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User Commentary
PerfectServe’s support currently is ongoing but is moving in the right direction. We had issues at...
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It is 50/50 on charges with PerfectServe. They help us with certain things, and then there are...
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Loyalty, Product
PerfectServe continues to push upgrades. Sometimes the fixes on their end are not immediate. There...
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Relationship, Operations, Value
Without knowing about other companies, I would buy Lightning Bolt Scheduling again. We schedule a...
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We have a support person who we communicate with, and they are very supportive. The Lightning Bolt...
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Operations, Product
PerfectServe does the upgrades. Lightning Bolt Scheduling offers quite a few things that we don't...
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We hope to stay with PerfectServe. That is a hard decision right now. We have had some issues with...
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We were actually able to generate a schedule with Lightning Bolt Scheduling. I have to continue to...
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PerfectServe's customer support is readily available. The good thing with Lightning Bolt Scheduling...
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Our PerfectServe account representatives don’t always make us aware of what the enhancements or...
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There are a couple of things I would like to see improve a little in Lightning Bolt Scheduling, but...
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Loyalty, Operations, Product, Value
Lightning Bolt Scheduling is the only thing we are using now, and I don't have any thoughts of...
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Lightning Bolt Scheduling is expensive. A while ago, I looked at another system, and Lightning Bolt...
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There is no other training other than the initial training. I am the one that does the training of...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
I would like to see the vacation rounds changed. The process is a bit sophisticated, and...
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I don't use the web support, but we have a technical person that I reach out to who is very good. I...
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Product, Value
I wish Lightning Bolt Scheduling would save me a little more time in terms of scheduling. A lot of...
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In terms of training, anytime I ever have a new provider or anything like that, the vendor is always...
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It is not that the product quality has been bad, but when the vendor does their updates, there is...
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Although we have had training about how to use the solution, there might be too many options within...
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Product, Value
The product is user friendly, especially for someone who may have never used some type of software...
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As far as proactively alerting us about things, the vendor does send emails ahead of time with time...
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Relationship, Operations
The vendor's people are wonderful. They are extremely responsive, even though they are in different...
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The front-end user interface for all of the physicians is very user friendly and intuitive. The app...
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I would like to see the rules applied post hoc when somebody is making a scheduling change request...
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The system right now uses a very complex cost-reduction algorithm with the assignment of weights and...
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Flexibility and modularity are the biggest strengths of Lightning Bolt Scheduling. The ability for...
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We haven't had any unscheduled downtime with Lightning Bolt Scheduling. If there is downtime, it is...
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Culture, Value
PerfectServe has been very good at avoiding charging us. They are very up front with their pricing,...
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The executives at PerfectServe have been very helpful. And in the time that we have been with them,...
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When people use something for a very long time, they get used to it, but Lightning Bolt Scheduling...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
We haven't had any unexpected problems with Lightning Bolt Scheduling. The quality has been...
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Loyalty, Value
Lightning Bolt Scheduling has changed the way we do business. If the decision were up to me, I would...
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Culture, Operations
Lightning Bolt Scheduling definitely works as promoted. We are very happy with it. I have been...
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As the training becomes necessary, it is great. We have been on the system for a bit of time, so we...
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Loyalty, Product
We will keep using Lightning Bolt Scheduling indefinitely. We have no plans to change. Lightning...
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With PerfectServe, we get what we pay for. We don't have any complaints about that. Doing scheduling...
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Relationship, Operations
Our contact at PerfectServe has been really good at working with us and getting everything...
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We use Lightning Bolt Scheduling with Telmediq. That is another PerfectServe product. So far, that...
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There is always room for improvement. I would like to be able to drag and drop functionalities when...
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Culture, Product
The little issues I do have are really small. When I'm trying to put someone in the system, the...
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Loyalty, Operations
I probably can go on and do self-training things, but I don't have too much training. Everything...
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Loyalty, Relationship
PerfectServe is a very good vendor. They are one of the best vendors that we work with, and they do...
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Lightning Bolt Scheduling's biggest strength is the ability to create long-term schedules. The...
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The biggest thing that I would love to see with Lightning Bolt Scheduling would be more built-in...
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We tend to build internal training for PerfectServe's products. The vendor probably has some...
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Loyalty, Operations, Product
In the last year or so, the actual system has been very glitchy. I know that there are wrinkles and...
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We haven't needed training for the system in a long time because we have been using the product for...
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Every time I have needed support, I have been able to reach out to a human at PerfectServe, and that...
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Operations, Product
Our practice finds the vendor's app to be very useful, but their web-based program is very clunky....
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The product clearly serves our needs, but I wonder whether there is a way for the vendor to make...
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Overall, the product schedules people, and its actual appearance is quite pleasing. We work through...
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Loyalty, Product
We need software that will import patient demographics, anesthesia records, and information about...
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Because we are in such a large market, little nitpicky things can fall through the cracks. But I...
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There is room for improvement in Lightning Bolt Scheduling because there are times when it drags or...
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All of the leaders that we deal with regularly are 100% satisfactory. I just got an email from one...
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Operations, Product, Value
Whenever I do an introduction with a new practice, I talk about how busy I was as a nurse and how...
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Relationship, Operations
The fact that the vendor takes time to reach out to us if there is a problem or an upgrade is a big...
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Relationship, Value
I just want my peers to understand how immensely life-changing PerfectServe has been. We work with...
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Our integrations from PerfectServe are the best ever. If we ask for an integration, the vendor...
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I can call any of my PerfectServe consultants at any time, even without going through customer...
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We get great treatment from PerfectServe, but they haven’t fulfilled some of their promises...
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Operations, Product
I have a bit of a gripe with the ease of use. Lightning Bolt Scheduling is set up in such a way that...
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The executives at PerfectServe are heavily involved with us and have been heavily involved in...
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Relationship, Product
Lightning Bolt Scheduling has been great for our day-to-day work. It is part of our toolkit, and we...
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Relationship, Operations
We would like to be made aware when there is going to be a deployment in Lightning Bolt Scheduling....
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There is a bit of a challenge with folks who are doing advanced scheduling in Lightning Bolt...
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Loyalty, Product
We integrated Lightning Bolt Scheduling with our EHR solution, and we are using it, but it isn't...
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PerfectServe has given us many ways to contact them, and they do a great job of being responsive....
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Some stragglers have gone off and gotten their own scheduling process. We sometimes have a provider...
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Product, Value
Lightning Bolt Scheduling saves a lot of physician hours. We had a smooth integration with its...
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We are very happy with Lightning Bolt Scheduling, but our organization as a whole is considering...
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I am a satisfied customer with Lightning Bolt Scheduling. Other people get a little frustrated with...
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PerfectServe really does a great job with their support. I really do like their support and their...
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The rules might be the only thing I would change with Lightning Bolt Scheduling. We struggle with...
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More of our physicians and departments are starting to use the product. But for one of our specialty...
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The vendor is very hands on with the training. Everybody trains differently, so I didn't grasp much...
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Loyalty, Product
The vendor is working toward integrating Lightning Bolt Scheduling with other software, though that...
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I like how Lightning Bolt Scheduling automatically generates the schedule. When I'm making the...
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We have never had a problem with the training from PerfectServe. Providers don't want to do anything...
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Culture, Relationship
When I do have a question, PerfectServe gets back to me right away. And even though I feel like I'm...
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Lightning Bolt Scheduling certainly serves our needs because we put it into effect and now we don't...
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It is challenging as part of the incorporation for someone to promptly troubleshoot issues. The...
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We have a standing scheduled meeting to address concerns on occasion on a weekend or after hours.
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Relationship, Operations
It is probably hard for PerfectServe to change their clients, but it would be beneficial if...
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Product, Value
The product is meeting our needs really well. There is a lot more reporting we do now from the data....
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When PerfectServe bought Lightning Bolt Scheduling, we didn't see many changes with it. They kept...
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Culture, Product
Lightning Bolt Scheduling works as promoted. Specifically, the vendor promotes automation with the...
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Relationship, Operations, Product
There are sometimes missteps when the vendor releases updates. They will release something, and...
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There is a lot of stuff to the system. There is automation with schedule builds. We put a lot of...
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It would be wonderful if Lightning Bolt Scheduling integrated with our patient portal. Then we would...
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Whenever we have an issue, we have a special on-call number that we can call if something is going...
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When it comes to prioritization, there will always be things that get prioritized at different...
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I use the back-end data analytics portion. The API is what shines in the application. The API has...
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I appreciate being able to reach out to anyone at PerfectServe and say that I have a problem. From...
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The entire data analytics back end is not cohesive. The ETL doesn't work well. It is inaccurate and...
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Loyalty, Product
Anybody using Lightning Bolt Scheduling in conjunction with another scheduling system will always...
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I would tell a friend or a peer that PerfectServe has great customer service. They have always been...
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PerfectServe's support and program are fantastic. We started out with just a couple of departments...
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Loyalty, Product
It is a struggle for my department to get the system's automatic scheduler to work, so sometimes, we...
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I feel like the vendor hears our feedback. When we ask them whether something can be done, they...
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The tool is really expensive, especially in terms of adding practitioners. That is why I also use...
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Product, Value
Lightning Bolt Scheduling is effective where it is being utilized. It improves administrative...
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PerfectServe and Lightning Bolt are part of the same company but don't interface. I am hopeful that...
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Lightning Bolt Scheduling delivers what it promises. More departments have come to use Lightning...
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Operations, Product
After undergoing the training, people find Lightning Bolt Scheduling relatively straightforward. It...
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PerfectServe is very responsive to questions. We use their basic support structure, but we also have...
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PerfectServe seems to upgrade the product and make it better. They do various upgrades that...
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Initially, our experience with PerfectServ was rocky. However, it has gotten much better because we...
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The implementation was challenging. Perhaps we didn’t have the right expectations. I spend a lot of...
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I wish the rules we give worked better. I wish the system would do what we ask it to do. We have a...
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I’m pleased with the responsiveness and the support. I am one of the schedulers. People who aren’t...
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There are a lot of steps to get the program up and running. There are days I teeter on the edge of...
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PerfectServe is always available for whatever we need. When we needed help with something at one...
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Loyalty, Product
PerfectServe hasn't been able to connect Lightning Bolt Scheduling to a certain system. I'm sure...
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Culture, Loyalty
The reason why we went with PerfectServe was that we didn't really need a platform with a lot of...
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The vendor is always accessible if I have questions, and they are very responsive. I always...
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We integrated our schedules with Lightning Bolt Scheduling with our Epic system, so we don't have a...
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I and a lot of other managers are used to using and doing other things in different types of...
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The representatives assigned to our organization have been extremely supportive and available. There...
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Our physicians and nurses are on rotations between different inpatient positions and elective care,...
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I don't demand a lot from PerfectServe, but every time I have reached out to them, they have kept...
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My colleagues would probably disagree with my satisfaction rating for the ease of use for end users....
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The person who I go to for Lightning Bolt Scheduling is phenomenal and very responsive. That has...
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We have had some issues with trying to get Lightning Bolt Scheduling to communicate with the...
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I haven't seen any changes in the charges unless there is a yearly increase. There is nothing that...
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I have an account representative that I send changes to. If a doctor's template changes, they go to...
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In the past, our rules have been difficult. Our physicians have covered multiple different...
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I like how customizable Lightning Bolt Scheduling is. It can be very tailored to our end users'...
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PerfectServe is excellent on every level. Their customer support is spot on. They are innovative....
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Lightning Bolt Scheduling is a great communication tool that all staff and providers can access to...
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PerfectServe has sent things to explain things that have gone wrong with some of the upgrades and...
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PerfectServe did really well with the initial training. I haven't really needed much since then....
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There is a print feature in Lightning Bolt Scheduling where we can print the daily schedule, and it...
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The value we get with Lightning Bolt Scheduling is integration with everything else that I own....
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Relationship, Product
There is nothing PerfectServe could improve or do a little better because we have worked so hard the...
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