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Closing the IT Gap Closing the IT Gap
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Closing the IT Gap
Critical Access to 50 Bed Hospitals

July 13, 2009

Despite the fact that hospitals with fewer than 50 beds comprise an underserved market segment, they will be held to the same standards of meaningful use as larger hospitals, and will therefore be as affected—or more so—if they are unable to demonstrate meaningful use in coming years. For those hospitals without an EMR, it could take years to achieve meaningful use, which might not be fast enough to qualify for the first round of stimulus disbursements or meet required outcome improvements. With that timeline in mind, hospitals are looking for vendors that will deliver strong clinical functionality, including physician and nursing documentation, bar coding at the point of care, and CPOE. All of these items will collectively help clients improve outcomes while achieving meaningful use, and thereby qualify for stimulus funds. At the same time, hospitals need to meet the ever-growing challenges associated with the revenue cycle and its increasingly complex regulatory requirements.

With so much to accomplish in so little time, providers are asking many questions. Can providers achieve meaningful use through currently offered functionality? Which vendors serve this market space? Whose customer service will aid the transition to meaningful use? To answer these and other questions, KLAS collected data from 327 interviews, representing 157 healthcare organizations across North America.

author - Robert Ellis
Project Manager
Robert Ellis
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