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User Commentary
Relationship, Services
We have recommended Galen Healthcare. Galen Healthcare's pricing model was fair. They worked well...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Operations
Galen Healthcare's staff and consultants were sharp and new. We had a bit of a relationship with...
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Relationship, Operations
At least early on, Galen Healthcare's leadership team was definitely involved. They weren't as...
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The only reason I'm at the satisfaction level I am with the quality of staff and consultants is...
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To exceed expectations, Galen Healthcare had their consultant get embedded in the team. The...
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With Galen Healthcare's technical services, our timeline faltered, but the issue was actually on my...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Services
We have used other firms, so we are familiar with them, and Galen Healthcare has always been our...
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We are happy with Galen Healthcare. We really like working with our person at Galen Healthcare. They...
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Galen Healthcare is pretty comparable in cost to the other firm we used that we weren't as pleased...
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The only area of growth I can think of for Galen Healthcare would be with some of their archiving...
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Loyalty, Relationship
We chose Galen Healthcare because they had a more involved executive team than another firm had. We...
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Loyalty, Relationship
Galen Healthcare is our firm of choice for third-party data conversion and data archiving. We had a...
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To be fair, Galen Healthcare has not charged for every little thing, but they have added additional...
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Relationship, Operations
Galen Healthcare is very knowledgeable, and they are quite flexible. Our project has had a lot of...
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Relationship, Value
Galen Healthcare charges for every little thing. They do not avoid it. There were areas that they...
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Relationship, Operations
In the very beginning of this project, the expectations were not set with our clinicians and...
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With the relationship between Galen Healthcare and our other vendor, they would butt heads a lot,...
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Loyalty, Operations
It felt like Galen Healthcare ended the partnership and left us with the bare bones before our...
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Operations, Services
The staff members and consultants were really great. The people I worked with were highly technical,...
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Loyalty, Services
We selected Galen Healthcare because they were the most experienced in the field. Galen Healthcare...
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There were a few wonky things with our engagement with Galen Healthcare, and I don't know whether...
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Galen Healthcare’s staff members are fantastic, helpful, and organized. They are really...
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Relationship, Services
If I were talking to someone thinking about getting this service, I might tell them to get what they...
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Operations, Services
We had some needs around the ongoing revenue cycle, and things were clunky. My guess is Galen...
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