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User Commentary
Loyalty, Relationship
I would recommend HTC Global Services. What I would tell somebody who asked me about my experience...
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Services, Value
We went with HTC Global Services for their costs. We have metrics that we are monitoring regularly....
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I think we can get some better rates for our project. We have to negotiate for some better rates...
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The firm needs to focus on their bench and quality of candidates.
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Services, Value
We haven't really used HTC Global Services strategically because we tend to go with larger partners....
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The account team has always been good. The firm has quality people who will come to the table and be...
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We have been scaling back and have other vendors in place, and HTC Global Services sometimes has...
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HTC Global Services is a good vendor and treats us like an important customer. They make us feel...
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Relationship, Operations
HTC Global Services goes the extra mile to help us. In the initial phase of our project, we saw some...
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The key driver and primary reason we went ahead with HTC Global Services over the other firms we...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Services
We want HTC Global Services to explore and expand into other areas, like clinical operations. Right...
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