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Slicing the CT Market Slicing the CT Market
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Slicing the CT Market
Next Generation, 64, and 16

May 8, 2009

New CT technologies are pushing the envelope of capability and patient safety, and next generation capabilities of CTs are positively impacting patient care. These technologies provide clinical value to formerly challenging cases which translates into higher-quality exams, quicker exam times, and better clinical decision making.

Prices have come down for certain models as CT technology has advanced. Once the premium models, 16-slice scanners have seen consistent demand recently despite the introduction of 64-slice CTs because prices have dropped somewhat.

This study found that all CTs largely perform as expected. What seems to differentiate client experience is the non-product service, such as what the vendor does when a provider's x-ray tube goes out, how the vendor handles additional training for software upgrades, and how the vendor responds when a new industry standard is adopted that impacts a provider's business.

For years the "big iron" vendors for CT consisted of GE, Philips, and SiemensNow, Toshiba must be included in that group due to its rapid market share growth, the introduction of highend technologies, and the fact that clients report a superb relationship experience.

Other vendors that have significant CT installations outside the U.S., such as Hitachi and Shimadzu, have not yet penetrated the U.S. marketplace to any appreciable degree.

author - Robert Ellis
Project Manager
Robert Ellis
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