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User Commentary
Operations, Product
Sometimes R1 promotes R1 Automation as a nonprogrammer thing, but a user really needs to be a...
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Relationship, Operations
When R1 did a major upgrade, they did a one-on-one training with me. Anytime we have an issue, R1...
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We have decent tech support, and the pricing is in line. The vendor is not nickel-and-diming us. If...
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Relationship, Operations, Product
The vendor's upgrades for R1 Automation have been slow at times. We are dependent on a contractor...
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Product, Value
We have been successful with R1 Automation. It works as promoted. I don't know how to scale it. That...
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Our company policy didn't allow us to build with R1. If we could have built with R1, we probably...
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Operations, Value
Whenever I needed help during the implementation, I reached out to R1, and they were responsive and...
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For R1, I haven't really done any training. The model was more learning as we went. I just learned...
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R1's support team has always been very responsive. There have only been a couple of key people that...
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R1 has an old-school Windows help menu that could probably be revamped, but it definitely gets the...
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Operations, Product
If I knew somebody had a mainframe and needed to write scripts against it, I would recommend R1 to...
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Unfortunately, we have decided that we are going away from R1. Our new EHR vendor has the tools for...
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Loyalty, Relationship
We have been using Cloudmed Automation for a long time. There is pretty smooth sailing with the...
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We are going to be closing down the project, and we probably won't renew the contract with R1....
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Cloudmed Automation is a great product. I enjoyed using it, and the operations folks sure liked it....
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Relationship, Operations
Training was available if we needed it for upgrades. And R1 was great at what they did. When R1...
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There have been a lot of changes over the years as the vendor got bought, but the core promise of...
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Relationship, Operations, Product
R1 is very good at upgrades. They have a portal, and they release a new version of the software with...
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Relationship, Operations
R1 doesn’t have training or phone and web support, but they are just one email away from answering...
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Loyalty, Relationship
R1 is heavily focused on the new clients that they are hosting because that is their new model....
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Relationship, Product
R1 could definitely do more on the integration front, but they are still actively working on it.
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We have not really worked with any executives for a while now, but we are not too needy. It would be...
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My team loves EMUE. It is a scripting language and logs in to any host system, and as an end user,...
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Culture, Relationship
The customer service and support have been maintained with the R1 acquisition. R1 has been...
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We are usually well informed about what is going on, but once every one or two upgrades, we will...
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R1 has a very good training staff that is very knowledgeable and has been around a long time.
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Relationship, Product
R1 promised us an automation tool that would work, and the promise has been broken because the tool...
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When I worked closely with R1, if I had a problem, I would call the support team. I also had a...
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Cloudmed Automation is not part of our long-term plans. It is something that I brought on when we...
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Loyalty, Product
Cloudmed was heavily integrated with another vendor of ours, but there were a couple of things with...
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Cloudmed Automation’s implementation was pretty straightforward. Our end users know that their...
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Relationship, Product
The last I heard, R1 was only working with the Soarian product. I don’t know whether they expanded...
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I love R1's customer service. Anytime we run into any kind of snag, we can send out an email and get...
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Relationship, Product
I don't have any suggestions for improvement for R1 at this point. They have done things that I...
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We really like the way the system handles files. We mostly use it to transfer files from point A to...
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We work directly with R1’s engineers quite a bit, and we are a longtime client of R1's for some of...
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We have personal support from R1. I have their email address and phone number, but that has always...
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R1 has provided us with training free of charge even after being with them for a long time. They...
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Relationship, Operations, Product
R1 comes out with new upgrades all the time. Every once in a while, they have one that has a flaw or...
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Operations, Product
I have been using it for a really long time, and maybe that softens my opinion a little. I don't...
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R1 needs to upgrade their FTP to meet current standards. That is an off-label use of the product,...
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Relationship, Product
R1 is pushing the boundaries all the time with this particular product, and they are always looking...
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R1 is currently having a problem with their web support. They have transitioned from company to...
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Product, Value
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the product allowed us to divert claims from going to the patient...
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Relationship, Product
The user community shares among itself pretty well. That is a good thing, and that is promoted by...
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We had a server with the software on it crash the other day, and everybody's hair was standing on...
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With R1, we work with a lot of the same folks who have been with the organization for a very long...
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R1 used to sell us separate service lines for different vendors. Now, there is really just one...
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I don’t really have a lot of complaints about R1's system. It does what it is supposed to do. There...
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Cloudmed Automation’s price went up quite a bit in the last couple of years, and we are limited to...
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Operations, Product
Jumping in and using Cloudmed Automation is not always the easiest thing. I actually have to...
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Loyalty, Product
I have heard R1 mention the future version of their platform. For their mere survival, they have to...
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R1’s support is great, but it has always been great. The contract services for consulting and script...
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Cloudmed Automation is very versatile and flexible. It does what it is designed to do. In the years...
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Cloudmed’s support team is excellent. They have never failed to respond on the same day for service...
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