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User Commentary
As soon as I put a ticket into Dolbey's support, I'm called by someone who actually knows their job...
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Dolbey works with us really well. I feel like I'm not just a number. I'm a person, and Dolbey is...
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Fusion Narrate is a great, solid product and works very reliably,
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Fusion Narrate has a technical glitch in it that keeps the screen active. In healthcare, we are...
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In dealing with Dolbey’s implementation staff, it is very important that customers keep their...
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Dolbey has provided excellent voice recognition software for our facility. Their software is easily...
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Loyalty, Value
Fusion Narrate is economical and works okay for the cost. The solution has done its purpose for the...
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Loyalty, Relationship
I like Dolbey. They always get things up very quickly if we need to, and I can get results quickly....
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I don’t know whether Fusion Narrate has had any upgrades. I haven’t seen anything, so if Dolbey is...
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Loyalty, Operations
I wouldn't trade Fusion Narrate for anything else out there. We originally had transcriptionists,...
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Fusion Narrate needs better functioning in defining individual words and phrases. I have found that...
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I love that Dolby's support team is excellent. They are always on top of the issues and concerns we...
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Culture, Relationship
The vendor has a disconnect in their communication. They have a support team, and they also have...
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Fusion Narrate always seems to have updates and patches, just like any other software. Some are...
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The product is kind of like a cloud-based solution. I know the data travels from a local application...
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Fusion Narrate does struggle with some accents but not all the time. It also struggles with the...
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The thing customers need to be cautious with is the product's general speech recognition and the...
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Dolbey has been really responsive whenever I have had issues or problems or have needed things. I...
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Product, Value
The product saves me a lot of time, and time is my commodity. Essentially, Fusion Narrate really...
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Fusion Narrate’s dictation can be a little cumbersome and could use a bit of an adjustment. Having...
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I'm extremely satisfied with the software. It is extremely customizable. I'm a complete nerd, so I...
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Dolbey reached out to me when the last two versions were reaching the ends of their lives, said when...
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Operations, Value
I would buy Fusion Narrate again just because it has been stable for years and the radiologists seem...
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With Fusion Narrate, the dictation can sometimes be a little funky. Before we had Dolbey do tweaks,...
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Loyalty, Product
We can use Fusion Narrate to dictate inside a browser window, and that is one main reason we have...
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There was one thing that Fusion Narrate couldn’t do for us. It was something weird like dictating...
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Fusion Narrate is not part of our long-term plans because we have to do something different.
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Operations, Value
With Fusion Narrate, we have to be willing to spend time doing things like training it. What we get...
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Culture, Loyalty
Dolbey very much keeps their promises. We are in a contract with Dolbey, and we have not seen any...
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Relationship, Operations, Product
The system is great. It is smooth and user friendly. There is a lot in Fusion Narrate we haven't...
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Some of Fusion Narrate can be a little confusing until we are in the platform. We are still learning...
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Dolbey is great with their web support. We work with everybody at Dolbey, and they get us who we...
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The vendor's updates are one of their strengths. They are very proactive. They are very responsive...
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Dolbey has great support. they are happy to schedule whatever training and however many trainings we...
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Dolbey gave me a good sense of how the product would work but did not give me the understanding of...
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I looked at some of the other dictation products on the market, but Fusion Narrate was within my...
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Dolbey's support people have been really good at responding to questions and queries. When Dolbey is...
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Fusion Narrate has definitely helped me with my work. When I have a pile of clinical notes to do, I...
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Relationship, Product
Fusion Narrate does what it does. To us, it is dictation software. Dolbey added some automation...
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Every once in a while, I call the customer support team, and I am stuck waiting for one person for...
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Loyalty, Product
Fusion Narrate does everything we need and is pretty straightforward. There are a few features the...
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Dolbey is quite good when we need something; they respond quickly. There have been very few times...
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Fusion Narrate is an expensive product, but it is very valuable and cost effective. Nobody likes...
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We have told other people to use Fusion Narrate instead of some of the other speech recognition...
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If Fusion Narrate comes up and works, providers don't ever have an issue, but when the system...
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Dolbey provided us with all the tools to do the setup. They assumed we would do things and call them...
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For training, Dolbey set up a schedule with my latest provider, called them, set up the time, set up...
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I find Fusion Narrate about 80% accurate, so I need to proofread and pay attention. But it mostly...
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What we received for training was very good, but we needed a bit more than what was offered. We...
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Fusion Narrate makes my work easier and is a good system. It is not perfect, but I don't think...
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The issues we have with product functionality are on our end, not Dolbey’s end; their product is...
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The dictation in Fusion Narrate and the training have been phenomenal. Dolbey will send a follow-up...
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Loyalty, Value
I looked around for a dictation system and found Fusion Narrate. Going with Fusion Narrate was the...
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I don't call Dolbey very often, but they are helpful. I work with a specific person, and they are...
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Operations, Product
Fusion Narrate has a lot of functions, instructions, and commands that we can use. The system gives...
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Relationship, Product
Sometimes we get a report from Dolbey about each user's dictation, what their issues were, and how...
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Relationship, Operations, Product
If our doctors were to hypothetically have an issue with a specific word they dictate regularly into...
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Relationship, Product
I have been using Fusion Narrate, and it is pretty good. There was a glitch a few weeks ago that was...
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Culture, Value
Other than the standard bill that the contract originally was for, we have never been billed for...
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We have never had to have Dolbey make a promise on anything other than support; the vendor keeps...
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Relationship, Operations
FusionNarrate is great; we actually love it. Dolbey is proactive and tells us when they have new...
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I worked with several end users while setting up the product, and they do their therapy notes in a...
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Dolbey has been pretty responsive to me when I have had an issue. We have had a few little glitches,...
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The biggest problem we have had was timing in terms of when Dolbey could do the training.
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Product, Value
We love Fusion Narrate and are having no issues. It is working fabulously. Right now, it is meeting...
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In the beginning, we paid for some extra training with Dolbey, but they gave us some time to play...
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Loyalty, Value
The driving force behind choosing Dolbey was that their product fit right into our EHR. We can see...
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The initial contact with what I assume to be the sales team was incredible. It was a pleasant...
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Relationship, Operations
Fusion Narrate has a lot of options. Sometimes, those options aren't straightforward, so we can't...
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Relationship, Product
Fusion Narrate is pretty simple, and Dolbey keeps everything updated very well. We rely on our IT...
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Loyalty, Operations, Product
We had a bit of a struggle with Fusion Narrate in the beginning. It took us about a year to actually...
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Dolbey's customer service has been great. When we have problems with an update, we can reach out to...
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The actual voice recognition functionality in Fusion Narrate works better than in PowerScribe....
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Product, Value
In terms of delivering technology, the vendor has been very responsive. I like the fact that Fusion...
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I wish Fusion Narrate worked on a Mac. Its biggest weakness is it does not work on the Mac operating...
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Fusion Narrate has a feature that has pluses and minuses, mostly pluses. The feature uses the system...
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Relationship, Product
I have gotten excellent support from the vendor, and I don't even use the product's full...
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The vendor just upgraded to a new platform not that long ago, so some things changed, but the...
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I have a contact at Dolbey who gets on the phone with any physician who is having problems, and the...
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We built a table between Dolbey's system and another system, and it uploads the information into...
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Sometimes the product doesn't pick up some words that I wish it would pick up, but I think that is...
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Relationship, Operations
Compared to other solutions I have used, Dolbey's system has great support, is a lot cheaper, and is...
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I like Fusion Narrate, but there are some small improvements that could be made to the solution. For...
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I like the versatility and customizability of Fusion Narrate. With the solution, we can do things...
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