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Relationship, Services
Whenever we are doing a new procedure that hasn't been performed at any of our centers, I'm able to...
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Loyalty, Relationship
Our organization decided to utilize a professional coding company like nimble solutions. The firm is...
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Overall, nimble solutions is great. I have people that I'm in consistent contact with through nimble...
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The only thing that I will say about nimble solutions’ leadership transition is that everything has...
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Operations, Services
Having the right codes reduces anything in A/R. The details of coding are important. I have basic...
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Relationship, Services
I wouldn't say nimble solutions exceeds my expectations, but they meet them for sure. I'm really not...
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If someone is struggling with coding and wants to ensure that they bill the right codes to insurance...
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Services, Value
nimble solutions is pretty good at time to coding, and the dropping of claims and bills is pretty...
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nimble solutions could be more proactive. There could be less of me finding something and asking the...
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The staff is great with their people skills and customer service. From a client relations...
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Loyalty, Relationship
We hired nimble solutions a while ago due to talking to people at various locations. We basically...
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I probably would recommend nimble solutions. In speaking with others, I would say the firm has been...
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Relationship, Services
Our experience with nimble solutions changing from National Medical Billing Services to what it is...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Services
Even a year ago I would have said nimble solutions consistently exceeded my expectations. Now, it is...
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Relationship, Operations, Services
I look at nimble solutions as being the leader in the industry when it comes to ambulatory surgery...
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I rate receiving my money's worth slightly lower than the top of the scale because we pay such a...
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Relationship, Value
I would rate the strength of partnership at the top of the scale, but I would also say that it feels...
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Relationship, Operations
I recommend nimble solutions all the time. They are an ethical company. That is one of the things...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Services
I'm disappointed with the change in nimble solutions' C-suite. There was a big change, and I'm not...
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Relationship, Operations
We have been contacted by our patients more since implementing nimble solutions' front-end services...
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Relationship, Services
We have a good partnership with nimble solutions. I have direct contact with them, and they are very...
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nimble solutions is doing really well. They are like multiple little billing companies in a huge...
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We have such a great team now with nimble solutions. We have a meeting on a regular basis, and that...
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With nimble solutions, there are so many avenues and resources in the big group, but I have a really...
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Relationship, Services
nimble solutions has come up with this new thing where the patient can immediately communicate with...
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Relationship, Services
If I have a surgeon with a new procedure coming in and I'm not sure whether that procedure is...
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Loyalty, Services
I don’t like the name nimble solutions. I preferred National Medical Billing Services. The name...
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Loyalty, Services
We separated from another management company, and nimble solutions was way ahead of what they were...
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Operations, Services
When we have our recurring finance meetings, I wish that the firm would read off the slides a bit...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Services, Value
Our person from the firm is very outgoing, personable, and professional. They just have a really...
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Operations, Services, Value
Things are going okay with nimble solutions. Things are hit or miss sometimes. I notice that they...
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We have a standard, agreed-upon billing rate in our contracts, so we don't have a lot of additional...
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Loyalty, Services
The industry for our facility type is small in general, so we often get other companies of our...
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Operations, Services
The firm could improve the turnaround time for A/R follow-up, ensure that they are working denials...
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nimble solutions could improve cash collections. Every dollar coming in is key to our viability....
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Relationship, Value
With nimble solutions, our A/R days in the most recent report were not good. For our facility...
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One of the issues we have had with nimble solutions, as far as the patient experience goes, is that...
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Relationship, Value
I wouldn’t recommend the firm's services. If someone came to me asking about nimble solutions, I...
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Relationship, Services
With some of the things we are working through currently, there is an opportunity for nimble...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Value
I have been a huge fan of nimble solutions, or National Medical Billing Services, and have referred...
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Relationship, Operations
Our account manager when we started was just amazing and did really great job. Our current person is...
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A patient said they would not come back to us for their second surgery because of our billing...
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I'm not pleased with the level of digging in that I'm seeing. I have a proposal from another billing...
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Even when I'm frustrated with a staff member because they aren't performing and are making mistakes,...
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We have never really had an issue with cash collections. There is a lot of transparency. We get...
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I have not been able to pinpoint where we get a lot of bounce backs on bills that are sent out where...
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There is a good chance that, through no fault of the firm, the scope of work with nimble solutions'...
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The firm has been very responsive. I like certain people very much. The firm has delivered...
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Relationship, Value
We used to have different accounts managers and executives from the firm for our facilities, so we...
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Relationship, Operations, Value
The firm set up a process for us where they go through denials, figure out what they can learn from...
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We have got this wonderful, phenomenal person who oversees our account. They have been with nimble...
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Relationship, Operations
The firm set up a certain dashboard for us so that we could have a specific data flow; they spent a...
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Relationship, Services, Value
Our A/R days have seen constant improvement with nimble solutions. That is also an area of focus,...
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I would tell someone looking at nimble solutions that they can’t just hand over their billing and...
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I hear patients complain about the firm, but I’m not sure it is fair to blame the firm. Although, I...
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Some senior people from nimble solutions have visited us, and we have a great relationship with...
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Relationship, Operations
nimble solutions has an amazing tool they built out in Power BI, so the firm does a lot of analytics...
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I have been with this firm for many years, and I would recommend them over and over. They just do...
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nimble solutions' services have a flat fee. We get what we pay for, and there is no hidden agenda....
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I have relations with some people not only on the executive side of nimble solutions but also on the...
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What would increase my satisfaction with nimble solutions' execution is if they could follow through...
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Relationship, Services
The key driver and the success of our relationship with nimble solutions is one account...
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Loyalty, Relationship
There is usually one person I can send a text to who represents the whole company, and I can ask...
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Relationship, Value
Our patients have a hard time getting somebody on the phone from nimble solutions, so we get quite a...
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The firm's strongest side is coding and charging things properly. They tend to code things very...
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Each individual at the firm is great. The system just doesn't work altogether. But at an individual...
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The firm reports their outcomes a lot; they pride themselves in doing things, but they are not very...
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Relationship, Value
The firm is a very large company. They do focus on what we do; they only do surgery center billing,...
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Relationship, Value
nimble solutions knows what they are doing and is knowledgeable; it is just that the execution part...
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Services, Value
I'm very happy with nimble solutions. Our A/R days are usually where they should be. nimble...
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I frequently get complaints from patients that they have problems getting answers on the phone to...
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What nimble solutions charges us for the work that they do is reasonable for the market and may even...
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We have proven the strength of our relationship with nimble solutions through all the years we have...
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nimble solutions' denials rate is not their fault. There are just forces in medicine where there are...
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nimble solutions does a much better job than some in-house billing solution vendors. We get better...
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nimble solutions' RCM services have been great. We have been customers of theirs for a long time,...
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Relationship, Services
I have a feeling that nimble solutions does not support our contact person very well. They are...
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Operations, Services
One thing that has been very consistent with nimble solutions is they use our medical record...
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Services, Value
nimble solutions' impact on our cash collections has been terrible. Their impact on our A/R days is...
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Operations, Services
nimble solutions' performance over the last year has been very poor. We use another group in our...
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Loyalty, Operations, Value
We don't call the firm nimble solutions because they are not nimble. We have been with them for a...
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Loyalty, Operations, Services
If someone is going to use nimble solutions, they had better be prepared to be an A/R hound. I no...
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Loyalty, Operations
My organization went with nimble solutions because they were the largest ambulatory surgery center...
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Payment posting is not great right now because nimble solutions took their staff offshore. I can't...
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The future outlook for nimble solutions is not great, and I'm not sure how to get beyond it. I don't...
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We don't pay nimble solutions a whole lot. We pay them less because of all the denials that were...
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We were supposed to have an increase in revenue by working with Nimble RCM, but we saw numbers that...
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Nimble RCM has good knowledge of what to bill, and they know who to go to in order to get an answer...
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Relationship, Operations
I have had really good staff members from Nimble RCM, but I have also had some not-so-good staff...
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Relationship, Value
Nimble RCM can get a clean claim filed and billed, but we catch them constantly doing certain things...
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Relationship, Operations
Nimble RCM outsourced a lot of things, and when I saw a lot of new people on my account, the firm...
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At one point, Nimble RCM said they would do something to help get our A/R down, but that was just...
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Relationship, Operations
Part of the problem with Nimble RCM is they are divided up into too many teams. They are trying to...
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Relationship, Services
One issue with Nimble RCM is they don’t break down the payments. They try to do a big batch and...
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Relationship, Operations
I was assured that we had one of Nimble RCM’s top people on an issue and that if I got something...
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Loyalty, Relationship
I wouldn't go with Nimble RCM again. I'm more educated on what is out there now. They used to be one...
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Relationship, Operations, Services
We have had a roller-coaster relationship with National Medical Billing Services. Sometimes things...
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I am confident in the firm’s coding. We had things audited by a third-party vendor, and the firm got...
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Relationship, Services
The firm is more reactive than proactive. We hear about issues months down the line. It would help...
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