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Release of Information 2021
Differentiating Firms in a High-Satisfaction Market
The release of information (ROI) services market is a well-established segment with generally high overall client satisfaction. Market share leader Ciox Health and 2021 Best in KLAS winner MRO have long-standing experience in ROI; Sharecare and Verisma have smaller customer bases but are widening the field of options for healthcare organizations. To understand these firms’ strengths and areas of opportunity, this report explores their retrieval accuracy, ability to work with third-party requesters, and staff quality.
Ciox Health Shows Improvement; MRO Continues High Satisfaction
Client satisfaction with market share leader Ciox Health has improved over the last year, and their client base, which includes many large organizations, attributes much of this to a change in leadership and the presence of more-knowledgeable site managers. Improvements include a decrease in staff turnover, improved staff experience, and better partnership and strategic ability. Amidst these improvements, clients report that some challenges still exist (see next page). Clients of 2021 Best in KLAS winner MRO continue to report high satisfaction. Multiple respondents particularly highlight the firm’s strong partnership. Other satisfaction drivers include strong communication, fast turnaround times, and a willingness to work with clients to find ways to improve.
Sharecare & Verisma Show Promise
Sharecare has experienced strong growth over the last several years—initially used for ROI primarily by ambulatory organizations, they are now expanding into midsize and large acute care organizations. Clients value the quality and training of Sharecare’s staff and express optimism for the future. Verisma has seen slow yet steady growth of their smaller client base over the last two years; high satisfaction among larger clients indicates the potential to scale successfully as the firm continues to grow. Clients praise the strong technology platform that underlies the firm’s services and appreciate the firm’s focus on improving the ROI experience for patients.
Sharecare Executes High Retrieval Accuracy/Quality (for Mostly Midsize Hospitals); MRO Sees Occasional Misses
Rated primarily by midsize and small organizations, Sharecare is seen as providing high retrieval quality and accuracy, which clients often attribute to the firm’s well-trained staff and continuous quality checks. Clients report that Sharecare’s staff members are able to work reliably with little oversight and go above and beyond when working with frustrated patients or third-party requesters. Turnover among Sharecare’s staff is rare, and clients say the firm has quickly replaced the few staff members who didn’t meet expectations. Some clients cite turnaround time as an issue, attributing slower responses to Sharecare’s rigorous quality checks or to documents being sent by paper rather than electronically. Though strong in many areas, MRO has a handful of clients who report some inconsistency in the quality and accuracy of their retrievals due to MRO’s staff members not all following the same processes. There are also a few reports of MRO struggling to provide enough resources when needed. Clients recognize that when these misses occur, MRO works to both acknowledge and resolve them.
Ciox Health, MRO & Verisma Foster Positive Interactions with Third-Party Requesters
Ciox Health, MRO, and Verisma are rated highly for their ability to work well with third-party requesters. MRO clients are the most vocal in their praise. They say the firm’s ROI expertise and positive interactions with third parties lead to strong perceptions of partnership.
Inconsistent Staff Quality a Struggle for Some Ciox Health, Verisma Clients
Ciox Health clients report that amid the positive improvements the firm has made, there are a few lingering issues with turnover among the frontline staff, leading to inconsistent staff knowledge. The least satisfied Ciox clients also note that Ciox’s internal teams tend to operate in silos and that there is inconsistency in the firm’s contracting and billing processes. Verisma clients appreciate that the firm’s managers and executives are available and responsive when problems arise. On the other hand, frontline staff members are sometimes slow to ramp up, especially at the beginning of an engagement or when the staff members are new. This leads to inconsistent quality and the need to replace some resources.
Proposed HIPAA Changes
In December 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would modify HIPAA privacy rules, including potentially shortening the time to respond to patient record requests and changing the content of notices of privacy practices. If these changes are enacted, healthcare organizations will be seeking clarification and assurance that their ROI partners are responding appropriately.
About This Report
Each year, KLAS interviews thousands of healthcare professionals about the IT products and services their organizations use. These interviews are conducted using a standard quantitative evaluation, and the scores and commentary collected are shared in reports like this one and online in real time so that other providers and IT professionals can benefit from their peers’ experiences. To enable readers to more quickly understand high-level differences in vendor performance and give better context as to how each product compares to other offerings in the market, KLAS has organized the questions from the standard evaluation into five customer experience pillars— loyalty, operations, services, relationship, and value.
To supplement the customer experience insights gathered with the standard evaluation, KLAS also used a separate, supplemental evaluation to interview a smaller sample of customers regarding issues specific to the release of information market. All customer feedback related to accuracy/quality and interactions with third-party requesters comes from this supplemental evaluation.
The data in this report was collected over the last 18 months; the number of unique responding organizations for each firm is given in the chart below.
What Does “Limited Data” Mean?
Some products are used in only a small number of facilities, some vendors are resistant to providing client lists, and some respondents choose not to answer particular questions. Thus a vendor’s sample size may vary from question to question and may not reach KLAS’ required threshold of 15 unique respondents. When a vendor’s sample size for a particular question is less than 15, the score for that question is marked with an asterisk (*) or otherwise designated as “limited data.” If the sample size is less than 6, no score is shown. Note that when a vendor has a low number of reporting sites, the possibility exists for KLAS scores to change significantly as new surveys are collected.
Overall scores are measured on a 100-point scale and represent the weighted average of several yes/no questions as well as other questions scored on a 9-point scale.

Elizabeth Pew

Project Manager
Natalie Jamison
This material is copyrighted. Any organization gaining unauthorized access to this report will be liable to compensate KLAS for the full retail price. Please see the KLAS DATA USE POLICY for information regarding use of this report. © 2025 KLAS Research, LLC. All Rights Reserved. NOTE: Performance scores may change significantly when including newly interviewed provider organizations, especially when added to a smaller sample size like in emerging markets with a small number of live clients. The findings presented are not meant to be conclusive data for an entire client base.