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User Commentary
Some of our problems are probably more a function of how we use Amion Physician Scheduling because...
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We had a few struggles when Amion introduced their newest version of Amion Physician Scheduling...
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Culture, Relationship, Operations
Amion definitely does their best to keep their promises, but there was one project that took a while...
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Product, Value
The API for Amion Physician Scheduling is pretty accessible. My team leverages the Amion data in...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
Amion Physician Scheduling is getting better. A lot of enhancements are coming down the pike, and...
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Amion is making a lot of improvements in training. A lot of the infrastructure that they have today...
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Relationship, Product
Prior to Amion’s acquisition by Doximity, they had a really small team, and there were instances...
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Operations, Product
Amion Physician Scheduling is really easy, but I have been using it for years, and when I first...
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When I need something, Amion gets back to me, and I have a really good relationship with the...
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Loyalty, Product, Value
Recommending Amion Physician Scheduling to someone would depend on their scheduling needs. If they...
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Relationship, Product
There are times when there is an issue with Amion’s platform or service or we can't access the...
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Amion is really not charging us a lot of money at all. I have run the numbers, and we are saving a...
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Loyalty, Product
Amion Physician Scheduling is a great platform for physician scheduling, but there are other types...
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Relationship, Product
I have a good relationship with Amion, and the system is working well for us now, but if I saw...
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Product, Value
From an analytical standpoint, I might not buy the product again just because it is such a fragile...
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One thing we have been wanting with Amion Physician Scheduling is extraction capabilities. We are...
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Amion’s support team has been fine when I have reached out to them, and the people I have worked...
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Operations, Product
I hear a lot about the number of steps from end users, and part of the reason is training. Amion...
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One of Amion’s strengths is the customer service. I generally get a really quick response when I...
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Operations, Product
One complaint from newer users of Amion Physician Scheduling is that the user interface is not as...
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Loyalty, Relationship
Within the last year, Amion has hooked us up with a customer-success liaison, and they have been...
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Relationship, Product
For the last little while, we have been working with Amion on some of the security changes that they...
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Loyalty, Product
From an end-user perspective, it is easy to read the schedules and quickly understand who is on call...
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Relationship, Product
We have had some bumps in the road over the years, but as of late, Amion has made a lot of positive...
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Loyalty, Product
We have received user feedback about the system, but that is nothing against the vendor. It is...
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There is nothing that stands out about Amion, but we have regular cadence meetings with our point of...
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Loyalty, Product, Value
For others who are looking at the system, I would emphasize its ease of access for physicians. The...
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Our implementation of and training for Amion Physician Scheduling actually went really well. We set...
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Loyalty, Product
What I would really like to see from Amion is dual integration where Amion Physician Scheduling not...
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Besides emails, we don't get too much information on training. We have seen that pick up though....
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Operations, Product
Our end users are not using Amion Physician Scheduling as frequently as somebody like me, especially...
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I would tell others considering Amion that the vendor does deliver on what is promised. The Amion...
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Amion was able to allow a lot of schedules with multiple providers that cover different areas. Some...
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My CSM at Amion and the support-level leadership are extremely responsive. They definitely value our...
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We have a customer success person who is very proactive about reaching out. Amion does a lot of...
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Relationship, Product
There haven't been many upgrades since I have been using Amion Physician Scheduling. It has been the...
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The training material that Amion provided us with is really in depth, and they have new training material....
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Amion Physician Scheduling does the basic stuff very well. And it is really simple. Also, one of...
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Amion is going to have a new user interface. That is what they have promised. That is what we are...
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As we try to onboard more and more departments to Amion Physician Scheduling, we notice that there...
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The product is very easy to use and very simple. If we need to build an attending schedule or a...
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The product is really easy to use, but some people need certain reports that are not in Amion...
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When we have a problem that one of our normal Amion tech people can't handle, they call the...
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The cost of using Amion Physician Scheduling is just a flat fee for the year, so Amion is not...
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Relationship, Operations
Amion's web support is done in two parts, so we have to make sure to save things to the clipboard on...
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Amion’s training was good. Amion is very easy to work with if there is a question or if something is...
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Amion Physician Scheduling is not super user friendly on the phone version, but on the computer...
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We didn't really evaluate other products before choosing Amion's product. We had some limited use of...
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I would tell others that Amion Physician Scheduling is a product that provides a way to publicize...
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I don't know whether the vendor promised me anything, but we work well together. I haven't had any...
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I have an Amion coordinator now, and that is different compared to what we had before. Amion is good...
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When we call the support team at Amion, we are placed on hold or have to leave a message. We don't...
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Some users need to have classes for Amion Physician Scheduling, and others don't. Amion has a lot of...
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Operations, Value
Amion Physician Scheduling is quick. It doesn't take much time to use, and it is easy to learn. I...
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Amion was supposed to have a more updated web version of Amion Physician Scheduling, but we haven't...
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Amion will send out an email sometimes if they have something major, but if they have any changes...
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Loyalty, Relationship
We originally had an extremely good representative from Amion. That person was very responsive,...
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In terms of charges, we just pay a flat fee. The flat fee has gone up more than once, but there are...
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I don't know that I have talked to anybody in Amion’s senior management. I have a great systems...
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The initial training was okay. When we went to using Amion Physician Scheduling enterprise-wide, we...
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Loyalty, Operations, Product, Value
In terms of overall quality, Amion Physician Scheduling is lagging, even just in the cosmetics of...
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It would be really great if we could hide certain fields in Amion Physician Scheduling. One of the...
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Amion Physician Scheduling works fine. For the people who are inputting the schedule, it is pretty...
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Amion is probably part of our long-term plans. I think it depends on whether they keep upping their...
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Amion Physician Scheduling is an affordable product that meets our needs for physician scheduling....
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We use Amion Physician Scheduling for our on-call schedule so that the medical staff offices know...
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Product, Value
For physician scheduling, there are better products out there than Amion Physician Scheduling, but I...
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We have a regular meeting with Amion and all the key stakeholders, and that is where we talk about...
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The reliability of the product is what makes it good. I also think the application is really easy....
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There are certain applications that we have asked for, for many years, but Amion is not able to...
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In the past, Amion Physician Scheduling was not being used to its fullest capacity whatsoever. But...
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Culture, Value
With Amion, if we select the enterprise option, we pay one big chunk, and everything is included....
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I don't know whether I had a lot of training from the vendor, so the vendor could provide more...
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When we contact the vendor's support team, they really do try to get back to us. They have a really...
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Operations, Product
Once an organization has as many schedules as we have, the vendor should give more support to the...
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The system is outdated in its look, but that is not an issue. However, some elements are missing...
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We would like the product to have a better archival process. Right now, if we try to pull archived...
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The vendor could work on the end-user functionality for schedulers. We would like some canned...
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I think the providers can switch schedules in the product. If one provider works on Wednesday and...
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Relationship, Value
The vendor tries to be proactive in notifying us when they know of something upcoming, but we are...
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Culture, Product
We have multiple licenses, and some of those haven't been used in days, weeks, or months. It would...
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Operations, Product
Once a user starts using the product regularly, it becomes pretty easy. But when we are training new...
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Relationship, Operations
We have gone to the vendor's help page, and they have a lot of good information on there, but it may...
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We have had a lot of really great support from Amion with getting some of our people caught up, and...
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Relationship, Operations
We had a recent system update that we asked Amion to make, and they actually were ready to make the...
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When things weren't working out well with the person at Amion that we worked with the most, they...
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Relationship, Operations
The vendor rolled out something that they call Amion Academy, which is an online learning platform....
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Culture, Relationship, Product
We have been having pretty big problems with Amion’s mobile app. Amion was selling that this app was...
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Our client success managers are able to go in and make changes. And if they aren't, they go to their...
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Sometimes Amion is a little ahead of the game for us because we are still learning the whole...
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The founder of Amion has been on some of our calls. He was right there and told us what they could...
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There are hiccups along the way, which are to be expected. But realistically, when we ask Amion for...
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When I have to deal with Amion’s support team specifically instead of the personal contacts, my...
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I can go to our individual contacts at Amion, say what the support staff told me, and ask for more...
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There is functionality within the schedules for tallying shift reports and things like that for the...
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Loyalty, Product
One of the things we are looking for is a way that the system can identify and hold what is needed...
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Considering what I'm told we are paying, what other platforms charge, the amount of support that we...
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Loyalty, Relationship
By and large, even with all the product's flaws, I think that I have had a good experience with...
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Relationship, Value
We have integrations with several other platforms currently, and they seem to work pretty well, but...
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Loyalty, Product
There are limitations that we have within Amion Physician Scheduling. The issues with the...
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I can't understand Amion Physician Scheduling from a design perspective. Every schedule houses its...
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Operations, Product
I hear a lot of the complaints from our end users, and a lot of the complaints are that Amion...
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Unfortunately, Amion doesn't have a centralized database of providers for us, and that is one of the...
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Relationship, Product
Overall, I have had a very positive experience with Amion. Although, the system itself is not as...
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