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User Commentary
We are looking to grow the adoption of Nabla over the next 12 months. We have so many doctors who...
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Operations, Product, Value
Nabla is meeting our needs as far as price point and its effectiveness in note creation, and it is...
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The implementation was clean, but Nabla is still a new company, and we could have used more...
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Loyalty, Product
Nabla seems to be the only vendor who is really pushing forward with integrating with our particular...
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We have had instances where people started using Nabla and then said that they didn't want to keep...
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In our initial trial of Nabla, the completeness of the notes was one of the outcomes we saw. Another...
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Relationship, Product
With Nabla, we have had some issues with some of the technical behind-the-scenes work and...
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Relationship, Product
Nabla has been fairly well received, and the vendor has been a good partner. It is important to...
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Loyalty, Product
If someone told us they didn't even want to try Nabla, we would not turn it on for them. However,...
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Integration with our EHR is weak. But that is because of our EHR vendor, not because of Nabla. Our...
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I would buy the Nabla system again. We did a market survey, so we looked at the top leading ambient...
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Relationship, Operations
Nabla has kept their promises so far. They have delivered what we expected in terms of...
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There is only one version of Nabla because it is web based. It is automatically updated. In the...
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In my experience with Nable Copilot so far, we have really just had one price that we have had to...
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Nabla has acted on some of the feedback we have given them. That has been great. Nabla is very...
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There are certain clinical terms or diagnoses that Nabla Copilot might miss or leave out of a note....
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I would love it if Nabla could provide some materials that I could share directly with my team in...
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Nabla built a dash and mix panel to be able to look at utilization metrics. I would like to get some...
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Product, Value
Overall, Nabla Copilot performs well. I have used it with patients, and I have gotten a lot of...
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One of the reasons we are using Nabla's system is that we can use it as a Chrome plug-in while we...
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I wish Nabla were more proactive. They are responsive, and that is great, but I usually have to...
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Loyalty, Product
The biggest opportunity for improvement right now would be having a better organizational panel. We...
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We were very pleased with Nabla Copilot's implementation. Nabla offered to talk with and train...
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A key strength of Nabla Copilot is the device agnosticism. We can use the system with anything....
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Product, Value
Once we get people over their inertia to try new things in the middle of a busy clinic day, people...
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We have been looking at this system for a couple of years and were implementing another vendor’s...
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Nabla Copilot mostly does very well with discussions, but when it comes to some medication names or...
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Relationship, Product
I would tell a potential Nabla customer to try the product, see what it generates, and just be...
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Product, Value
One outcome from the product was probably increased accuracy of capturing what actually happens in...
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Culture, Value
The vendor doesn't charge for every little thing. They were very willing to work with us on a...
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Relationship, Operations
The vendor did have a recent upgrade. They did a good job communicating ahead of time what was going...
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The vendor's support is good; they actually respond more by email than anything else. Nabla Copilot...
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Nabla doesn't have the templates that we want. We do have the ability to do some customization with...
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Relationship, Product
Nabla definitely wants to improve their product. We can send them the notes that were produced and...
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Nabla Copilot isn't integrated with our EHR. We strictly run Nabla Copilot, and then we cut and...
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Nabla's data privacy was part of the reason that I went with them initially. There weren't a lot of...
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Nabla had a free test software that I tried out, and I was impressed with it. I had looked at a...
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Being responsive and really trying to understand the problems that we are trying to solve are the...
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The product works great if the customer has a single practice with a few people in one location, but...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Operations, Product
For others implementing this solution, my advice is just mainly to be aware that with the...
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We can do a number of custom instructions. We can tell the system to include clinical or...
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The one thing that we continue to struggle with Nabla Copilot from a language perspective is that it...
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Things have been a bit bumpy in the last couple of months, and I hope Nabla has corrected the...
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We met Nabla on the showroom floor, and the comparison between Nabla Copilot and another solution...
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Whatever Nabla is doing isn't working for us anymore. They are growing too fast, and because of...
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Nabla Copilot doesn't store audio. It does store transcripts. A visit happens, and then it becomes...
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Product, Value
Nabla Copilot has an impact on our physicians. The majority of them share that the system helps...
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Loyalty, Product
The burden to get Nabla Copilot in people's hands is relatively low. I do recommend just trying the...
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Nabla allows us to explore general comfort around AI in a clinical setting. I'm speaking purely from...
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Loyalty, Product
We pivot pretty quickly when it comes to technology. Something else could come along that is...
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The advice I would give to others implementing Nabla Copilot is to familiarize themselves with all...
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Nabla Copilot is great the majority of the time, and then a small portion of the time, it wigs out a...
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Product, Value
Documentation time for me personally is a relatively small part of why I like Nabla Copilot. A...
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Relationship, Product
We suggest Nabla Copilot to everybody. I include Nabla Copilot as a part of onboarding. I often...
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I have always found Nabla’s support team to be very responsive. Nabla Copilot produces a note, and...
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Tools for modifying a note right after it has been produced right there in the thing could be cool....
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It would be cool if we could feed Nabla Copilot the notes that we have taken in the past manually to...
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Relationship, Product
Nabla makes updates, and I am doing my thing, but occasionally, I will explore the Nabla Copilot...
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I don't even remember training, but I guess that is where I am saying things are great because Nabla...
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Relationship, Product
Nabla’s technology is really strong. The note quality is good, and that is really important....
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Nabla Copilot is not super intuitive. We need to have the extension up. There is the complication of...
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A major improvement needed for Nabla Copilot is the technical issue of using headphones. That would...
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Operations, Product
We could have had some more detailed standard operation procedures and workflows from Nabla, but it...
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The clinical benefits from Nabla Copilot were immediate. The financial and operational benefits will...
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Loyalty, Relationship
There were other vendors that we looked at. Unfortunately, there are not really great options out...
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Loyalty, Value
We were previously using another vendor whose solution did essentially the same thing as Nabla...
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Relationship, Operations
The advice I would give someone implementing Nabla Copilot is to work with the vendor and set up...
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Loyalty, Product
Nabla is very new to the integration world. They are not a client of our EHR vendor. I think that...
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Nabla’s support has been very timely. The support people get back to us very quickly. They are very...
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We put significant investment in the integration pieces, but for the cost of Nabla Copilot, it is...
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We didn't do a thorough search. We didn't know this technology even existed. We stumbled onto it....
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One big thing for us is most of our coding is complexity based. For a primary care practice or...
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Nabla Copilot is not perfect, but comparatively speaking, it is really good. It does everything it...
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One big opportunity for improvement is recognizing medications. That is tricky for anyone. I think...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
Nabla Copilot does a great job of summarization. It really understands the context of what is being...
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We created a pilot group at our company where we brought in five providers of various experience and...
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Nable Copilot has a monthly fee, so we don't feel nickel-and-dimed, and that is awesome. Also, the...
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Loyalty, Value
We looked at a lot of different tools, and we asked questions about each tool doing a good job in...
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Loyalty, Product
I would tell someone starting out with Nabla Copilot to let the tool solve 80% of their problems and...
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Nabla has grown their customer support group over the past few months. Nabla is very responsive. We...
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Loyalty, Product
Nabla Copilot does really well across different specialties. Noisy environments are just fine, and...
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Nabla doesn't ever store whole conversations. They take little snippets and deal with those. It is...
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Product, Value
Nabla Copilot makes it so that I can focus on the patient and the conversation that we are having...
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Loyalty, Product
Integration into our EHR is one thing that I'm waiting for, and it is coming. I would love to have...
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Product, Value
Nabla Copilot is amazing. I don’t have to remember or scribble down all the little details of...
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Relationship, Operations
I'm not sure how many other Nabla clients are in our specialty. But I was hoping to get more...
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The product is new and constantly helping improve the user experience. Because there are so many...
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The vendor's strengths are customization, turnaround time, and responsiveness to their users and...
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Loyalty, Operations
When we were looking at the market, the easiest way that we came to our decision was to have as many...
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Nabla could work on building out their enterprise tooling and system a bit better for the bigger...
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When we talked to the vendor, they had integration capabilities, but they are powering the solution...
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With the vendor's support, after every note, we have the ability to rate the quality of the note....
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I recommend the product to others every day. We were able to demonstrate the stickiness of product...
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Loyalty, Product
The product's feature sets are improving. We are leaning into additional investment with Nabla....
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The product provides the output we were looking for with easy customization, but we still have to...
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Product, Value
Nabla Copilot is an ambient AI medical scribing tool that gathers conversational information from...
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I found lots of need for customization to allow for flexibility on all the different opinions of the...
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Culture, Product
The vendor has been very focused on driving the best outcomes and quicker turnarounds for product...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
Nabla is definitely on a good pathway now. But if someone had asked me about Nabla a little while...
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Loyalty, Relationship
I hope that we continue to expand our use of Nabla Copilot, but we have been utilizing the program...
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Operations, Value
Customers are going to get out of Nabla Copilot what they put into it. If they are willing to work...
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Loyalty, Product
We saw dramatic increases within a short time of utilizing the product. Nabla Copilot is very...
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The product pretty much does what it says on the tin. The vendor is realistic, so they are not going...
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Relationship, Product
I don't know Nabla’s road map very much. Until they deliver something new, I won’t be as satisfied...
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Nabla Copilot needs integration to better meet our needs. Nabla Copilot is not integrated with our...
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The adoption of our ambient speech solution has been moderate. That is surprising; one would expect...
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Loyalty, Relationship
While Nabla Copilot is not life support that needs to be managed 24/7, we also don't want to start...
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In terms of improvements up to this point, Nabla has been wonderful to work with, responsive, and timely....
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Nabla provided office-hours training, and that meant the trainers were the engineers, so they were...
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Nabla Copilot is the cheapest product on the market. I think Nabla is now just finding that out. We...
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Loyalty, Product
We are early in the pilot project. We did see some improvement in same-day closures just with the...
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We have to pilot Nabla Copilot. We have to understand our users' needs and a good use-case scenario....
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Nabla Copilot is an ambient listening solution. It converts the transcript of a clinical encounter...
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We need more robust testing. Our EHR vendor makes their APIs available to anyone who meets their...
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The one thing I would highlight is how frustrated we were working with another ambient speech...
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I find Nabla pretty easy to work with. They are responsive and interested in our feedback. More than...
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Due to our overly complicated setup, Nabla Copilot was difficult to roll out. However, the vendor is...
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