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User Commentary
Loyalty, Product
Next Generation EPR doesn't have full EPR functionalities and capabilities. The vendor has been...
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Nervecentre doesn't operate outside of our country, so their workflows and systems are designed and...
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We will do a PAS upgrade, and that will give us a huge step up in our admin capability for Next...
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Nervecentre is responsive to feedback and requests for enhancements and improvements. They are...
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If something is not on Nervecentre's road map, then the vendor might need a bit of a nudge to get...
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I would be more satisfied with Nervecentre if they were able to help us more with benefits...
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Loyalty, Relationship
Overall, Nervecentre has become slightly less responsive over the past few years as they have gotten...
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Relationship, Operations
Nervecentre leaves it up to us quite a bit as to what we want to do; they don't drive us down the...
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Loyalty, Product
We used Next Generation EPR for medication management and pharmacy processes even before we did...
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Nervecentre has what they call a live flow, which is a real-time, up-to-the-second, accurate...
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There is some stuff that we can do on the desktop that we can't do on the mobile app, and we are...
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Loyalty, Product
We use a shared record system that brings in information from the GP systems. But that is linked to...
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Localization is variable depending on how mature Nervecentre’s product is. If their product is in...
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I wouldn’t buy Next Generation EPR again because it is not an EPR; it is an EPR in development. The...
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Operations, Product, Value
Next Generation EPR is very intuitive. We don’t really do training. The solution is easy to use. The...
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The customer support team from Nervecentre is very responsive. We have regular strategic calls with...
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Loyalty, Operations
Our organization chose Nervecentre because they were going to do things in a modular fashion. And...
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One of the things Nervecentre has finally developed is their PAS. A vendor can't really provide an...
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