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Precision Medicine Provider Validations 2018 Precision Medicine Provider Validations 2018
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Precision Medicine Provider Validations 2018
The Voice of the Provider - Report 2 of 2

author - Alex McIntosh
Alex McIntosh
November 8, 2018 | Read Time: 5  minutes

The transformative promise of precision medicine is often cited by healthcare industry leaders (both providers and vendors) as the driving reason why healthcare organizations need to begin their own clinical genomics programs. But with high barriers to entry, questions remain about whether precision medicine technology has reached a point where pioneering provider organizations have been able to realize a return on their investments. In KLAS’ previous report on the subject, vendors weighed in on the functionalities they offer; in this report, providers share their perspective on the vendors they use. While performance data on individual vendors is not available in this report due to the early nature of this market, KLAS has aggregated the results as a measure of overall performance.

Provider Approaches to

Precision Medicine


technology solutions and services offeringsbest suited to address current needs

Precision Medicine Provider Validations 2018


Report 2 of 2

Provider-Reported Solution Capabilities

While many vendors interviewed by KLAS previously stated that they provide services in multiple areas, KLAS found it difficult to verify that all of these technologies/modalities are actually in use by healthcare organizations today—even when speaking to reference sites provided by vendors who participated in the previous vendor-validations study (see page 6). The capabilities that have been validated as being in use are highlighted below.

vendor and provider reported capabilities

Best Practices: Don’t Underestimate the Efforts Needed

Although precision medicine is most often associated with oncology settings, provider organizations of many types have found utility in adopting precision medicine technologies to increase the quality of care that they are able to deliver. With no single vendor solution covering all areas of precision medicine, providers must align their needs with those vendors who are most adept in meeting those needs. Healthcare providers who have been successful in working with their vendors often use some of the following best practices:

precision medicine best practices

Providers Extremely Skeptical about the EMR’s Role in Precision Medicine

Nearly three-quarters of providers interviewed do not believe that the EMR will play a primary role in the future of precision medicine, with several citing inherent deficiencies within EMRs as root causes. Many respondents were not shy in expressing their feelings about EMR vendors’ roles, stating that the EMR in its current state is a hinderance to the advancement of the field and going so far as to call their vendor “a major issue,” “not capable,” or “not viable” and state that precision medicine is “too complex” for EMR vendors to handle. Overall, respondents feel that their peers looking to begin a journey into precision medicine should focus on niche vendors who have the experience and capabilities needed to address the specific challenges inherent in precision medicine. The two respondents who feel that the EMR will play a leadership role are using specialty oncology EMR solutions.

what role do you feel your emr vendor will play in precision medicine
emrs in use by respondents

The Business Case for Precision Medicine 

does a business case exist for precision medicineMost interviewed organizations believe that a precision medicine program does provide a positive return on investment. While a few have had some trouble personally realizing that return within their own organizations, most of these trust that the business case is quickly approaching. Currently successful organizations feel that having a precision medicine program allows them to treat patients holistically, which in turn leads to much greater patient satisfaction and retention. Among those pursuing a value-based care model, some have found that precision medicine successfully lowered their costs by helping determine patients’ genetic risk factors and engaging them in successful treatments that help keep them out of the hospital. Other organizations have also seen value in offering patients treatments utilizing genetic testing for infectious diseases, tumors, and rare diseases, and in offering pharmacogenetic testing to determine the best treatment for patients, leading to better outcomes and an increased number of patients seeking out these healthcare organizations for treatment.

A Starting Point: Satisfaction with Vendors High among Pioneering Organizations

Nearly nine in ten early precision medicine adopters are satisfied with their vendor(s), and regardless of the solution in use, most of these organizations offer very similar opinions of their vendors. Many, even among those few who are currently dissatisfied, are confident that their vendors will continue to make improvements to the products over the next year, and this will, in turn, drive respondents’ overall satisfaction even higher. Many interviewed organizations state they are currently working directly with their vendors as development partners and thus are the recipients of much more vendor communication and support than is typical across most segments measured by KLAS; interviewees are appreciative of this communication, and several share that their successes would not be possible without the vendors’ willingness to listen and work directly and closely with the organization. Those few who are less satisfied than the majority feel the technology offered by their vendors has not advanced to the level they initially were led to expect, with gaps remaining in integration, data display, and reporting capabilities and functionality limitations within the various systems. Nearly one in five respondents feel their vendor has not kept all promises that were made, leading to various levels of dissatisfaction and/or frustration with the products and vendors.

state of precision medicine market
buildpm19 logo

KLAS Precision Medicine Summit 2019

KLAS, in partnership with leading provider organizations, will host an inaugural event focused on precision medicine in early March, 2019. This summit will bring together the key stakeholder groups to define necessary best practices and implementation strategies for precision medicine programs and potential potholes related to precision medicine programs.

For more information, or to get involved, please contact

Precision Medicine Vendor Validations 2018


Previously Published: Report 1 of 2

Given its potential to help providers deliver better, more targeted care and dramatically improve patient outcomes, precision medicine is a growing area of interest for many provider organizations. Those looking to develop a precision medicine program can find it confusing to determine which of the hundreds of vendors in the market will be most helpful. To add clarity as to how some of the different vendors perform, what functionality they offer, and what first steps organizations can take to establish a precision medicine program, KLAS has embarked on a two-part report on the topic.

Through research, interviews, and association events, KLAS has identified a small number of precision medicine vendors who have high mindshare among healthcare providers. This first report focuses on these vendors. Each was invited to share details regarding their market perspective and product capabilities. In a second report, KLAS will interview live customers in order to validate each vendor's claims and provide further details on their offerings. It will also validate additional vendors not covered in this first report.

vendor reported capabilities
vendor reported solution domains
vendor reportedsolution settings
vendor reported demographics
author - Alex McIntosh
Alex McIntosh
author - Jess Wallace-Simpson
Jess Wallace-Simpson
author - Robert Ellis
Project Manager
Robert Ellis
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This material is copyrighted. Any organization gaining unauthorized access to this report will be liable to compensate KLAS for the full retail price. Please see the KLAS DATA USE POLICY for information regarding use of this report. © 2024 KLAS Research, LLC. All Rights Reserved. NOTE: Performance scores may change significantly when including newly interviewed provider organizations, especially when added to a smaller sample size like in emerging markets with a small number of live clients. The findings presented are not meant to be conclusive data for an entire client base.