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User Commentary
The support from Syntellis is not good. We create a support ticket on the web, and someone...
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We use Analytics Explorer to display all sorts of different data across the enterprise. The product...
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Product, Value
There is nothing wrong with what we are running or what we are doing in Analytics Explorer, but we...
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We had a significant issue with our last upgrade. That was a weird technical thing. Eventually, we...
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The flexibility of the data Analytics Explorer accepts is probably the product's number-one...
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Relationship, Product
There are little annoyances with the software on occasion, but Syntellis doesn't own it. It is TIBCO...
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As far as customer service goes with troubleshooting, if something arises or something weird comes...
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Analytics Explorer is easier compared to Syntellis’ PM product because we can build whatever we can...
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The vendor's support team is really helpful. I like their willingness to schedule ongoing meetings...
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When I have the option to pick between Analytics Explorer and another product I'm familiar with, I...
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We will have an upgraded version of the product within the next year. I'm excited about the new...
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The people that support the products are knowledgeable, helpful, and available. And I believe that...
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Analytics Explorer just takes some time to get used to it. But we all learn differently, so it also...
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There isn’t anything Syntellis needs to do; the product is what it is. If I were Syntellis, I would...
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Loyalty, Product
Analytics Explorer operates with all of our systems; we are able to load things as well. The way it...
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With the output of the analytics, I often find myself hitting Print Screen because I can do a better...
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Analytics Explorer is a repackaged product. I was really thinking I could save money by just going...
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Syntellis has kept their promises with the product and the development of the tools, but we don't...
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