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User Commentary
Relationship, Services
Nobody from Tegria ever gave me a heads-up that a direct manager was changing or anything. They...
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Relationship, Services
I don't want any more staff members from Tegria. I don't even want to see the resumes just because...
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Relationship, Value
Tegria doesn't penny-pinch us. They have shared some advice with us from some of their other...
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When it comes to project management and the oversight of the engagement, Tegria is in touch on a...
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Tegria has exceeded our expectations with their availability. Our consultant is available by email,...
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Relationship, Value
We have had a number of pain points, and Tegria has given us multiple options and helped us solve...
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Relationship, Operations
We probably couldn't have done what we have done to this point without Tegria. The particular people...
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When a company acquires another one, it is problematic for the people at the original company. We...
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Loyalty, Services
Now that Tegria has acquired Sisu Healthcare Solutions, there will be a lot of products that we are...
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Loading complex contracts can result in errors and incorrect calculations. Nobody is error free when...
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The individual I work with at Tegria gets full marks. I have used them for years, since before the...
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Tegria’s consultants lack the increased knowledge of our product and the ability to get the...
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Services, Value
Tegria does what we need them to do, and they are willing to do anything we ask. They are just very...
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We have worked with Tegria for as long as I have been here, and we have been through a lot of...
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Relationship, Services
When we need configuration changes or anything related to promoting interoperability, Tegria either...
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We deal with Tegria in terms of consulting and pulling reports. The firm used to be called Engage,...
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Relationship, Operations
Tegria is very conscious of how much time we have available within our contract, and if we have...
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Relationship, Services, Value
When we first started with Tegria, they were very, very talented people in terms of what we were...
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Tegria is pretty consistent with following up. They check up with us just to see how things are...
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We worked with someone from Tegria, but it didn’t go super well because there were no set hours....
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Tegria’s technical team, infrastructure team, and application team are great. They are excellent to...
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Tegria did a really great job of defining the scope. From an analytics developer perspective, the...
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We are moving away from using Tegria the way we have historically. Tegria has tried to get into the...
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