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User Commentary
Revecore is really good about hiring people who are familiar with our own practice and can assist...
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We would always love to pay less, but Revecore earns their money. Revecore has a very robust...
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Relationship, Services
I'm a big advocate for Revecore, so I'm happy to provide information on them. They are just a really...
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Operations, Services, Value
Revecore's representative is timely and provides a comprehensive review of our complex claim trends...
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Services, Value
Revecore is collecting on the accounts. They have blown our previous firm out of the water when it...
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Operations, Value
Revecore goes above and beyond with collections. The firm also has very minimal information about...
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Relationship, Services
Revecore’s people respond pretty quickly. My staff members who deal directly with some of the...
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Loyalty, Operations, Value
Revecore does a great job. Revecore works in our system. They update what they need to update. They...
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We will probably expand our use of Revecore, but we are not doing that quite yet. We are not ready....
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Revecore is meeting our needs. I wish they would be slightly more detailed on certain reports for...
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Revecore is a great partner. We have used them for a while, and we have a great relationship. The...
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Relationship, Value
Revecore is dynamite to work with. Our contact there does a really good job of enabling us to show...
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The firm avoids charging for every little thing. They charge us what we are contracted and nothing...
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Operations, Value
Revecore fights for every dollar on workers compensation claims, and I appreciate that. At some...
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We started split billing for all payers in all of our clinics. Come to find out, we have two...
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Relationship, Operations
Revecore is very responsive anytime I ask for additional reporting or a change in the reporting....
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I have had the same contact at Revecore since we started our contract, so that is very helpful. I...
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The firm has monthly reports to show how quickly they get paid and the percentage of payment we...
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VA claims are probably the biggest struggle. It isn't that Revecore does a bad job, but we have...
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Relationship, Value
Revecore is actually really flexible about charges. If something slips through the cracks and we...
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Relationship, Services
The people we work with at Revecore are wonderful. There is no lack of communication with them. They...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Value
The people we work with at Revecore are very involved. They reach out to our team and do an awesome...
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Relationship, Operations, Services
Revecore does great on reporting. They are just on it. They normally don't miss anything. They are...
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Relationship, Value
We measure our return on investment with Revecore, and it is among the strongest returns on...
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We have great involvement from Revecore. I do talk with their senior leaders regularly, and we make...
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Revecore is really a good partner. Their performance is great. I think they continue to engage with...
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The only thing preventing Revecore from getting to the highest score for execution is that I don't...
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Operations, Services
Things with Revecore are going okay. We have had them for a while now. The takeoff was a little slow...
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The start of the contract with Revecore needs to be clear and concise because in the beginning, we...
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Revecore is really doing amazing. Their communication skills are top notch, and they are very...
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Relationship, Services
Revecore brings the payments in. They are doing an excellent job with that. Their staff is great. It...
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Relationship, Services
The experience with Revecore is good. It is not excellent. Their reconstructions are not excellent,...
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Revecore has been super flexible. They have been able to accommodate pretty much all of our...
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Loyalty, Relationship
At the moment, we are maintaining the scope of work with Revecore. One of Revecore's contacts has...
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We are still trying to really understand and figure out how well Revecore is doing the work,...
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We will for sure maintain our work with Revecore. We might use other avenues. Before the Change...
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Loyalty, Operations
I'm satisfied with Revecore’s workers’ compensation claims. Part of the problem and the reason I...
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Our workers' compensation collections have significantly gone up since Revecore has taken over....
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I don't know that I have ever communicated much with Revecore’s executives, but I know some...
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Relationship, Services
Revecore is meeting our expectations and collecting well for us. That may not be fair because it...
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Revecore’s reports are fine for what they send us. I don't see any issues with them. I haven't taken...
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I wouldn't say Revecore exceeded expectations because we had a whole line of work that was in scope...
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My recommendation would be that Revecore is really good, and anyone who uses them is going to have...
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Revecore’s charging is pretty fair. I don't look at their actual invoices, but I would imagine if we...
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Since we have gone live with the project, Revecore is 10 out of 10. There was just one hiccup where...
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Relationship, Value
A couple of years ago, Revecore initiated a report request from us that they had previous experience...
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Revecore acts as an extension of our business office. They take on any policy or process changes...
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Relationship, Services
Revecore is just awesome. The reporting package is awesome. It gives us every bit of information we...
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A certain higher-up is the person that I can call for anything. I can email them, and they respond...
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In addition to the good-quality service that Revecore provides, we also have a one-on-one business...
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Relationship, Value
We had an issue with a payer, and Revecore reached out to the payer and worked on the issue. When we...
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Revecore is incentivized. They report on their performance and do a good job. They also do well at...
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Relationship, Services
We work with Revecore on patient communication, so we work with them on the letters they send to...
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Loyalty, Relationship
We were pulling back from our other firms. Once our executive staff saw the reporting and the...
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Relationship, Services
When Revecore does their reporting, they don't just throw the numbers at us. They explain the...
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We have dealt with a few people at Revecore, and they have all been really great. They have made...
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Revecore avoids charging for every little thing because they work on a commission.
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Revecore is very responsive whenever I reach out to them. The firm's reporting is awesome, and once...
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I would definitely recommend Revecore. They are responsive. I like that I can pick up the phone and...
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Revecore consistently exceeds expectations in the nature of the training they provide, and they are...
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We have recurring meetings with our representative, and they go over the reporting. Anytime we ask...
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Relationship, Value
We outsource to Revecore because we can't touch every account, so we expect them to be able to, and...
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Compared to the other firms that are out there, Revecore is the strongest in workers' comp and motor...
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Revecore needs to just be more aggressive, collect all our money, and help more with the fee...
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Relationship, Services
Revecore presents us with the reporting we ask for. We have asked for more details or to see data in...
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Revecore’s staff have been good, but there has been a bit of turnover here and there. We have to get...
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Relationship, Services
With Revecore, things have definitely gotten less complicated because we can send claims directly to...
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The firm's rates are very low, so we get our money's worth.
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We are using Revecore. We have looked at bringing the work in-house, but we might move the work to...
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Loyalty, Relationship
Throughout any acquisitions with Revecore, we have retained the same representative, and we have...
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We don't get the follow-ups that should be done on our accounts. I constantly have to point out to...
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