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One thing we are trying to figure out is how we go ahead and look at things before they become a...
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We wouldn't be in business with VisiQuate if the system weren't actionable. We have built a series...
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Loyalty, Product
I'm looking for the vendor to really get more involved in AI. VisiQuate really needs to get AI, and...
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VisiQuate’s training is very generic and not specific to our kind of situation. When the vendor does...
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We are a very strong partner with VisiQuate. We are very much aligned. VisiQuate Analytics is our...
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VisiQuate Analytics is not part of our long-term plans. We are looking at moving to an internal,...
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I like a more light, nimble platform that is easy to use. VisiQuate wants to push things, but a lot...
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Relationship, Product
VisiQuate’s database is really good; it is good enough for our use. VisiQuate does really well with...
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I would tell VisiQuate to completely drop the whole concept of having an industrial-strength front...
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If somebody needed something industrial strength, some data normalization and standardization, and...
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Relationship, Product
VisiQuate doesn’t really have good QA practices. They aren't exactly getting the full business...
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I would tell someone looking at VisiQuate to ignore the idea of building reports and instead create...
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Relationship, Product
VisiQuate doesn’t have a data quality program, and that is a problem. They are in the process of...
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VisiQuate Analytics as a technology solution is rules based. We can create very detailed,...
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We had disparate data all over the place when we decided that we were going to leverage everything...
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Culture, Operations
I would have implemented the system differently, but my issues are more on my side than the...
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VisiQuate absolutely avoids charging us for every little thing. We have a set number of hours, and...
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VisiQuate needs to move closer to a real-time data exchange versus the day-and-a-half lag that we...
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