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User Commentary
Everybody could have done better in the implementation. We tried to follow the Epic instruction...
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There are a number of opportunities to clean up the system, build it out, and make it more efficient...
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We like that everything is in one system. The continuity of seeing the patient all the way through...
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Our biggest problem was the go-live. We went live during the pandemic, and the host team members...
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Relationship, Product
We have to go through an approval process to get any changes made, and there is usually a timeline...
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Overall, we are happy with the product. The product is definitely robust; it is way more robust than...
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The one complaint I hear from the nursing staff is the amount of work that they have to put in on...
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One of our leadership people often asks our host what is possible in the solution. Our host often...
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Loyalty, Product
Epic is just really dominant in this market, and most providers see the Epic solution as the highest...
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We thought that the system was what it was. We found out later through a consulting firm that we...
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Culture, Loyalty
I think my overall satisfaction will be higher a year from now. We have been on the product for a...
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Our dissatisfaction is more a result of the fact that we are piggybacked on our host’s license for...
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It is hard to compete with the training that we received. We were forced to get our trainers...
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Operations, Product
If there were an EHR out in the world that was simple and easy to navigate, that EHR would probably...
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As far as getting support goes, there are so many moving pieces, whether our host provides the...
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When we implemented the solution, part of the challenge was that we wanted certain modules that our...
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The solution is so expensive. For what the software is, what we spend on it is truly just...
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The solution goes down a lot. Systems go down for lots of different reasons. Sometimes, these...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
When looking at the road map for Epic, we can see that they put a lot of time and money into making...
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Loyalty, Product
The solution could be better. There are all these complexities, different versions, and all these...
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Relationship, Operations
Especially while we were implementing the solution, we had lots of support from our host's team and...
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Culture, Relationship
We have run into situations where our host site has said they could do something but then couldn't....
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Loyalty, Product
If we were in the market, Community Connect would be the tool that we would choose. A lot of this is...
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Loyalty, Product
Community Connect EpicCare Ambulatory EHR has been adequate. It served its purpose when we needed...
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There is quite an initial learning curve for Community Connect EpicCare Ambulatory EHR. Epic’s...
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If we want to make changes on our ambulatory side of Community Connect EpicCare Ambulatory EHR, the...
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Community Connect EpicCare Ambulatory EHR is very easy to use. There is always room for improvement,...
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I am satisfied with the partnership that we have with Epic, and our host site understands our needs...
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Relationship, Operations, Product
Epic does deliver their upgrades as promised. There is a little room for improvement, but they do a...
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Loyalty, Product
Overall, I really like the system. It is great. I love how interconnected it is. Conceptually, the...
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Our host site's training is really good. Our host site is getting better at doing remote and mobile...
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The system is big. It has a lot of ins and outs as well as little tangents that we could dive into...
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The only reason I would mark Epic down is that their process for business continuity access is...
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Relationship, Product
There are some things that we want to see in the system, but getting those things is a very slow...
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The product’s biggest strength is its interoperability at this point. There is integration with...
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For improvements in the solution, some increased focus on the In Basket inefficiencies would be...
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Usually, we get why our representative is called a BFF. We rarely need to go to them for any...
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Loyalty, Product
Traditionally, Epic has stayed with the core of their EHR platform, but the core technology itself...
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Loyalty, Product
Epic has all of the functionalities that we are looking for. Compared to other vendors out there,...
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Loyalty, Operations, Value
A Community Connect partnership brings down the total cost for institutions. However, if I were a...
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We have a hybrid setup for our training. Epic gives us content, then our host site develops the...
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Operations, Product
There is no average end user of the system, so the system's ease of use depends on the user's age,...
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Operations, Product
The system's integration is highly dependent on what we put into it. That isn't limited by the...
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Something I like about this solution is that I can look up provider notes from any other provider in...
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Relationship, Product
Whether or not promises are kept is different for Community Connect users. Other people who are on...
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Operations, Product
The scheduling piece of this solution could use some work. I have had other solutions where it was...
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Operations, Product
This solution is not a good product for rehab. It is not user friendly. It feels like it was...
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Relationship, Operations, Value
Epic will tell us that they can do more for us, but I think some of that comes down to cost. We are...
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There are both advantages and disadvantages to Community Connect implementations. We would love to...
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Product, Value
The system has both hurt and helped us. That has been a net positive though. There are a bunch of...
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Product, Value
I am very satisfied with Epic's integrations. Epic is doing a pretty good job. We have had some big...
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Loyalty, Product
Our former EHR was tremendously more customizable and flexible for our needs and experiences than...
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Operations, Product
We have had to change a lot of things in the system in terms of workflows. It took several months of...
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Culture, Product
The system is hard to use. It is really complex, but it does automate and help us out with some...
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Operations, Product
We really struggle with training. Epic is successful in large part because they force everyone to do...
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Housing and tracking referring physician information and driving information to referring physicians...
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When we have had direct interactions with Epic, everything has been really strong. Things haven't...
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Epic doesn't interact with us directly. They interact with our host site. They include me and some...
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We do get new, itty-bitty upgrades, but it would be nice to have them tested first. When we went...
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Relationship, Operations, Product
If there is an upgrade, if the host organization fixes something in the background, or if they are...
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With our host organization, there is a cost for everything, no matter what. They don't try to avoid...
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Loyalty, Product
When I think about where we were before we came to Community Connect, some things were painful. We...
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Stability with Community Connect is like a nightmare. For example, we have been having this faxing...
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I can't speak for other departments, but Community Connect is user friendly for the things that my...
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I’m wishy washy about whether I would choose to buy Community Connect again. I am 50/50 because the...
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Culture, Relationship, Operations
Our host organization does not keep all their promises. In the beginning, when we went live, we were...
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The team for Community Connect EpicCare Ambulatory EHR is younger. This is not in age, but they are...
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Relationship, Product
There are certain things, like us dealing with workers' comp patients, that are hard for our host...
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Community Connect EpicCare Ambulatory EHR is stellar. There are beautiful things about the...
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For Community Connect EpicCare Ambulatory EHR, we are working with someone who we have worked with...
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Our organization decided to go with Epic's best practice recommendations and recommended build for...
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From a clinical perspective, providers think it is fabulous to have an enterprise chart so that they...
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The Community Connect EpicCare Ambulatory EHR training is designed for hospitals, large health...
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Our host is pretty transparent and warns us of challenges, and I think they keep their promises....
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Relationship, Product
In my area, our hosts don't have a strong understanding of Community Connect EpicCare Ambulatory...
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About half of the resource people I interacted with during the implementation of Community Connect...
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Community Connect EpicCare Ambulatory EHR is Epic’s core solution. They have been very good about...
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Relationship, Product
Epic has been making good updates to the technology and improving the product. On Hyperdrive, Epic...
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Epic’s licensing agreement is pretty transparent. It is not like they are doing add-ons on things we...
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Epic’s training is good. We have our internal training teams for most Epic stuff. Analysts have to...
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Sometimes, if we take a product early on, we have to work with Epic on any minor issues. However,...
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