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User Commentary
We did a recent upgrade with Cedar Gate Technologies, and that went well. We like that our end users...
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Loyalty, Product
Enli CareManager really works together with Enli Central Worklist; Enli CareManager pulls over to...
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Relationship, Product
Cedar Gate Technologies is very cordial and responsive. We worked much more closely with them when...
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Culture, Loyalty
We compared Enli CareManager with all of the other solutions we were looking at at the time, and the...
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Enli CareManager is very easy for nurses and care managers, but our providers have found it to be...
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Product, Value
Since we started using the system, its preventative care has improved, and that has been really...
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When we went live with Enli CareManager years ago, we got everything up and going really well, and...
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Based on current information, I would buy Enli CareManager again, but I would be a little hesitant....
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The vendor refrains from charging for every little thing at this point, and that seems to be their...
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Within Enli CareManager, there have been some improvements that have been useful for us. But for...
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We record a patient's blood pressure more than once. Sometimes patients have white coat syndrome, so...
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Loyalty, Product
There are a lot of things changing in healthcare right now, and I don't know what Cedar Gate...
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Enli CareManager was such a personable company, and the program they developed was so helpful to us....
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I like Enli CareManager in terms of the ease of use and the information I can get. I am a fan of the...
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I have been working on Enli CareManager for several years, and we used to have a representative who...
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