Employer-Sponsored Healthcare Services

Healthcare services provided directly to employer organizations by a dedicated third-party vendor; these vendor-staffed services are offered on-site at the employer offices or at a nearby (i.e., near-site) location and typically include primary and/or urgent care, pharmacy, imaging, laboratory, occupational health, wellness coaching, behavioral health, and telehealth services.

Subject Expert
Daniel Zeitner
Research Director
KLAS Research Director - Daniel Zeitner
Best in KLAS Category
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Performance Data

Overall Score by Product

Example Employer-Sponsored Healthcare Services overall score by product image

Overall Score by Question Topic

Example Employer-Sponsored Healthcare Services overall score by question topic image

Provider Facility Size by Product

Example Employer-Sponsored Healthcare Services provider facility size by product image

Provider Facility Type by Product

Example Employer-Sponsored Healthcare Services provider facility type by product image
Current Time Inside Cache Tag Helper: 2/12/2025 7:06:32 AM and Model.SegmentId = 335
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Reducing Filters

Unlike sizing filters, reducing filters DO NOT recalculate scores based on the evaluations that meet these requirements. They narrow the list of solutions to show the vendors and solutions that can meet a specific need.

This data is based on interviews with a sample of the firms' recent clients. As a result, it is not necessarily comprehensive of all work a firm may do in this segment.

We require a minimum of 2 confirmations of a service performed in the last 3 years for a solution to qualify.
