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User Commentary
Relationship, Operations
With Ambience Healthcare, there are so many meetings that are like Teams. There are emails, and...
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Ambience integrates with our EMR. People have said that the translations are perfect, but they are...
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I would like to keep Ambience. I appreciate that it pays attention to languages because things like...
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Product, Value
Our physicians are telling us that they don't want to think about practicing without Ambience. It...
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We are looking to standardize on a single EHR and plan to bring Ambience forward. One of our...
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Ambience Healthcare has been great to work with on integration issues. We have two EHRs in our...
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Loyalty, Product
The one thing that Ambience doesn't do that a live scribe can do is that after we are done with the...
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The Ambience Healthcare people are very responsive. The support is integrated within the system; it...
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Ambience has a section for patient instructions that is better than any patient summary that I have...
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In the beginning, we had training from Ambience Healthcare, and there was a particular person who...
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I had a peer come visit our organization once because they were looking at which ambient speech...
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Operations, Product
We had live scribes in our organization that went into the rooms with providers, and there could be...
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I have colleagues who have had to beg their organizations to get one of these ambient speech...
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Product, Value
We have to get consent from patients to use Ambience, and I have never had a patient refuse, and...
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Product, Value
We see a lot of new patients, and our patients are also very complex. In a new patient visit,...
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Ambience definitely does a beautiful job of documenting to meet compliance documentation. It is...
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Ambience touches the providers and the patients as well as the caretakers and the people who support...
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Loyalty, Operations
Ambience does require training, but the onboarding of providers is extremely quick. We do webinars...
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Loyalty, Value
We looked at our lowest-performing providers when it came to documentation time, close time, pajama...
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Loyalty, Operations, Value
We went live with all of our providers, or all who wanted to go live with it. We went live pretty...
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Relationship, Product
It is hard to identify areas of improvement because the vendor has been able to resolve anything we...
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The reason that we will never get to total adoption of Ambience is that some physicians are just...
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Product, Value
Because of Ambience, not only are our providers on time but some of them are ahead of schedule. What...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
Ambience Healthcare really hadn't done a deep integration with our EHR vendor before. They were...
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To be successful with Ambience, the customer has to have a broad physician champion group team and...
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Product, Value
Ambience is an ambient AI technology that integrates into our electronic medical record. Ambience...
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Ambience Healthcare's executives reach out all the time. It is almost too much, but it is great. I...
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Ambience is truly a transformative technology in all senses of the word. It has shifted the almost...
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Loyalty, Product
With Ambience, I would like to see more integration into the EMR in various stages. I would like to...
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Using Ambience has been a cool project, and Ambience Healthcare has been great to work with. We hear...
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One of the reasons we went with Ambience Healthcare was that they covered the specialties with...
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Operations, Product, Value
Before we started using the system, if a provider was seeing somebody with diabetes and the...
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Ambience is kind of like an iPhone. We can just pick it up and use it. Ambience does the best out of...
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With some of the integrations into our EHR, our EHR vendor holds all the APIs very close and only...
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Ambience Healthcare is working on new technology. The vendor is really responsive if there are...
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We think there will be a doctor shortage, which will be a huge problem, so I pitched to our...
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Loyalty, Product, Value
So far I don't really have anything that I would change about Ambience. I am constantly thinking...
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The support team is very responsive. Within the app, there is a chatbot that we can use that the...
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The implementation went really fast and was very straightforward with no issues.
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Loyalty, Relationship
We have had discussions about innovation and future scope, so the vendor seems really receptive to...
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Relationship, Operations
Ambience Healthcare has been very good about pointing out things that we need to focus on with...
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I like that all of the features that Ambience offers match what we were looking for. I have used...
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So far Ambience has been a cost effective use of our money, and I can see definitely where we will...
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I feel like Ambience goes out of their way and bends way backward and upside down to help us. They...
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Ambience is very intuitive to use as long as we remember to push the start button. That actually...
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I would maybe like to see the speed of note production in Ambience improved. It takes about five...
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The charge for Ambience is just a flat rate, and Ambience Healthcare has put so much time into it...
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Loyalty, Product
I think that Ambience Healthcare has taken their time to dial Ambience in to teach the AI more about...
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Loyalty, Value
I save several hours a week with Ambience. I think people are able to get onboarded faster to a full...
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We did a lot of demos with Ambience Healthcare in the early days, during the RFI period and after,...
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Product, Value
Overall, the product has transformed the lives of the clinicians who are using it. That is not...
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I would tell someone implementing AutoScribe that I would think of doing a pilot in the early...
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Product, Value
Our patients were happier when we started using Autoscribe because doctors were spending more time...
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We talked to Ambience Healthcare about some things that they could do, and some of the things we...
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Relationship, Product
I would like to see Ambience Healthcare as a company get out to the bigger EMR vendors, like Epic,...
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Our physicians said that having AutoScribe changed their lives, and when it didn’t work for a time,...
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Relationship, Operations
I would tell someone implementing Autoscribe to make sure that they do their homework and talk to...
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Relationship, Operations
There is some natural knowledge loss when a company is growing as fast as Ambience Healthcare is....
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I first heard of Ambience Healthcare's system years ago when it was really bad. I fully expected to...
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The workflow, output, and language for things like ambulatory and ER areas are very different, and...
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Users don't need any training for AutoScribe because the product is so good. It is like using...
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There are some needs that nobody on the market is doing yet, like automated utilization management...
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Ambience Healthcare is so proactive that we don’t need to use their support, and when we do, they...
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When I show AutoScribe to people, it is like magic. We just click on it, and it is amazing. We have...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
Ambience AutoScribe is not a fully-baked solution. Vendors say their solutions do everything, and...
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Operations, Product
I would advise customers looking at Ambience AutoScribe to test it live with lots of different...
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Loyalty, Product
We are trying to move Ambience AutoScribe into the ED and inpatient settings. In general, those...
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It seems like Ambience Healthcare has their entire team dedicated to us. They spend a lot of time...
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The people that Ambience Healthcare hires for customer support are just so mission driven that they...
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We chose Ambience AutoScribe because of the quality of the notes. We had a chance to test it and do...
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Ambience AutoScribe's top strengths are the quality of the note output and the diagnosis captures....
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Product, Value
Ambience AutoScribe is the coolest thing we have ever done. I'm sure so much more of this is coming....
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
Ambience Healthcare is so responsive that when we do identify things to improve, they begin working...
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Loyalty, Product
The documentation accuracy in Ambience AutoScribe has gotten better as we have gone through the...
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There was a feature that Ambience Healthcare floated, and we said we would be interested, but it...
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We selected Ambience AutoScribe because we were impressed by the workflow. The price of entry was...
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Product, Value
Ambience AutoScribe is an ambient listening tool that allows me to have a very natural conversation...
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Relationship, Product
The key strengths of Ambience Healthcare are that they are a great collaborative partner, that they...
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Product, Value
Ambience AutoScribe has improved workflow where I can get my documentation done closer to the close...
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Relationship, Operations
Ambience Healthcare has been very supportive with training. The customer support has been excellent....
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Relationship, Product
Working with Ambience Healthcare has been fantastic. They have been wonderful partners, so I would...
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I selected Ambience AutoScribe because the quality of the notes that it produced was very impressive...
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Relationship, Product
The key strength is that the AI model that the system is trained on is just very good and very tuned...
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Loyalty, Product
We have an exceptional EHR that is really the cause of the interoperability issue, but it is what it...
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The vendor needs to be more proactive with training materials, announcements, and training...
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It takes a change in provider mentality to make this tool work for them as opposed to against them....
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Product, Value
For outcomes I have seen, we have had improved documentation quality. We have also seen some...
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Product, Value
We have seen an improved workflow but only for the most part; some providers really utilize their...
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As far as documentation accuracy goes, Ambience AutoScribe is not perfect, but it is pretty close....
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Relationship, Product
Even though I would like the product to improve, what the vendor advertises is spot on for their...
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Ambience Healthcare keeps their promises, and if the timeline for something ever deviates, then they...
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Product, Value
Ambience AutoScribe helps us improve workflows and decrease cognitive involvement and administrative...
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Loyalty, Relationship
There were three reasons we selected Ambience AutoScribe. We needed a system that integrated with...
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For others looking to implement Ambience AutoScribe, my advice would be to truly understand what...
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Product, Value
We saw immediate outcomes in the sense of workflow and efficiency gains. We also saw decreased...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
There is always improvement in terms of specific templates or language variances from provider to...
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Loyalty, Product
With the deeper integration with our EHR, I would love for the system to populate orders for us when...
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The advice I would give is because the system is AI and new technology and because there is a wide...
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Loyalty, Relationship
We did evaluations of several different AI scribe solutions, and Ambience AutoScribe was a winner...
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Ambience AutoScribe currently doesn't integrate with a certain visit flowsheet in our EHR, so the...
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Ambience AutoScribe is an AI technology that listens in on our visits with the patients and then...
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Anytime I have gone back to Ambience Healthcare to say we didn't mean to do this or that, they want...
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Loyalty, Relationship
When the vendor tells us that things are in the pipeline, they deliver exactly on time as scheduled....
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I would tell another customer to not focus on struggling users during the initial implementation. I...
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Relationship, Product
Ambience Healthcare already had a product that was ready for a multispecialty environment. At...
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Product, Value
Ambience AutoScribe has actually increased engagement and the quality of patient interactions...
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Relationship, Operations
One thing that has surprised me is the way the vendor has implemented ongoing support and training....
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Ambience Healthcare has a really high-quality product, and their implementation strategy was asking...
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Loyalty, Operations
We started looking for users who were struggling with documentation because this product seemed like...
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Culture, Loyalty
The model is a subscription per user, and we did not negotiate a lower price per user. We chose the...
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Loyalty, Product
Ambience AutoScribe is more accurate than me because I can't remember every little detail I have...
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The only hang-up with Ambience AutoScribe is getting the app because it is proprietary; it isn't...
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Loyalty, Product
Ambience AutoScribe meets our needs, but there is always room for improvement. I would like Ambience...
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Ambience Healthcare has stuff that is in the pipeline that I haven't even dreamed of, and they...
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Ambience Healthcare was very thorough with the initial training and the ongoing support; it was...
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I am part of the ongoing meetings with the utilization of Ambience AutoScribe, and I haven't heard...
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Ambience Healthcare probably has the best support team out of any technology I have ever seen. I...
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I would be shocked if my future satisfaction with Ambience AutoScribe and Ambience Healthcare would...
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Currently, our team is the most progressive team in the company in terms of how quickly our...
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The implementation team at Ambience Healthcare is very quick, responsive, and proactive. I was...
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Ambience Healthcare worked with us. Our goal was a fast implementation because it is difficult to...
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Relationship, Operations
Ambience Healthcare’s support people were very interactive, hands on, and easy to reach, and they...
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Product, Value
Documenting very quickly, at a high quality, and in a timely fashion is very high pressure. On a...
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The functionality of Ambience AutoScribe is pretty high. The main interface is where there is a...
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Loyalty, Product
Ambience AutoScribe is a game changer. In the exploration we did of alternative products, AI...
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Product, Value
We get a bonus for closing our charts within a certain time, so Ambience AutoScribe definitely helps...
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One part we get a bonus for is our RVU production. It is not like we just upcode things because we...
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I am extremely satisfied with Ambience AutoScribe. I had used dictation software in the past, and...
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I recommend Ambience AutoScribe to people who aren't even doctors. I definitely recommend it to...
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Ambience AutoScribe is easy, simple, and intuitive. I'm a technology advocate in the office. When...
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Ambience AutoScribe has got a lot of growth and potential. I think it is sort of like a word...
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We don’t get pushback from Ambience Healthcare on any of the charges. Ambience Healthcare avoids...
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Operations, Product, Value
I have been in practice for many years, and before the need to document things came about, I would...
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Relationship, Operations
Ambience Healthcare has regularly scheduled meetings to go over any kind of issues. They hold an...
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I'm extremely satisfied with my money's worth. Ambience AutoScribe is a good value for the...
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Regardless of whether we need Ambience Healthcare’s support, they are there, and that is really...
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We are doing patient messaging over a portal now. Initially, the product was for writing our SOAP...
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Before, I would see a patient or document, click through a template, and want to add some background...
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We are a specialty, and we have several different types of visits that are all different kinds of...
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Relationship, Product
Ambience AutoScribe is cloud based, so it is constantly updated. Upgrades are totally transparent...
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Product, Value
There are other tangible outcomes from Ambience AutoScribe. We have nurse practitioners primarily...
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Ambience AutoScribe does have coding support, so it goes through and offers not only the level of...
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The implementation was very nice. It was very high touch. We had a team of people dedicated to us....
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Loyalty, Value
Ambience AutoScribe was exactly what Ambience Healthcare promoted. The cost structure is basically...
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Ambience Healthcare continues to hold regularly scheduled meetings with us. They have an open chat...
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Relationship, Product
There is still room for improvement in some of the functionality of Ambience AutoScribe, but we...
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Relationship, Product
Ambience Healthcare’s key strengths are their willingness to work with our practice to customize...
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Product, Value
We hired Ambience Healthcare to provide a good solution to decrease the workload of our clinicians...
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