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User Commentary
Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision Support is connected to our EHR system. That is the only data we...
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Loyalty, Product
Upgrades don't contain any bells or whistles that help me. I am looking for model builders, which is...
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I talk to my account manager at Syntellis, but they are not proactive. I talk to the executive team...
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Product, Value
The outcomes we receive from Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision Support are being able to see clinical...
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This industry is kind of dominated by Strata Decision Technology now that Strata Decision...
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Relationship, Operations
We have what I call optimization calls with Syntellis. If I have an issue or need to know how to do...
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Our entire health system is on the Axiom platform, including the practices. We do all our budgeting...
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We know there are certain things that Syntellis charges for, but they have not charged extra for...
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We looked at Strata Decision Technology and at Syntellis, and we decided to go with Syntellis. The...
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Relationship, Operations
I have a great support team at Syntellis. I still have the phone number of the person who helped us...
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Loyalty, Product, Value
Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision Support works pretty well. It is a little challenging to get data...
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On the last upgrade, Syntellis definitely bit off more than they could chew, so the upgrade...
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With an upgrade we did last year, some of the preferred features we had in the older version were...
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Syntellis could be more responsive. I feel like they lost some of their senior techs, so sometimes...
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Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision Support is very flexible and open in that we can see how everything...
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Loyalty, Product
The clarity of the data and clarity of the results in Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision Support is...
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Operations, Value
There are some online videos for Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision Support, but our folks aren't...
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The implementation of the product has not been a smooth road. It hasn't been a good ride with the...
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Loyalty, Relationship
I do have a bit of apprehension about Strata. They just seem to have a different corporate...
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Overall, I like the vendor's support people. A lot of the people who support Syntellis' Performance...
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The vendor's training was terrible. We pretty much trained ourselves. The vendor could improve their...
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We have been paying for the product for quite some time now even though the vendor was still...
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We have trained ourselves, and we are training other users, and the basics are pretty easy for most...
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Overall, the enterprise decision support system is a very good product. There are certainly things I...
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Relationship, Operations
The vendor delivers on some things, but a lot of things have been really prolonged in terms of the...
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One concern I have is that we bought the product when it was owned by Syntellis. Syntellis has since...
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Loyalty, Relationship
One of the reasons we chose Syntellis over Strata is we have a long-standing relationship with some...
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Loyalty, Product
There is no competition anymore. If I were telling someone about the enterprise decision support...
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There was an issue with a certain process that the vendor developed, and we opened a support case...
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I'm not even sure why the SEC allowed the acquisition to occur. Strata's parent company bought...
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Product, Value
With Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision Support, we use the same tables as other Syntellis software...
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There are more connectivity pieces to consider in Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision Support when...
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There are not many standard reports in Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision Support, so Syntellis could...
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I would tell others looking at Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision Support that they need to have a...
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The reason we are not on the most recent version of Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision Support is we...
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Loyalty, Value
It is hard for me to answer the question of whether I would buy Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision...
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We engaged Syntellis for specific updates that we wanted to do, so I worked with a designated person...
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Syntellis could improve because they have some fields in Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision Support...
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Syntellis has come under the umbrella of Strata, and the product is going to change as they come...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Operations
Our team that uses the product is satisfied with it. We are upgrading to a newer version of the...
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Syntellis' vision is not mine, but they definitely have a vision. Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision...
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Syntellis will reach out to me all the time. I recently met with our representative who requested...
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We have had trouble actualizing value, but it is not because Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision...
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We pay very little for the Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision Support product, especially compared to...
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Syntellis has white papers and stuff, but I would appreciate more training resources. They have a...
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If someone were looking into Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision Support, I would want them to know it...
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Syntellis recently merged with Strata Decision Technology, and they have pretty much told us that we...
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Loyalty, Product
The product doesn't apologize for what it is, and it is good at what it does, but it is not...
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Relationship, Operations, Product
We had some rough waters with data mapping issues, but Syntellis’ team stepped up to address our...
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There is quite a bit of training involved with the product, but once we know how to use it, it is...
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The decision support piece is very valuable to a lot of folks, and it is fairly agnostic compared to...
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Culture, Value
No one understands their book of business. No one knows whether they are making or losing money or...
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As we move forward and understand bundle payments and the world of healthcare, we have to understand...
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Relationship, Operations
With regard to training, Syntellis has an optimization team, and I have that team on speed dial. I...
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When looking at readmissions, there is functionality for flagging a patient and determining whether...
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When I first got on Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision Support, I was a trailblazer; I kept up with...
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Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision Support is in the cloud; Syntellis handles everything for upgrades....
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Loyalty, Product
If I want to add a column or a field within the system's database, right now, I have to know SQL....
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Loyalty, Product, Value
In order to do some functions that I want to do, I have to upgrade to the next release of Axiom Cost...
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Syntellis listens to their clients. Some functionality in Axiom Cost Accounting & Decision Support...
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Support from Syntellis is painful. Like with any vendor, the support varies depending on who we get...
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Since Syntellis combined with Strata Decision Technology and EPSi, there have been some...
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Operations, Product
Syntellis’ most recent upgrade was a big change. It was like a full-blown implementation again. We...
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The product’s biggest strength is the consolidation of a lot of the financial data. We have the...
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Syntellis should work on having more customer-based input on some of the things that they are...
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Everybody that the vendor’s implementation teams go out and work with has different setups and...
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Loyalty, Operations
We are transitioning to a new version of Axiom Enterprise Planning, and that implementation has been...
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Syntellis has a few really good, knowledgeable implementation folks, and that is one of their...
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Loyalty, Operations
My satisfaction with Syntellis will increase if we finish the implementation project without any...
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