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User Commentary
Get Well’s customer service is amazing. I can’t think of any commercial outfit that has been so...
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Loyalty, Product
Training isn't even needed for GetWell Rounds+. The product is very intuitive and user friendly. It...
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The outcomes that Get Well strives to hit the nail on the head with come from the feedback that they...
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Loyalty, Product
Our readers look at the system's dashboards and its true, raw data, and they ask to have...
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It is easy for us to get support from Get Well. We can pick up the phone and track our tickets, and...
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Some of our leaders prefer a different rounding tool that is not GetWell Rounds+, and it is their...
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Some good things about Get Well are that they are constantly doing updates and upgrades and that we...
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The implementation with Get Well was outstanding across the board. When it comes to support, our...
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Product, Value
Driving tangible outcomes is definitely a factor with GetWell Rounds+, and it helps because we don’t...
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Using the interface, going through our questions, and doing everything with our patients is super...
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This solution is part of our long-term plans. Especially with what our patients share with us, it...
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Product, Value
GetWell Rounds+ is getting real-time data back from conversations with patients, and that data can...
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GetWell Rounds+ has good reporting. It is very robust. But we have to sometimes go out and build our...
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Our end users are using the rounding tool, and they have direct and open access to the vendor's...
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During any given quarter, we can look at the number of patient care and leadership rounds that are...
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When we have used GetWell Rounds+, we have had leaders that haven't necessarily understood how to...
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Loyalty, Operations
I am not aware of any issues that we have had since the system's inception. Nothing arduous or...
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GetWell Rounds+ has interoperability options with all of Get Well's products, and those options are...
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The ability that GetWell Rounds+ gives us to tie the information to a patient is one of the...
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Get Well is improving the standard reporting little by little, but some of it could still be...
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Operations, Product
Get Well has a help library, but it is not done really well. If the vendor included more current...
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Loyalty, Product
GetWell Rounds+ could be improved by having some dashboard functionality and some graphs. It has a...
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The product has reduced our nurses' workloads, but not to a big degree. There are certain aspects of...
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Loyalty, Product
I wouldn’t buy GetWell Rounds+ again because I have seen other vendors' products, and they work...
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Get Well could improve their communication, stick to timelines, and give advanced notice if there is...
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With GetWell Rounds+, we have to have a separate database for each hospital. So if I want to go into...
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I would rather Get Well be proactive than reactive, but they lack that. We like to get way ahead of...
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The reports from GetWell Rounds+ are not great. I find that when we put our information into the...
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Searching for training videos is not a simple process where we type in a keyword and get the videos....
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The Get Well team we worked with initially for our go-live was really good.
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Loyalty, Relationship
Get Well excels at listening. We have standing meetings with them to talk about how we are using...
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We have used the tool differently than others have, so we aren't sure what Get Well could do to...
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GetWell Rounds+ isn’t necessarily a solution that is going to minimize nurses’ workloads. With the...
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We actually have free text for quite a bit of information. One piece is for the clinical staff, and...
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Relationship, Operations
Get Well's support people actually trained us and helped us with some of the rounding documents that...
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When we send out a report from GetWell Rounds+, it shows some of the deficiencies. Over time, it is...
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Product, Value
GetWell Rounds+ increases the workload of our leaders. It doesn't do anything for the care team. It...
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Culture, Relationship
In my time working with Get Well, there have been only a few times when we have asked for things...
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Get Well does a lot of training the trainer. We don't get any training otherwise, and there is very...
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Get Well is responsive when we ask, but I'm not sure they are really proactive. They come once a...
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Operations, Product
I don't think we have seen any promised outcomes. The education isn't as used as it should be, and...
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The conceptual framework of the product is good, but the problem is that our patients don't use it...
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Operations, Product
Get Well could use some improvement with ease of use. A lot of things might be connectivity related,...
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GetWell Rounds+ doesn't speak with any other application. Currently, because we are not in the cloud...
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I would like to see improvement in the reporting feature.
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Operations, Product
We recently went through an update on the user experience on the phone, and there were a couple of glitches....
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If I had a friend that was going to be going with GetWell Rounds+, I would tell them that one of the...
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I really love how customizable the product is. I like that I can customize the product on my own and...
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I really like the client support. The support team is quick to resolve our issues.
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GetWell Rounds+ is staff driven. We build out a survey that we want to utilize for an audit,...
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For the most part, the vendor has met what we have set out to do, but there are things that they...
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The product used to be a lot more clunky, but it has gotten better. On the reporting side of things,...
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Loyalty, Product
I would tell a peer that the product is good, but Get Well really needs to work on the product's...
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Operations, Product
The survey creation process can be a little cumbersome sometimes. It seems like there could be...
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The vendor’s implementation services were mediocre because we would get an upgrade, but then we...
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Get Well had a number of leadership people turnover. We had a number of customer representatives...
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Relationship, Operations
Get Well didn’t seem at all concerned with how we were using or not using the product. They should...
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Relationship, Operations
We haven't had a lot of interactions with Get Well, but recently, they had a new release. Since...
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Relationship, Product
We have been really happy with the system. We use it for regulatory audits and nurse leader rounding...
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Relationship, Operations
We haven't had a lot of interactions with Get Well, but recently, they had a new release. Since...
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Relationship, Product
We have been really happy with the system. We use it for regulatory audits and nurse leader rounding...
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Relationship, Product
GetWell Rounds+ is a really flexible product with great support from the vendor. We have pushed the...
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I use my direct contact with Get Well for support. They are very quick in terms of responding to and...
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Product, Value
Everyone loves GetWell Rounds+. All our leaders and all the departments use it for both patients and...
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Some of Get Well’s reports are not that great. Their reports are clunky. Compared to other vendors'...
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Operations, Product
Most of the end users for GetWell Rounds+ use it on their phones, and they love it. The other end...
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Get Well is upgrading GetWell Rounds+. I am not sure about how GetWell Rounds+ is going to change.
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GetWell Rounds+ is mobile enabled. The end users use tablets to execute things. I feel optimistic...
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I have access to the highest levels of leaders from Get Well. They are very attuned to our...
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