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User Commentary
Our host site is pretty good about making sure that we do the system's training.
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There are five ways to chart one thing in the system. If we don't look at all five ways, we could...
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Relationship, Operations
Our host site only gives us information on upgrades when they are pushing them out. They are also...
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Our host site is hard to get in contact with. Sometimes, we will put in a request for improvement or...
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Our training is pretty much nonexistent. There is no ongoing training from Epic. They never reach...
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Overall, I am satisfied with Community Connect EpicCare EHR. I have worked with other products that...
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We piggyback off of another facility for Community Connect EpicCare EHR. I don't know whether that...
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Epic's capabilities are so extensive that adding for customization is problematic in that the system...
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Loyalty, Product
Community Connect Resolute is still the best out there regarding overall capabilities and...
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Relationship, Operations
If someone buys their services from Epic, then Epic is their implementation provider unless they...
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Relationship, Operations, Product
We just had an update for Community Connect, and we had a couple of glitches on the first day, but...
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I would like to see slightly better training for Community Connect. Everything is on the computer,...
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Relationship, Product
Sometimes bigger facilities that aren't on Community Connect have tools available to them that...
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Loyalty, Product
I need more robust reporting. The reporting is the worst part of the system. I would like to see...
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I would suggest that Epic make the professional billing side of Community Connect Resolute work more...
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With Community Connect Resolute, we have been able to automate a lot of things so that my billers...
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The revenue cycle system is a reflection of what happens in the clinical bills. If a patient is in a...
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Operations, Product
Where we failed in our cycle was that we did not do enough testing of our daily routine to test the...
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We already had some additional connections with the hospital, and they were able to get us a...
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Relationship, Value
Whether our host keeps their promises is kind of half-and-half. I don't think this is intentional,...
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Culture, Value
Our host is pretty good about not charging for every little thing. They will let us know upfront...
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Our host has a focused, disciplined group that keeps us on task for upgrades and projects, but I...
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Product, Value
We want to integrate our IV pumps into the solution, but there are charges by Epic and our host....
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Moving to Community Connect EpicCare EHR was a huge change. Our providers were initially reluctant...
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Loyalty, Operations, Product
It was difficult to get Community Connect. Our medical staff was somewhat resistant because we did...
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The functionality has done what we need. However, we still grapple with how to meaningfully get out...
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We have a statewide health information exchange, and we send and receive data to non-Epic users...
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Relationship, Product
In a small hospital, we wear many hats. So it is quicker to get things done in a smaller setting...
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Loyalty, Operations, Product
In the past, certain things weren't necessarily available to us. For example, our host organization...
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Operations, Product
Unless our users are already experienced with Epic's system when they come to our facility, it does...
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Loyalty, Relationship
The host organization could give us more ongoing optimization opportunities. I'm not sure whether we...
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As far as getting our money's worth goes, we would like to pay less, but using Epic's system is an...
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We have regular check-in meetings and feedback for any outstanding issues with our host...
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Our process improvements could be better if the EHR would help guide documentation in certain ways....
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Loyalty, Product
We have a specialty, and it has always been disappointing that Epic's module for that specialty is...
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Loyalty, Value
It is hard to recruit IT support to our community. When we were researching EHRs, one of our...
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Relationship, Operations
We have had multiple client managers. The first person that our host assigned to our system was...
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Loyalty, Product, Value
The Community Connect EpicCare EHR product itself is good. It does what it is supposed to. I'm...
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Our host organization does have a help desk, but they have an automated process that will close our...
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During implementation, there could have been better communication in terms of making sure that we...
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We had the upgrade itself, and then we had more updates for Community Connect. One of the updates...
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Based upon what I hear from my analysts who have become credential trainers as well as what I have...
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Community Connect is meeting our needs, but there are a lot of missing things just based upon the...
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Loyalty, Value
We went with the Community Connect model because the acquisition costs seemed favorable. Because of...
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If it were my decision, I would buy Epic directly. I want more autonomy and control over features...
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With Community Connect EpicCare EHR, I like that I can see basically what is out there and what...
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The host site trains us on how to use Community Connect EpicCare EHR basically. They tell us very...
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If I were the vendor, I would have physician billing and hospital billing be very similar in...
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Resources are limited. Our host has their resources, and sometimes they aren't able to help us as...
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Loyalty, Product
I would buy Epic's EHR again but not the way that we did. I wouldn't go through another facility....
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I deal with our host more than Epic, although I do have Epic contacts, and they are great too. Using...
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Our host does a pretty good job in the background to keep us current and up-to-date, so I wouldn't...
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Loyalty, Operations
Wounds take time to heal with any EMR transition, but I would decide again to go with our host’s...
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We went from multiple EMRs to Epic's system. Obviously, that was a big selling point. It would have...
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Product, Value
The ability of our medical staff across departments to transition care has been excellent. We do not...
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Going live as an Epic Community Connect site is always challenging because we don't have as much...
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One of the challenging models Epic has is superusers. Those are difficult to grasp, especially for...
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Training is difficult for our host’s version of the system because each variation of the system is...
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One of the complaints we see from physicians is it feels like they are sold on a bill of goods that...
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We had our agreement in place, and our host was very open, cordial, and understanding if we had to...
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We have a leader assigned to us who we routinely work with on priorities and projects. The leader...
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One of the things that makes it challenging for a larger health system to provide the system to a...
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Operations, Product
Hospitals are more complex than the ambulatory side, so Community Connect EpicCare EHR has to be...
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Our host organization brought in external resources for our training, and we weren't a huge fan of...
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Coming off of our previous EHR system, one of my favorite things about Epic is they aren’t a...
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I do have access to some of the direct Epic training, and that has been very useful. It is a bit...
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Community Connect EpicCare EHR just flows nicely. We can split our screens and easily toggle from...
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This is a very specific thing that isn't really too important, but I would like to have the ability...
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Community Connect EpicCare EHR is user friendly with robust reporting. I am very happy with the...
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Community Connect EpicCare EHR is great. We have had no problems or issues. We have recommended the...
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I have never had a problem with Epic’s customer support team. They are very efficient and fast. They...
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Our host’s bill doesn't really go up besides the regular percentage every year. We don't really get...
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Community Connect EpicCare EHR has been an interesting install. On our regular executive meetings,...
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The improvement we would like to see in the product is how our host sets up lab reportables and...
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Our host had training, and they had to have continual meetings. For a while, we were still trying to...
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The product is so intuitive. It is smart, and relevant things present to us. We get female things...
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Our host didn't have something figured out with billing, but that has recently been fixed. We can...
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Loyalty, Product
If we let the system do what it is supposed to do, it works. I love the work queues and how the...
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Culture, Product
The struggle with our host has been their understanding of professional billing versus hospital...
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What I like about Community Connect Resolute is how we can set up different rules to make things...
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Our billers got training from our host, but we had a lot of manual processes in place from legacy...
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Loyalty, Product
The one thing that we are missing in Community Connect EpicCare EHR is the ability to have clinical...
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The Community Connect EpicCare EHR system is amazing, but some of our providers are not keen on it....
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Community Connect EpicCare EHR is superior to anything out there right now. My only caution is that...
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Operations, Product
With Epic, the story is that it is all about picking the right host when using the Community Connect...
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The host we are with initially started out with a fairly flat model, and they have started to...
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In general, Epic's EHR has kind of come to be the standard for EHRs. The fact that it is integrated...
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Our Community Connect person is amazing. They are very responsive. However, Epic is sometimes a...
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Our Community Connect host does the best they can with training, but we have to take that training...
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It seems like Epic adjusts what their rollout will be until minutes before it is actually deployed....
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Loyalty, Operations
Community Connect Resolute is great. I think it is going to be a game changer for us. We had a...
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Our host has not been a great Community Connect host. We have had lots of unexpected outages and...
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Product, Value
We have used Epic's system for many years now, and the restricted ecosystem has always been a little...
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Money is a big deal to us. We would like a closed-loop system where we control everything, but we...
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It takes our host’s support team a while to do things, but they are good. We get a lot of emails...
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At times, I am dissatisfied with how we are trained by our host. I feel like we have to train...
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Community Connect EpicCare EHR isn’t always as intuitive as it should be, but that might be because...
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Relationship, Operations, Product, Value
Epic is not built for smaller hospitals, so it takes a bit of work to get some of the upgrades and...
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Relationship, Product
We are part of a larger community with Community Connect, so we are able to use multiple resources...
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Relationship, Operations
Epic keeps their promises, but our host site doesn't. When we do upgrades, our host site doesn't...
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When it comes to new technology, our host site may not always turn on certain features, but they do...
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I don't think that our host site staffs their support team well enough. We have been waiting for...
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The system is simple and intuitive when it comes to navigation, training new users, and completing...
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The support that we get from our host site can be very frustrating at times, but that is because of...
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Operations, Product
I don't know how contained other organizations that have Community Connect are in terms of...
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Some of the costs from our host site seem inflated. We have internal people who could do something...
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Our previous EMR was terrible and a piece of garbage. Compared to that, Epic's solution is really...
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Our recent upgrades for the system have gone quite well, but we have had major issues with training...
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We know that there are things in the system that could be more integrated. We are dependent on our...
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I have been really impressed this year with how Epic has brought in a lot of document support for...
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Relationship, Product
I don't think that Epic is great with their proactive service. Epic is very siloed. Reporting in...
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Community Connect EpicCare EHR does what I want it to do. I like its order sets. I think they are...
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Product, Value
Epic definitely drives tangible outcomes. One of the best things about Epic is that we can see a...
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Relationship, Operations
Our billing process is different from that of other facilities, but our host doesn’t listen to us...
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Loyalty, Product
The integration with Community Connect EpicCare EHR doesn’t work right now, but it will work better...
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Based on our experience, I wouldn’t recommend Community Connect EpicCare EHR, but improvements are...
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Loyalty, Relationship
Things with our host site are getting more collaborative. We have more on-site support, and some of...
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Our host is still learning. We knew there would be some issues, but our installation of Community...
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The training given to our host site by Epic wasn’t the greatest. They had training for some things,...
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Culture, Value
We have invested multiple times the amount we were originally quoted to implement Community Connect...
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It took a lot of pushback to get our host to pay attention to the fact that things were not going...
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Relationship, Value
Our host used to send people to fix things on our dime, but they apologized and started sending...
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Relationship, Product
With us being a Community Connect site, we don't get everything that Epic truly offers, so that has...
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Overall, Epic's system has great functionality and has probably been one of the better EHR systems...
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Product, Value
Our host isn’t on the latest and greatest version, so we don't always get all the updates. We have...
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Overall, things with Community Connect Resolute are going well. It is easy for our staff to use and...
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Loyalty, Product
Unfortunately, we use Community Connect Resolute. We couldn't afford Epic's full system, but we...
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Epic's training is pretty basic. Epic doesn't train people on how to use their workflows. They train...
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Epic tends to oversell themselves. They don't make any promises, so I guess they do keep their...
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Relationship, Product
Epic is starting to make some changes to things that were already working and easy to use. We feel...
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My biggest issue with Epic right now is that we are seeing more and more patients come in with their...
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The difficult thing with Epic is that everything has to go through our host site. When I have an...
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I am not sure what we are paying Epic, but with what I know from my history with them, we are...
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The system is good for what it does. The vendor's upgrades are usually useful. The system is stable....
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Whether I would recommend the system to others would depend on their budgets. Epic's systems are...
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It is very frustrating to not be able to find John Smith's CBC result that was done at another...
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I received a lot of initial training from Epic, but we haven't done much ongoing training. Epic's...
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Loyalty, Operations, Product
Every EHR is a pain. Community Connect EpicCare EHR has a learning curve. I am sure that it will get...
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Relationship, Operations
Since I have been at this organization, the host has done a pretty good job with the implementation...
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Product, Value
My biggest challenge with the Community Connect product is that sometimes new features are not...
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Our host site is very short staffed, and we have noticed a significant decrease in services over the...
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We would like to see more training specific to us as a Community Connect site. Our host site is a...
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Loyalty, Product
Things are getting better with our payer platforms in the system, but we would like to see more...
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When we set the system up many years ago, we were a smaller organization. As we have grown, it would...
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The main functionalities that are lacking from the system are on its reporting side. A lot of those...
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Relationship, Product
We have requested multiple new technologies that have been out there and on our tickets for a long...
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Relationship, Value
Epic tries to keep their promises, but the monetary value to the host is disproportionate to the...
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Epic's product is so expensive. But at some point, we have to step back and say that that is the...
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The implementation was absolutely fantastic. The Epic implementation process is a prescriptive...
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Epic is extremely impressive. But Community Connect should not be the first choice. It should be the...
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Culture, Product
I would like Epic to make the hosts' financial penalties meaningful if there are outages because if...
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Relationship, Product
We have a lot of problems with our Community Connect partner. The issue is just the burden of...
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The medication reconciliation process works a lot better in the Epic EHR than in other EHRs. It is a...
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Our host site's support people aren't being very responsive right now. They just aren't quick. They...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
I like the direction Epic is going in with their ambient listening features to help their providers...
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Operations, Product
Our host site assists us with our interfaces. When we first went live, our host site didn't have a...
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If I need an Epic technical coordinator, I can reach out to them. Usually, I will go through the...
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Relationship, Product
Our organization is very small, so we couldn't go standalone if we wanted to. Epic wouldn't sell to...
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