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Cerner Revenue Cycle Management, Report 3 of 4
Cerner Customers Cautiously Optimistic

author - Boyd Stewart
Boyd Stewart
author - Alex McIntosh
Alex McIntosh
August 29, 2019 | Read Time: 4  minutes

In August 2018, representatives from some of Cerner’s largest and most complex customers met with Cerner executives to participate in a transparent summit around revenue cycle success. The purpose of this summit was to provide insights that would enable Cerner to conduct a significant pivot to regain client confidence and deliver a world-class RCM solution. After the summit, Cerner made specific commitments to clients on when issues would be addressed. This report is a follow-up on Cerner’s progress toward those commitments.

Customers See a Pivot in Relationships; Waiting on Product Improvements 

Overwhelmingly, organizations using Cerner’s RCM solution report that their relationship with Cerner has improved since the August 2018 summit and that Cerner is becoming more transparent. Most feel that customer RCM success is a top priority for Cerner. The relationship improvements have been well received, and there is now a growing sense of urgency for Cerner to deliver tangible product improvements in order to meet expectations and maintain the goodwill they are working to reestablish.

On the Relationship

  • Two-thirds of respondents feel Cerner has made customer RCM success a priority.
  • 88% feel their relationship with Cerner is improving, up from 44% in Q1 2019.

On the Product

  • 56% of respondents cannot report a single “win” that Cerner has delivered since August 2018.
  • 88% are unsatisfied with tangible improvements since the August 2018 summit.
  • 94% report an urgent need for tangible improvements that directly impact their organization.
q2 2019 respondents do cerner customers feel that the relationship is improving

Cerner Makes Strides in Improving Relationships with Customers

Customers who attended the 2018 summit report improvements in their relationship with Cerner. Leadership changes, more attentive support, and increased transparency have improved customers’ impressions of Cerner. Some even call Cerner a partner in revenue cycle (something that was uncommon over the previous five years). These customers are “more encouraged” than they have been, but for this enthusiasm to continue, Cerner needs to deliver tangible results and changes to the product.

number of times respondents referred to cerner as a partner in revenue cycle
partner quotes

Most customers who feel Cerner has made noticeable improvements in execution since the 2018 summit feel those changes are around the relationship not the product.

customer agreement that cerner has made noticeable execution improvements since 2018 summit execution quotes
do you believe that cerner has made customer success in rcm a top priority how well has cerner provided personalized communication that gives you confidence that they understand how to help your specific organization

Perceived cultural changes within Cerner are the main driver for customer perceptions that the relationship with Cerner is changing for the better.

what has raised customer confidence that cerner is making needed changes
how productive were cerners most recent council meetings
during these council meetings how receptive was cerner to feedback

Customers Continue to Wait for Tangible Solution Improvements 

Nearly a year has passed since the August 2018 summit, and customers who attended have not seen meaningful improvements to the product. As a result, many report decreased confidence in the solution. As Cerner has become more transparent, some customers have found that the product is further from ideal than initially believed. Concern with the lack of tangible results continues to grow, and the need for results is becoming more urgent as time passes.

how close is cerner to delivering a world class rcm solution
satisfaction with tangible improvements since the august 2018 summit that have impacted your organizations rcm strategy
improvements quote
how well does cerner understand what it takes to deliver a world class rcm solution
how confident are customers that cerner will deliver a world class rcm solution

Customer Comments on the Need for Tangible Product Improvements 

product improvement quote 1
what has been the biggest rcm win that cerner has delivered for your organization since the summit in august 2018
product improvement quote 2
to what extent has klas fulfilled the challenge from cerner clients to report on cerners rcm progress klas involvement quote
what should klas do if anything to help engagement between cerner and your organization
how necessary is klas to facilitate a productive discussion between cerner and their client community moving forward
status of cerners commitments to customers
author - Robert Ellis
Project Manager
Robert Ellis
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