Commentary Summary
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User Commentary
It is easy to onboard people with Mend. During the implementation, Mend did a great job of taking...
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We would like Mend to have the ability for secretaries to start a remote session without having to...
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Relationship, Product
The system is successful in terms of engaging participants. It is able to meet our delivery needs by...
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We have actively sought other solutions to replace Mend primarily because we want something that has...
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We do have a point person at Mend. That point person has changed regularly and is part of where the...
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The biggest functionality that continues to get asked for from those who are remaining on Mend is...
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Operations, Product
We haven’t seen a ton of improvement in Mend’s implementation or change control process. They refer...
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Our usage of Mend has declined a bit, but we are still planning on utilizing it for our long-term...
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Mend absolutely avoids charging. The Mend individual we have been working with on our contract and...
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The communication from Mend’s customer support is phenomenal. It seems as though we can get things...
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Relationship, Product
Mend is a very good product. We have run into one or two situations where the appointments have been...
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The actual support is great, but one thing that caused me to rate the support a bit lower is a good...
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Loyalty, Product
Mend released a beta version of their new dashboard. They allowed everyone to play around with it...
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