Commentary Summary
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User Commentary
In our region, the vendor's services are amazing. If the engineers on-site see something, they will...
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As far as integrations go, I have different models of Roche solutions right now from an instrument...
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Roche does their best to keep their promises. They put out frequent patches for little things that...
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Product, Value
We had a product in the past that met our needs, but cobas infinity lab allowed us to have an...
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Relationship, Operations
Roche's customer support people are very quick and easy to get ahold of, but it sometimes takes a...
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Loyalty, Relationship
At one point, Roche came in to do an audit and see how we were using the product. That was very...
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Users can't just walk into the system and click around, but with a 15-minute intro, they can figure...
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Initially, we didn't have all of the information on what cobas infinity lab was able to do, so we...
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If we go back to the original installation of cobas infinity lab, we had a rough time, so I would...
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Culture, Relationship
Everything that we do with Roche is on contract, so our costs are covered. I have been able to get...
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I still have people who say that when they call Roche's support on off-shift hours, there is a delay...
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Our initial training with Roche was poor. However, for those who went to the vendor's local in-house...
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Relationship, Product
We are still in a learning phase with cobas infinity lab. We are still learning about the product....
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When we take a question to our software specialists, they will ask questions to get to know our...
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Loyalty, Operations
If we had received better training, cobas infinity lab's ease of use would be higher for us. The...
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Loyalty, Product
Personally, I really like Roche's products. The functionality in cobas infinity lab is pretty good....
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Loyalty, Product
There are places where cobas infinity lab could improve, specifically calculation testing and...
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There isn't any LIS training for cobas infinity lab. All my knowledge of this solution is self-taught....
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cobas infinity lab works better as a workflow engine on the robotics line than anything else that I...
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An issue that we have had is our organization has specific labeling requirements that are meant to...
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The bureaucracy of getting a ticket submitted and resolved is something that Roche could improve on....
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Product, Value
There are pain points that cobas infinity lab helps us overcome. One, for example, is the fact that...
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Roche has done a good job at outlining what cobas infinity lab can do and what it can't do, but...
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Relationship, Product
As far as visibility on communication traces and audit trails goes, cobas infinity lab is up there...
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