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User Commentary
There are some tools in Epic Grand Central that seem a little advanced for our end users. There are...
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Epic tries to keep their promises. Sometimes they miss the mark. The problem is a lot of the...
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Loyalty, Product
Epic Grand Central is probably as it was promoted and works like Epic says it will work. Using the...
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Loyalty, Product
With the bed requests, the information tends to be inaccurate, so I have to go into the chart to...
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The system is very slow. Epic gave us a huge upgrade recently, and that made an improvement, but the...
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Epic could do a little better with support. When we have a question, the support team should answer...
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Relationship, Product
We have dashboards that are specific for particular things we can monitor. Epic is definitely making...
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We don't have predictive analytics here. I need it but don't have it. Epic's system is kind of...
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Epic Grand Central’s biggest strength is the ability to sort patients in multiple ways. I can see...
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We haven’t had any ongoing training for Epic Grand Central.
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With Epic Grand Central, we make a bed plan for many hospitals. On the bed planning home page, it...
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One of the major benefits of Epic Grand Central is the transparency across the organization. I can...
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Loyalty, Product
The reporting is where we need more growth. If we are transferring a patient from one campus to...
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Relationship, Product
Throughout the years, Epic has allowed the IS department to change some of the viewing options in...
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Loyalty, Product
Epic could mainly improve the reports I can get out of Epic Grand Central and my options to add more...
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Usually, interaction with Epic is through the IS people. There were a few people from Epic who came...
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I like Epic Grand Central. It works very well. It is easy to use for the most part. If I want to...
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The ease of use in Epic Grand Central is good. It can sometimes be clunky, and it doesn’t always...
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Epic is very responsive, and they answer our questions quickly.
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The promises might not come as soon as I want them, but they tend to eventually come. Right now, we...
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Epic Grand Central does a good job of integrating deeply into existing processes and engaging an...
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I would like the product to have more automation. We need automated, standardized notifications. For...
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Culture, Value
People can get Epic Grand Central, but they don't realize that they have to buy cameras and videos....
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Epic should understand our organization and reach out, but that doesn’t happen very often.
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There is a lot to be desired in Epic Grand Central. Epic doesn’t have a computer vision at all, and...
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Epic doesn’t provide training templates with their solutions, and those would be helpful.
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Loyalty, Product
We are really happy with Epic. We routinely reevaluate our ROI to see whether we made the right...
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The biggest thing that Epic could do to improve is make it easier to see, in the aggregate, a...
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I didn't hear any complaints about the vendor’s implementation services or any recent upgrades, so...
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We are operationally trailing where Epic could be with us. That is not a knock on their...
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Epic Grand Central is really expensive, and Epic makes us do so much work on our end. It would be...
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It sometimes takes forever for Epic to get us fixes for things, and sometimes they can never fix...
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Epic does avoid charging for every little thing, but if we really need to get something done, we may...
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The number-one strength of Epic Grand Central is that a lot of other hospitals are using it; that...
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Even though Epic's product is one system, they have different modules such as Radiant, OpTime, and...
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We have to send people virtually for training, but Epic does a good job when we do that.
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I would recommend Epic Grand Central just because there is not much else out there that we can use....
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I don't really know that Epic has done much upgrading with Epic Grand Central's Transfer Center...
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Epic Grand Central is a solid product, and I am confident in the data that I am getting from it. It...
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Epic Grand Central doesn't meet all of our needs. Our next step after getting the wonderful...
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Epic's support is pretty good. There is a very responsive person at Epic who helps us. Epic is also...
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Loyalty, Operations, Product
A while ago, there was an update that didn't go well at a different institution, so we held off on...
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Operations, Product
The vendor's new technology sometimes messes things up. We aren't thrilled about that. The most...
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I think that Epic Grand Central supports organizations' integration goals as long as those...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Operations, Value
I would buy the product again. We partnered with another facility when we went live, and we had some...
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The training provided to us and our employees initially is just navigation training. We do much of...
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Operations, Product
The product is pretty easy to use. The biggest issue is upgrades. Most of our upgrades are usually...
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Based on my experience, I predict my overall satisfaction with the product will increase. Epic is...
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Epic does a great job of keeping us in the loop. We have development calls with them to give them...
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From my perspective, we have reduced our administrative burden. If we are going to be sending all of...
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Loyalty, Product
We use all of the functionality that Epic offers in the Epic Grand Central space. We got rid of the...
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If Epic put out a product or a functionality, we would try our best to use it.
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Relationship, Product
I feel like a lot of Epic’s work is just keeping up with all the new regulations that are coming...
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Epic avoids charging us for every little thing. There are some things they have charged for, but I...
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Product, Value
Epic Grand Central is a good product. I would probably share with others the value of investing and...
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Loyalty, Product
There are several enhancements that we have asked Epic for that would help us to be more efficient...
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Something that has felt counterintuitive in Epic Grand Central has been the contact listing and...
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We use bed planning in Epic Grand Central, and that works very, very well. However, we recently had...
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The reporting that comes out of Epic Grand Central is amazing and is one of the things that I...
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Operations, Product
Epic Grand Central keeps on getting upgraded, and the upgrades make it worse every time. The...
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Relationship, Product
Epic keeps their promises, but they take forever. Epic will say they have something, but then we are...
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Loyalty, Product
I would buy Epic Grand Central again because the entire world is on it. I would have the...
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We will hopefully get to be able to record calls and have order sets and things like that within the...
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Relationship, Product
Because Epic is so reliant on customers building the solutions, things can become either disjointed...
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If I were to have an ideal situation, Epic would contact me regularly and ask how things are. I...
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Epic Grand Central is just a great, integrated tool for managing patient flow, and Epic is doing...
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Epic does some nickel-and-diming. I haven't heard any major complaints. I'm sure there have been...
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My recommendation of Epic's system really depends on whether someone knows how to customize it. If...
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Product, Value
The main plus of Epic Grand Central is that we can get real-time data that we can utilize in the...
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Loyalty, Product
Epic's opportunity for improvement is that while they have some neat gadgets, things should be a lot...
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Loyalty, Product
We have adapted Epic Grand Central to meet our needs, and I'm pretty happy with it. The overall...
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Operations, Product
Epic Grand Central has a lot of flaws, and it needs a lot of work. But there are some good things in...
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Culture, Relationship
Epic does not keep their promises historically. They are getting a little better because they know a...
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I would tell a friend to ask Epic what Epic Grand Central is capable of and to try to use as many of...
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