare and other industries, patients are expecting more seamless and convenient access to healthcare and therefore report that self-scheduling is one of their top healthcare engagement priorities. Provider organizations are responding by offering patient self-scheduling functionality to both increase patient convenience and reduce staff burden. This report focuses on five standalone patient self-scheduling solutions to understand their ease of use, why they were chosen over other types of solutions (e.g., EHR functionality), and whether they are worth the money. Additional insights about the broader patient self-scheduling market are also included.
Healthcare Cybersecurity Benchmarking Study 2024:
Improving Cybersecurity Preparedness through NIST CSF & HICP Best Practices
With cyberattacks on the rise, having a strong cybersecurity strategy is a must for healthcare organizations, especially as they face post-pandemic resource constraints and staffing shortages. Many are protecting their data by adopting and implementing cybersecurity frameworks and best practices, such as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF) and the Health Industry Cybersecurity Practices (HICP). NIST CSF and HICP are accessible resources for healthcare organizations, and high NIST CSF and HICP coverage is a strong indication of cybersecurity preparedness. This report—a collaboration between Censinet, KLAS, the American Hospital Association, Health-ISAC, and the Healthcare and Public Health Sector Coordinating Council—provides an update to previous research on the status of healthcare cybersecurity preparedness. It also examines the effect of governance and resource investment on cybersecurity preparedness and insurance premiums. Data for this report comes from 58 respondents (54 payer or provider organizations and 4 healthcare vendors) who were interviewed September–December 2023.
Patient Intake Management 2024:
Where Are Vendors Delivering Value?
Consumerism and patient-centric tools are an increasing focus in healthcare—previous KLAS research validated that patients’ top priority for patient engagement technology is the ability to schedule appointments and check in online. Patient intake management solutions offer such capabilities, among others, and can help improve patient engagement and satisfaction. These solutions experienced exponential growth during the COVID-19 pandemic, and they continue to be important as healthcare organizations work toward increased efficiency and cost savings. While all measured vendors have room to improve functionality (e.g., two-way patient texting, patient satisfaction surveys), this report validates the breadth and depth of patient intake management solutions, identifies the outcomes these solutions drive, and examines the respective merits of third-party and EHR solutions.
Global (Non-US) Patient Engagement 2024:
Regional Trends and Investment Energy
KLAS’ 2023 Global (Non-US) Healthcare IT Trends report found that investment in digital health is among healthcare organizations’ top three priorities across global regions. Patient engagement, alongside virtual visit technology and remote patient monitoring, is one of the key pillars of digital health. For this report, KLAS interviewed healthcare leaders from 155 organizations across 39 countries and territories around the world, and these leaders shared their current and future patient engagement priorities, their adoption of various patient engagement technologies, and what vendors they are using or considering.
The 2023 EY-Parthenon and KLAS Research Payer Tech Study:
Evolving Payer HCIT Investment Trends

Health care payers face many challenges that are shaping strategic priorities — from cost containment to IT spending to member engagement. They have experienced higher than expected medical costs over the last two years, driven by rising demand for health care services that were deferred during the COVID-19 pandemic. Commercial payers see their business model affected as an increasing number of employers move to a self-funded model. Meanwhile, increased health care utilization has been a double whammy for Medicare payers, as the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a lower rate increase compared to prior years (~3% in 2024 vs. ~5% in the prior three years). Likewise, Managed Medicaid plans face about a 15 million drop in member enrollment with the end of the redetermination waiver period.

At the same time, payer business models are being disrupted by provider incumbents that are taking on risk and typical payer health care. Combined, these macroeconomic forces and industry trends are putting pressures on payer margins, forcing them to reevaluate their cost models and growth options.

With these trends in mind, EY-Parthenon professionals and KLAS Research interviewed and surveyed executives across a diverse mix of payer types, sizes and line of business (LoB) coverage to understand their overall strategic priorities, the impact on spend for HCIT variety of players in the health care ecosystem.

  • Investors: What are the key trends in payer HCIT? Which areas are ripe for increased investment? What are key investment considerations in the payer tech and tech-enabled services market?
  • HCIT vendors: What do payers want from their HCIT vendors? How do payers make decisions? What could be potential solutions to cross-sell (or not)?
  • Payers: How are your competitors dealing with market forces? Where are your competitors making investments? How can you up your HCIT game?
Patient Engagement 2023:
Provider Perceptions on Technology Investment Now and in the Future
In an increasingly digital world, the healthcare industry continues to face increased costs and labor shortages. Patient engagement technology is top of mind for healthcare organizations as they work to improve the overall patient experience, increase volumes, cut costs, and create more provider efficiencies. In collaboration with Bain & Company, KLAS recently identified patient engagement as a top-three priority for healthcare investment. For this report, KLAS engaged with executives from 93 unique healthcare organizations to better understand perceptions of the patient engagement market, including strategies for addressing challenges and goals today, which vendors are most aligned with provider goals, and future plans for investment to improve patient engagement.