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We have asked GE HealthCare for customers who are further down the road with enterprise imaging to...
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Relationship, Product
We have not seen a lot of new technology with Centricity Clinical Archive Solution. It is possible...
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Loyalty, Relationship
I don't work much with Centricity Clinical Archive Solution, but I am involved enough to know and...
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GE HealthCare has been working on strengthening the overall enterprise imaging offering, and that is...
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Operations, Product
Centricity Clinical Archive Solution is just old technology. Much of the solution is based on really...
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When GE HealthCare has a problem, they are pretty good at saying that they have a problem.
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I would tell someone asking about Centricity Clinical Archive Solution to do a broader search of the...
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When I think of the elements that make an archive work, I can see that Centricity Clinical Archive...
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Loyalty, Product
GE HealthCare has proprietary elements that, especially with their archive, make it so they are not...
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GE HealthCare does not adhere to their timelines related to fixing security problems. We wanted...
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Culture, Relationship
I have been dealing with GE HealthCare products for many years. They tell us about different things...
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The archive solution has overall been a pretty solid solution. The vendor's support through the...
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GE HealthCare’s service is proactive, and they do initiate communication and alerts about potential...
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GE HealthCare’s support is excellent. And their executives come to visit our executives. We are...
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The service depends on what online field engineer we get. The involvement is driven by the...
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GE HealthCare's executive involvement is high. We have to escalate everything in order to get things...
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GE HealthCare typically reduces services. Historically, we have had field engineers who were...
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Loyalty, Product
I probably wouldn't purchase GE HealthCare's system again. There are systems out there that are...
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GE HealthCare has not made a lot of progress on innovation around the VNA, but we are having better...
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Support from GE HealthCare has been getting better. It can still be slow, and it is not always...
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Loyalty, Product
We utilize Centricity Clinical Archive Solution for our radiology and cardiology images, but we hope...
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Loyalty, Relationship
The support has been better, and we see more of the team being able to help. We would like to see...
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Since everything in the system is automatic, there isn't a chance for us to set up filters in our...
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Loyalty, Product
We are really struggling with the archive and patient image combination possibilities because we...
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The product works, but it is on old software. I refuse to let my IT folks reboot the server for fear...
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The vendor's support people are always very knowledgeable, and they know exactly what needs to be...
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We have had to refute a lot of charges with the solution, but other than that, I would say that the...
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The vendor is really good in the training space. They have great trainers and a great team. I have...
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I am pained by the product’s upgrades. We had serious issues with an upgrade a while back.
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Relationship, Product
GE HealthCare is too slow to develop things. They don't get their product to market fast enough. I...
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Loyalty, Product
The vendor’s current architecture platform is not stable and has never been stable for us. The...
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Centricity Clinical Archive Solution is a very complex product. I wish GE HealthCare would have more...
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