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User Commentary
We have always used MedeAnalytics just to pull data, and I’m very satisfied with it because the...
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Operations, Product
We just upgraded MedeAnalytics' system, and the physician billing side is complex. It is very hard...
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Product, Value
I really like the product. It works. It is much easier to manipulate things in Revenue Integrity...
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Culture, Relationship
We loved the vendor's former model of customer service and how they helped us set up reports. Their...
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Culture, Value
Apart from the vendor's add-on costs for their new customer service model, I do not feel...
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The quality of the vendor's training has changed. They have done a complete 180. Before, the vendor...
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The vendor's support team is pretty responsive. When we talk to them about our unhappiness with...
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Operations, Product
The vendor has a lot of new technology. They are developing their products well for the revenue...
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