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My biggest issue with Imprivata is they have grown so quickly and onboarded new staff. Originally,...
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Imprivata has done a great job of adding additional monitored activity to Drug Diversion...
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Our implementation of Drug Diversion Intelligence was a little rocky, but the recent upgrades and...
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Loyalty, Value
We are looking for active diversion and gaps in our system that we are unaware of. The prevention...
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Over the past several years, we have had a good business relationship with Imprivata. It has not...
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Our initial training from Imprivata was rocky. The program is fantastic, but it is not a...
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Drug Diversion Intelligence is easy to use and intuitive. There is a lot of power behind it, so...
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Drug Diversion Intelligence does not integrate with our timekeeping software system. The version...
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Loyalty, Operations, Product
Drug Diversion Intelligence has been amazing. Imprivata has built things the way I have wanted them...
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We have been able to find gaps in the system. It took some time, but we found some holes where the...
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I didn't get any training from Imprivata. It was a learn-as-we-go and into-the-fire kind of thing. I...
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We have regularly scheduled meetings with Imprivata. I know not everybody does that many meetings,...
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Culture, Value
Before we had Drug Diversion Intelligence, the process was manual. We would get hundreds of reports...
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I would really like to get fewer surveys from Imprivata. They send a survey often to ask how we are...
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Recent upgrades for Drug Diversion Intelligence haven't been an issue. However, the implementation...
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We asked for an enhancement in Drug Diversion Intelligence for discrepancies, and Imprivata was able...
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Drug Diversion Intelligence monitors all the activity, and then we proceed depending on what the...
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Imprivata’s people solve all our problems, and the customer service people are outstanding and...
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Product, Value
With Drug Diversion Intelligence, we have monitored a lot of people. We have caught a few people,...
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Loyalty, Product
Drug Diversion Intelligence doesn't integrate with the time cards. That is important for diversions...
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Imprivata is proactive with the caveat that Drug Diversion Intelligence is very dependent on the...
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Loyalty, Product
Other competitors are injecting a lot of AI into their systems in this arena to make their solutions...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
Drug Diversion Intelligence is very much dependent on the analysts, so if someone's analyst is...
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Loyalty, Product
I want Drug Diversion Intelligence to be more interactive and transparent and to be easy for end...
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I would recommend Drug Diversion Intelligence to a similar organization to ours. That is not...
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The training experience is good from Imprivata’s end. It highly depends on the individuals and on...
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Operations, Value
I am extremely satisfied with the recent upgrades for Drug Diversion Intelligence because they have...
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Imprivata is falling victim more and more to customizing things a lot based on people's experiences....
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Imprivata needs better integration. With Imprivata, there is no interface to our time and attendance...
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Since we already had Imprivata's privacy module, we basically got the drug diversion piece for free,...
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Imprivata has a managed service component, and after years, I'm still trying to leverage that to the...
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Our privacy people want to move to another vendor for more of an AI impact. FairWarning's AI and...
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Product, Value
Imprivata's system looks at delayed waste, full-dose waste, and statistically high users above three...
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When we went live with Imprivata, I don't think we had the traditional experience. The vendor didn't...
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The solution produces results and findings that I would be confident sharing with my leadership team...
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I would like the ability to integrate our anesthesia software with Drug Diversion Intelligence to...
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Culture, Product
On the Imprivata website platform, depending on what we click on, we can get taken to a whole...
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Product, Value
With Drug Diversion Intelligence, we have identified people who were either diverting or suspected...
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In terms of drug diversions, we don't really see too many discrepancies or anomalous usages. But the...
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Product, Value
The outcomes of this solution are that we have a lot more information available that we can utilize...
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For the implementation, there is a lot of data validation required by multiple departments outside...
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The biggest issue we have is when there is an unreconciled dose in an administration. To my...
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Because we have more visibility, because staff members are aware that we track diversions, and...
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The system cannot differentiate between doses that have been removed versus doses that have been...
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I wish Imprivata had more visibility into our systems. They have interface feeds where they are just...
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We like having a dedicated drug diversion analyst so that we don't have to utilize existing...
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For part of our program, we are supposed to have an interface between Imprivata's tool and another...
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One thing that is a pain for end users is the report functions when users are running and creating...
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The product's ease of use could be better because the system is a standalone tool that we have to...
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For a lot of the information, the available data is there. It is just a matter of how the system...
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There is nothing new coming from Imprivata. I'm not aware of anything. There is a lot to be desired...
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Thus far, Imprivata has kept all their promises. We don't always get the most timely answers, but...
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Loyalty, Operations
We had an incredibly rough implementation. Part of that was on our side; part of it was on...
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The weird thing that Imprivata does is they are restricted to policy administration adherences. It...
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Relationship, Product
Imprivata is very good at identifying potential issues. Now, it is hard to say whether there are...
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We are able to basically feed the full access from our pharmacy tools into Drug Diversion...
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One of the biggest results was we had a high number of users of controlled substances marked down to...
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Relationship, Product
With Drug Diversion Intelligence, we can make sure the nurses know what they are accountable for....
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Relationship, Product
Things have gone really well with Drug Diversion Intelligence. Having the ability to monitor and...
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Loyalty, Relationship
Imprivata has been excellent. I chose them over their competitors because I like having a dedicated...
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Imprivata definitely tries to integrate things and work with us. They can't obtain all our...
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Imprivata does a great job with ongoing support.
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With Drug Diversion Intelligence, I get proactive diversion alerts to better assess and look for...
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During the sales process, Imprivata claimed to have machine learning, but once we started, we were...
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Loyalty, Relationship
We haven't been with Imprivata for very long. In terms of outcomes, we are still looking at trends...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Operations
We have routine meetings, which are informational. Imprivata is very flexible if we need to change...
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A major advantage of Drug Diversion Intelligence is being customizable with the report setup and...
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We have identified drug diversions with the system. We have a more formalized process. We have...
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We had regular calls with our previous drug diversion analyst. Then, we transitioned to a new...
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Relationship, Product
The Imprivata dashboard is supposed to say whether we have any open investigations. The dashboard...
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We don't know what is going on until we have a system like Imprivata's in place that can point and...
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I like having a one-on-one analyst that I can communicate with. For any questions that I have, they...
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Operations, Product
Sometimes it is a little hard to navigate the new upgrades that have been implemented, so that just...
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