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User Commentary
Relationship, Product
AMN Healthcare does a great job of presenting what functionality they are looking at bringing live...
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Product, Value
We like the Smart Square mobile application. The staff members can look at their schedules from...
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There are functionalities within Smart Square that we are currently not utilizing because Smart...
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Some of the upgrades that AMN Healthcare has made visually look great and provide a lot of great...
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Smart Square doesn't work for every instance. It might work better for an inpatient setting than an...
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AMN Healthcare has great support and is a big advocate for their end users. The individuals that I...
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There is opportunity with the types of reports that AMN Healthcare has to help us make nurse...
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I like the ease of use of the application. It is fairly straightforward. We can access it from any...
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Relationship, Product
The biggest thing we work with AMN Healthcare on is some of their application functionalities are...
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I rated AMN Healthcare pretty high throughout all the questions because they are one of our closest...
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Operations, Product
The upgrade process is pretty simple, and the vendor is slowly rolling out new technology. The...
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Loyalty, Relationship
We are working on some stuff that is hopefully going to make things a little easier to use. More...
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The vendor's support was difficult for a little bit, but it has gotten better. We rotate through...
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I have not seen any other product able to do what we can do with Smart Square. Anybody can do a...
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We are always looking for more press reports, so we would like to see those from the vendor.
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Relationship, Product
The vendor is constantly updating things that we don't necessarily know about until they are issues....
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Avantas has always been a great partner. They are very responsive to any needs that we have. I was...
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At the Magnet Conference, the vendor had a great presentation on contracted staff and figuring out...
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We can't choose a phone for somebody. Certain phone vendors sometimes are difficult, and Avantas...
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We get to listen to new ideas and other people's experiences and thoughts, and we get to give our...
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Operations, Product
A difference we have seen since last year is the education of the modernization of the cyclic...
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Product, Value
With the newly modernized screens, if I couldn't figure out something quickly, I would turn back to...
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Culture, Value
At times if Avantas wanted to charge for something, there was always the question of why. Then there...
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The training is actually very nice. The vendor does tutorials, and when we click into a new area we...
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Culture, Relationship
AMN Healthcare may have promised something and then realized that it didn't work the way they...
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AMN Healthcare has been very supportive. They have been prompt. They have been timely in their...
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There are some opportunities for user-experience improvements. There are some things that we wish...
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The product has been a very cost-effective tool for us to move to a digital platform for scheduling....
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
In my years with Avantas and AMN Healthcare, they have never overpromised on their product. We know...
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Smart Square is a very effective digital platform for clinical- and hospital-based scheduling. The...
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Culture, Value
Avantas has been very honest about their advanced analytics, but those analytics come with a whole...
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When we originally went with Avantas, they helped shine a light on a lot of things that we didn’t...
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Relationship, Product
The vendor's inability to move and grow as quickly as we need has been a nightmare. With all the...
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Smart Square does not integrate easily with other platforms, especially when we look at creative...
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Loyalty, Product
We would not choose Smart Square today because of the lack of analytics pieces. We are also unable...
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Smart Square is expensive and does not meet all our needs, while other platforms can meet our needs....
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Avantas’ customer service and support are excellent. They are present, proactive, and helpful when...
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Culture, Relationship, Operations
A lot of times, Avantas tells us that they are sunsetting some pieces that we use every day. They...
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Operations, Value
When we initially bought Smart Square, no other solutions could do what it could. We wanted the...
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Loyalty, Product
Quite a few years ago, AMN Healthcare was the benchmark. Many vendors who are starting to morph and...
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AMN Healthcare’s support is unmatched. I can email or call 24/7 and get a prompt response. I can...
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As we come out of the COVID-19 pandemic, everybody is trying to restructure things. Smart Square is...
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Relationship, Product
AMN Healthcare has gone through many transitions over the past year or so regarding the...
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Relationship, Operations
We have a great partnership with AMN Healthcare. We utilize not just their scheduling software but...
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Relationship, Product
I think the biggest thing that AMN Healthcare does not do that I have heard some other clinical...
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Relationship, Value
I would 100% buy Smart Square again. We like it. And I don't know that my satisfaction can go much...
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Loyalty, Product
AMN Healthcare is working on improving things with their modernization processes, so down the road,...
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Operations, Product
Smart Square is pretty user friendly for the staff to use. The ease for the regular staff is very...
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Relationship, Product
There are bugs when AMN Healthcare releases things. Another thing that we always have is that after...
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I think AMN Healthcare is trying really hard to deliver new technology. They are forward focused....
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Relationship, Product, Value
One thing on my wishlist has to do with Smart Square's reports. We have to do a lot of manual...
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Loyalty, Relationship
AMN Healthcare's team is very responsive. They are very good at troubleshooting things, and they are...
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Relationship, Operations
We are constantly doing some form of implementation. We get new facilities added to Smart Square,...
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Our IT team recently wanted to implement something in the product to improve our security. AMN...
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Culture, Relationship
We have a representative, and we have been fortunate enough to continue to partner with someone who...
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We have units currently built inside Smart Square, and we may have to make some changes with...
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Operations, Product
Some people just aren't computer savvy, and I don't really think we have a lot of literature or...
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The vendor's weakness with implementations is that there is not a lot of handheld literature that we...
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Smart Square eases the burden for administrators because they can utilize the self-scheduling...
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We thought the product's algorithm was going to work one way, but as we have expanded, we have found...
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Relationship, Operations
There is a lot of communication from AMN Healthcare. There are webinars we can attend to see how a...
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There are limitations to the software. We are definitely stretching the system a bit in some ways...
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The product's biggest strengths are its open shift and incentive models. The system incentivizes...
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Relationship, Operations
The vendor tends to be exceptionally organized. Their product managers are very well trained when it...
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Relationship, Operations, Product
The vendor created a whole new user experience, and there are definitely mismatches and display...
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My critique of Smart Square is about its reporting abilities. While I think there is a fair amount...
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The vendor has a fantastic customer service team. We are always in the loop on the newest releases,...
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Smart Square's mobile features are fantastic. The vendor has a mobile app that is great.
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Our nurses absolutely love Smart Square.
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Smart Square is an advanced scheduling application that isn't so much a patient-facing application...
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There is an overhead cost to adequately maintaining the system if we want to do that right....
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Relationship, Operations, Product
I really like that AMN Healthcare tracks and does studies on their clients, and they use that data...
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Loyalty, Relationship
I really like the fact that as an organization, AMN Healthcare takes user feedback and incorporates...
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AMN Healthcare has a very robust training section of their program. The vendor has individuals who...
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We had one basic person for the Smart Square implementation, and they lacked experience. A few...
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One of Smart Square’s strengths is that it has transparency of where we are deploying staff. From a...
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When we went through the vendor selection, AMN Healthcare was our top candidate for that. I would...
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Relationship, Operations
With Smart Square’s implementation, we had a few questions about the level of support we would need...
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Loyalty, Product
There are a couple of things we are working on improving with Smart Square. It has an open-shift...
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The vendor's modernization process has been excellent. However, there are still a few steps in that...
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The vendor's modernization road map keeps the end users in mind. However, that means that there are...
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Loyalty, Relationship
There are a couple of pieces within Smart Square that the vendor is working on. I think we have a...
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Relationship, Product
We get good and quick responses from the vendor when we encounter problems. However, we have had a...
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Product, Value
Smart Square is an excellent tool for staffing and scheduling. There are elements in it that help...
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Culture, Product, Value
I would tell other healthcare organizations that if they are happy with exactly what is offered and...
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Relationship, Product
If there is an issue within the production environment of Smart Square, we do not usually know. We...
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The vendor's people are great to deal with from a personal standpoint. They are extremely kind and...
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The product's integration needs improvement, and that is due primarily to the rigid structure of...
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The vendor's training needs to be tailored better to the type of department and end user. The...
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The number-one piece missing in the product is good data access for front-end users. A lot of data...
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Relationship, Product
The vendor's releases don't seem vetted. We have a history of finding issues, and fixes are often...
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Relationship, Product
The vendor's delivery of technology has been better in recent years. In the last few years, I have...
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When we contact AMN Healthcare's call center for tickets, we get somebody. Everybody is extremely...
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Loyalty, Product
There is a component in the system called predictive analytics. That component knows in advance what...
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Loyalty, Product
Things have been hard with the system. We have had to do a lot of work to sort out all of its little...
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AMN Healthcare could work on adding a way to track acuity. For example, we bring in a certain number...
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It has been a while since we have actually been allowed to talk directly with AMN Healthcare. The...
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Smart Square provides real-time information on our staff needs. They also help us with reports on...
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Smart Square is part of our long-term plans for now. If any other company had a system that could do...
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Smart Square provides a lot of things that are very easy to use, and it is a web-based system. We...
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Relationship, Operations
The vendor works hard in terms of the training they provide, and they are fantastic. The vendor is...
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Culture, Value
With Smart Square, we have changed our contract model over the years. We have gotten a little more...
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The biggest strength of Smart Square is that it captures a lot of information. It allows employees a...
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Smart Square is good for our staff, and they appreciate that they can pull it up on their phones,...
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Culture, Value
The best thing Avantas can improve is how they price things. Right now, they price things per unit,...
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Smart Square is a scheduling solution, but it is not used by our entire organization, which seems to...
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We don't get charged unnecessary charges. If we are requesting something that is kind of out of...
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With the ongoing support from the vendor's side, I have not had to wait for a response. I have not...
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Loyalty, Product
The configuration piece and the upkeep of the system are really easy. In healthcare, we have all...
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