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User Commentary
Product, Value
I am pretty happy with Forcura. As a whole, it seems to flow. It has improved our intake process...
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Relationship, Product
Forcura keeps making some updates, and we are not brought up to speed on some of the newer features....
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Customer service overseas is not the solution as sometimes there is a language barrier. We pay quite...
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Loyalty, Operations
Forcura is clunky and requires too many clicks to get anywhere on the page. It requires lots of...
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Forcura has allowed us to be more accurate in putting the information on the correct patient's...
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I want Forcura to fix one item. They have the functionality to create a patient referral shell in...
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Culture, Value
Forcura absolutely avoids charging for every little thing. I have yet to get any kind of invoice for...
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Relationship, Product
Forcura is incredible. We never see outages or issues with Forcura upgrades. I rarely have to ask...
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I really am respectful of Forcura's group. Even when they can't do something, they are very...
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For what Forcura is, it does okay. It still has some issues that I would like to see worked out, but...
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Forcura's training has been very good. We have had a couple of project managers from Forcura who...
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With Forcura, the clinicians in the field can pull up a form, like the consent form that the patient...
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The vendor is pretty good about working with whatever solutions we have to try to get to Forcura to...
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The top benefits of using Forcura's system are definitely efficiency and document management. The...
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Product, Value
A problem at the top of my mind that I would like Forcura to address is that I would like more...
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Product, Value
A benefit we have seen from using the product is the attaching of documents to the EMR and managing...
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With Forcura, I send a ticket in, and I have a response within seconds. Also, Forcura lets us know...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
Forcura has come a long way. They still have some work to do. However, they are very open to...
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We were under the impression that Forcura was selling us a product a while back that would allow us...
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Relationship, Product
Forcura communicates well, and they are responsive. We can fine-tune Forcura's product better than...
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For what we use Forcura for, it works. Primarily end users utilize Forcura for documentation and to...
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Forcura's system is more expensive than other comparable products. We used a system before it that...
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Forcura is one of the bright spots of the industry in the patient referral space, but some of their...
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The system has room for improvement with routing records to specific tasks within a chart. There is...
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We don't use Forcura's referral management system. We use their intake process within the EHR....
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Relationship, Product
Forcura is always trying to figure out ways to integrate things and use their system more...
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Forcura is very responsive. If I send a ticket, I get a response. They let me know where they are at...
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One of my biggest barriers with Forcura is that they recently did an update with the intake, and now...
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Product, Value
It is just so nice that we can give out one fax number and that it doesn't ring as busy because...
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Loyalty, Product
Forcura's system has been stellar for our back office. We generally use the system in tandem with...
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I would definitely purchase Forcura's system again. With the way the future is moving toward...
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It would be nice if Forcura's system would automatically integrate with our EHR. I don't know...
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Forcura has worked with us on charges and items that we have identified. Also, Forcura meets with...
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Relationship, Product
One strength of Forcura is pretty consistent integration. We haven't really hit any roadblocks or...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
I don't see too much enhancement with future technology with Forcura. We had a meeting with Forcura...
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Product, Value
The top benefits of using Forcura are a decrease in outstanding orders, faster turnaround time with...
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We can't get in touch with Forcura’s support by phone. We either have to email them or put a ticket...
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Part of the issue with Forcura is that there has been some change in the key players over time. They...
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Forcura tries to keep their promises, but they are not always capable of keeping all their promises...
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Forcura has absolutely reduced our faxing cost. It has assisted with order management. Before...
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Forcura is working as we thought it would. The vendor actually just did an upgrade that made it even...
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Relationship, Product
Forcura seems to be a little different culturally now compared to what we were used to from the...
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We have a love-hate relationship with Forcura. We pay tens of thousands of dollars a year, and when...
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Product, Value
One benefit we have seen from using Forcura is the automation of outbound faxing. The solution works...
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Forcura is also our order management system, so it faxes orders out. We still have to do a lot of...
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Operations, Product
The upload process in Forcura is very clean and straightforward, so that is a huge help. There are...
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The vendor’s support people are really good. They respond very quickly all the time. I have never...
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I would like to see Forcura do a regular review of their product. They could look and see what we...
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Forcura’s back-office version is great, and it has really streamlined our back-office process for...
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With Forcura’s support, we hit the help button and create a ticket, and we message back and forth...
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Forcura should work on their mobile app. They have a mobile app that the clinicians use to get...
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When Forcura puts out little releases, like fixes or upgrades, they definitely don't tend to have...
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Loyalty, Product
Forcura is working on some things, but maybe not as quickly as they would hope. Forcura is a little...
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Product, Value
Overall, things are going well with Forcura. The system has helped us save time. It also allows us...
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Relationship, Operations
I have been extremely satisfied with the vendor's training. The vendor is really good at...
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The electronic referral piece in Forcura has been of help. I would like the vendor to streamline...
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When Forcura puts out little releases or hot fixes, they don’t really have glitches. Once in a...
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Product, Value
The top benefits that we have seen from the system have been more convenience, a faster referral...
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From the beginning, the vendor has been very hands-on with their training. They make sure that we...
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Forcura is easy to use because of the mobile app.
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I really like the way we can securely capture documents. I really enjoy that we can build forms...
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There are two different perspectives. The way that we use the product is great. But I think Forcura...
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There are things in Forcura that we haven't used that I wish we would explore more. But with those,...
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With Forcura, I do not have a personal representative assigned to me. But I have also never felt the...
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Culture, Relationship, Product
Forcura definitely works as promoted, but I think they could do more. However, I really think the...
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Forcura gives great ongoing education, but I wish they were more helpful to individuals in...
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I would like to see Forcura improve their mobile application. Our users struggle to stay signed in...
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One of the best things about the system is its attachment console. That console gives us an easier...
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We just added a referral automation IQ through the system, and there was an extra fee for that. We...
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With Forcura, I don't feel like the last year has been successful. Their quality and service levels...
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I really do love the orders management in Forcura where it automatically sends and bypasses any...
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Forcura is a unitasker, and they need to expand beyond just the orders. They are good at the orders,...
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Relationship, Product
We have regular meetings with Forcura, especially about the pain points. They are trying to educate...
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The best part of using Forcura has been the system's order management and the fact that we can get...
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Relationship, Product
Our biggest pain point with Forcura is that we need to have a surgery schedule date added to the...
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The biggest positives that I have experienced with Forcura have been their customer service and...
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I would tell someone considering Forcura that it is a good product. The top benefits of using...
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Forcura is easy and very user friendly.
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Forcura will say that they fixed an issue, and things may be good for a little while, but then the...
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Forcura is easy to use and user friendly. It makes the job of uploading orders to the EMR much...
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Relationship, Product
I would like Forcura to help with other documents that the field clinicians have to get into the EMR...
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Product, Value
The top benefit of Forcura is the integration with our EHR. The system has been fantastic compared...
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I would love to see Forcura build out more integration. For example, the only patient profile...
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There is a bit to be desired with the vendor's mobile user training and clinical training, but their...
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I can't express enough how great the system is for communication. Everyone is assigned a client...
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Our relationship with Forcura is good. They are very communicative. We have unfortunately had an...
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Across the board, Forcura has great programs. The order management, referral management, and...
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Relationship, Product
We have a lot of rural areas where the reception is not great, but Forcura has been able to meet...
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With some of the newer features that Forcura has, everything is being charged separately. We are...
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Thanks to Forcura, we have seen increased efficiencies with our admissions processes and with our...
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With the back-office version of Forcura, users can't see whether someone else is in a document...
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Loyalty, Product
Forcura is a great product. I am glad that we have stayed with it. There are some things in the...
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Relationship, Product
We can create fillable PDFs in Forcura so that we don't have to fill things out with a pen and...
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The sole reason we purchased Forcura was for orders management. Our previous EMR didn't have a way...
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Our clinicians have multiple devices, like their phones and tablets, and they can sign in to Forcura...
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We normally experience an issue with the app when it comes to signing in. We get an error message....
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Our go-live for the system was smooth, and we received great support.
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
Regarding having all the functionality that we need, I can just identify something that Forcura is...
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I definitely think there are things that could be added to Forcura. From the support side, it would...
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Forcura’s support team is amazing and very helpful. Our account manager is very proactive in letting...
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It is nice to have an order management system that can work in all of our service lines. We have...
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I'm enjoying the service. We had a different solution before, and Forcura is far superior to that....
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Relationship, Product
Forcura has some problems when we are faxing things out and things are hanging in the queue. The...
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Relationship, Product
Forcura just did some new updates related to the referrals, so they deliver new technology that...
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Forcura's solution is a good product overall. We get amazing support and a really user-friendly...
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Relationship, Product
I would like the product to have greater customization capabilities. It allows us to add custom...
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Loyalty, Product, Value
If we tried to deploy patient referral management technology with another vendor, we could do that...
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I don't feel like the vendor has given us a lot of training. Also, there have been times when the...
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The vendor does a decent job with how they charge us. They do a census check on a routine basis....
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Product, Value
One benefit of this product is the effective management of the intake operational workflow. The...
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The ease with the movement of information in Forcura is something that has definitely helped with...
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Forcura is willing to listen to needs and try to respond to them. It doesn’t take 500 people saying...
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Forcura could work on being able to better populate content into a referral. Also, Forcura charges...
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I'm not sure whether this is on the road map, but Forcura could work on expanding their...
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Implementing Forcura was pretty seamless, and the vendor was able to quickly integrate the solution...
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Relationship, Operations
I like that Forcura gives us an idea of what is on their timeline. We have regular meetings with...
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Forcura is definitely worth the investment we are putting into it, and I don’t know how we would be...
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Forcura gives us a great visualization of the status of the orders. We can see whose responsibility...
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We use the referral management piece with Forcura. We use Forcura for order tracking, and all of our...
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Loyalty, Product
This is extremely minor, so I wouldn't even call it a problem, but I use Forcura for a certain...
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Forcura’s customer service is excellent. Anytime I put a ticket in, they respond right away. They do...
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Loyalty, Product
The integration of the referral information piece and our order processing piece is a big deal for...
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We have even recently looked at some other products, and a video capability would be something that...
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The vendor could work on utilizing AI to streamline how the document management flow happens. The...
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We get excellent service from our representative at Forcura. Anytime we have an issue, we reach out,...
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We have had a really good experience working with Forcura. They definitely stepped up before others...
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When we were looking to change products, there were no questions from our EMR provider as to who the...
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Product, Value
Using Forcura has definitely been a game changer for us. It has probably eliminated a full head...
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Forcura has done nothing but improve. I like the fact that they have reached out to us multiple...
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Forcura does a pretty good job of managing our faxes, but sometimes it is hard to find faxes, and we...
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As far as expanding the product base is concerned, we would like Forcura's product to integrate with...
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Product, Value
Forcura has increased our efficiency with our clerical staff because orders and signed documents...
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Relationship, Product
The only thing I struggle with is that Forcura is not putting enough effort into resolving the big...
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Forcura is constantly in contact with me and sending me information. I usually have regular...
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I don't think Forcura charges for every little thing; they are just very expensive. The Forcura...
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Forcura took the lead on the implementation and made sure that we had what we needed and that we...
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My main message is for Forcura to take enhancement requests seriously. Companies like us barely have...
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We primarily looked at Forcura. We ultimately picked Forcura because they did offer a service where...
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The top benefits of using Forcura’s technology are their implementation and their customer service....
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We don't really have any problems with Forcura. Occasionally, faxes don't come through, but...
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Forcura’s implementation is great. The vendor works well with software vendors. I was very surprised...
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Forcura worked well with our other software, and any issues that we had with the implementation...
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Relationship, Operations, Product
With the mobile software, we get pretty remote in some areas, and we don't have cell phone service....
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The vendor has come out with some new things over the course of the last few years, and I don't feel...
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We met a lot of the executives at a conference we went to. They chimed in at the beginning, and a...
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Loyalty, Relationship
Forcura follows through. They have a good road map of things that are up and coming, and they seem...
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Relationship, Product
I do calls with other clients who either are looking at getting Forcura, don't know how to utilize...
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Forcura increases the efficiency of our intake and medical records department. I am not an end user...
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We haven't really faced any issues with the vendor nickel-and-diming us. Generally, things have been...
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The vendor's upgrades are pretty transparent. We don't really see any implementation services from...
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Loyalty, Relationship
We haven't seen many significant changes to the product considering what we had when we started...
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Loyalty, Product
There is an inherent flaw in the system’s technology that I haven’t seen the vendor address. The...
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There are other tools out there that have communication aspects, but Forcura has a few more things...
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