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Global (Non-US) EMR Market Share 2022
The Impact of the Pandemic’s Second Year
2021 was an active year for EMR purchasing despite the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 150 provider organizations outside the US signed an EMR contract in 2021, covering 31 different vendors and impacting over 430 hospitals. While total decisions were lower in 2021 than in any other of the last five years, the number of beds impacted was above average thanks to a number of larger organizations making EMR purchase decisions. Europe remains the most active region, though Africa and Asia both saw increased purchase energy from 2020. The pandemic continues to hinder EMR decisions most in Oceania and Latin America (especially Spanish-speaking countries).
Health Insights, Dedalus, and Cerner Lead Multiregional Vendors in 2021
After a quiet 2020, Health Insights saw a strong uptick in 2021. The year’s largest EMR contract went to Health Insights: via a partnership with Vodafone Egypt, MEDiCACLOUDCARE (Health Insights’ core EMR) will be deployed in a private cloud environment, covering nearly 80 university hospitals. The vendor also signed their first client in Qatar and their second and third clients in Malaysia. Dedalus had another strong year, bolstered by purchasing in Europe. Their market-share-leading ORBIS platform continues to grow through new wins and M&A activity in the DACHL and France. Additionally, Dedalus acquired DXC Technology in 2021, gaining almost 400 hospitals on multiple EMR platforms. Cerner rounds out the top three multiregional vendors (by contracted beds) thanks to significant activity in the UK and Canada. They were selected by 5 trusts in England, building on their market-leading presence there. Also, a conglomerate of 7 organizations in Ontario, Canada, chose Millennium for their 11 hospitals. MEDITECH had a successful year, supported by 2 large group decisions in Canada from legacy C/S clients moving their 35 hospitals to Expanse.
Most-Selected Regional Vendors Are Softway Medical, SIB, and CGM in Europe and MV in Latin America
EMR activity in Europe continues to be propelled by groupements hospitaliers de territoires (GHTs) in France aligning their HIT environments. Softway Medical had another standout year—their HOPITAL MANAGER platform was selected by 4 large GHTs and 2 nonprofit groups (45 hospitals). This caps off an explosive period for Softway Medical, which is now the go-forward platform in 17 GHTs. SIB’s Sillage platform was selected by 3 GHTs and 3 psychiatric hospitals; SIB already has a strong presence in and around Bretagne in northwest France. CompuGroup Medical has acquired multiple EMR platforms in the DACHL region. 3 large university/multihospital organizations in Germany and Switzerland selected the go-forward CGM CLINICAL platform, putting the vendor in the top four regional vendors for beds contracted in 2021. While EMR activity in Latin America has decreased since the pandemic began, MV remains the most widely selected solution in the region over the last five years; Philips is selected second most.
Europe: Softway Medical and SIB Bolstered by GHT Decisions; Dedalus Active in DACHL, Cerner in the UK
Western Europe
GHTs continue to drive most EMR activity in Western Europe. KLAS validated decisions involving 12 GHTs (9 of these affecting most of the GHT’s facilities). Of those full GHT decisions, 4 selected Softway Medical, 3 selected SIB, and 1 apiece selected Dedalus ORBIS U and Hopsis. Maincare Solutions’ legacy platform continues to be replaced, and their go-forward EMR is infrequently chosen. KLAS validated no contracts in Portugal or Spain.
26 contracts in the DACHL were validated in 2021, primarily in Germany along with a few in Switzerland and 1 in Austria. 6 organizations (11 hospitals) in Germany chose Dedalus ORBIS. 13 organizations in Germany and Switzerland selected CompuGroup Medical (CGM); half of these are acute care providers that primarily chose the go-forward CGM CLINICAL platform. The other half are rehabilitation hospitals, most of which are migrating to the go-forward CGM REHA platform. Mesalvo was formed in 2021 following the acquisition of Meona and i-SOLUTIONS Health by Trill Impact. Their MEONA platform was selected by a health region in Austria (the country’s only validated contract in 2021). After their breakout year in 2020, CISTEC was selected by 1 organization in Switzerland (a net new win).
UK, Ireland, and Channel Islands
2021 was England’s most active year in the last five years. This is likely to continue, driven by the push toward integrated care systems (ICSs). In 2021, 10 acute care or specialty trusts selected a new EMR. Cerner extended their market share lead among public trusts with 5 acute care trust selections. The other trust decisions in 2021 were split between Allscripts, Epic, MEDITECH (a migration to Expanse), Nervecentre Software, and System C. Additionally, 1 mental health trust selected Civica, and the Channel Islands of Jersey and Guernsey both selected IMS MAXIMS (replacing InterSystems).
Other Areas
Other parts of Europe were relatively quiet in 2021. ChipSoft was selected by 3 organizations in the Netherlands, increasing their market share lead in the country. Of tracked vendors, only Dedalus had contracts in Italy; 2 organizations chose C4C, and 1 chose Galileo. KLAS validated a contract for Nexus AG in Eastern Europe but was unable to learn the number of facilities impacted, so it isn’t included in this report. No new contracts were validated in the Nordics, where most large regional initiatives have already been finalized over the last five years.
Middle East/Africa: Health Insights Selected in Large Egypt Decision; InterSystems and IQVIA Lead Out in the Middle East
EMR purchasing in Africa continues a pattern of inconsistency year over year. 2021 was a more active year, with Egypt’s Ministry of Higher Education selecting Health Insights (via Vodafone Egypt) to deploy MEDiCACLOUDCARE to nearly 80 hospitals in a private cloud environment. Another 2-hospital organization also chose Health Insights. Additionally, an organization currently building a hospital in Egypt selected Cerner, and one group in French-speaking Réunion extended their deployment of Dedalus’ platform.
Middle East
Overall, EMR activity in the Middle East was low in 2021 (the second lowest in the last five years). Still, eight different EMR vendors were selected in the Middle East in 2021, mostly in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. One large medical city in Riyadh selected IQVIA; this was the largest contract in the region. InterSystems TrakCare was selected by 3 organizations totaling 4 hospitals across three countries, giving the vendor the highest number of hospital wins in the region. After previously being deployed across 3 healthcare clusters, Cloud Solutions was chosen by 2 standalone hospitals in Saudi Arabia; one of these is their first private commercial client. CertaCure, selected in Iraq and Jordan, was the only vendor active outside GCC countries.
Latin America: In Slowing Brazil Market, MV and Philips Lead; MEDITECH Makes Gains in the Caribbean
Brazil’s EMR activity hit its lowest level in five years as the pandemic continued to slow decisions. MV was selected most for new contracts (18 organizations); 6 organizations also chose to migrate to the SOUL platform. This marks five years that MV has led EMR selections in Brazil. Philips has been the second most selected vendor in Brazil in that time frame. 14 organizations chose Philips in Brazil, including 2 organizations with 2 hospitals each and 1 large organization extending their HTML5 environment to 5 more hospitals (one is a migration). 2 organizations selected Dedalus MedView—an existing client that extended to 3 hospitals and a new standalone hospital client. 3 hospitals apiece selected SPDATA and Pixeon. Both have seen a dip in contracts since smaller hospitals have been hit particularly hard by the pandemic in Brazil.
Other Latin American Countries
EMR purchases in other parts of Latin America have been very sparse among tracked vendors since the pandemic began. In 2021, two healthcare organizations chose MEDITECH in the Caribbean, where they are the most frequently considered and selected vendor.
Asia/Oceania: ezCaretech Branches Out as Asia Rebounds; Oceania Quiet
Asia’s EMR activity increased significantly in 2021—the 23 contracts across tracked vendors were validated in eight countries and are more than double 2020’s contracts. Adoption of cloud-based platforms is starting to take off in the region. ezCaretech had the most wins: 2 large organizations selected BESTCare 2.0, including one in Japan (ezCaretech’s first client in the country). Also, 6 organizations chose the vendor’s cloud-based EDGE&NEXT solution, more than tripling the number of clients on the platform in South Korea. 5 organizations in Northeast China selected Dedalus’ Sunway EMR, growing the acquired solution’s moderate presence in the country. Health Insights added their second and third clients (one public, one private) in Indonesia, and one of these is deploying MEDiCACLOUDCARE in the cloud. InterSystems won 2 contracts in Asia; their largest is a 6-hospital private healthcare group in Indonesia. IQVIA was chosen by 3 hospitals in India and 1 in Malaysia (a migration), adding to their moderate client base in the region. Across the last five years, more hospitals have selected IQVIA and their Arcus Air platform than any other vendor KLAS tracks in the region.
With one validated contract, 2021 is tied with 2019 as Oceania’s lowest year of EMR activity in the last five years. A small, newly built hospital in New Zealand chose Orion Health’s local solution.
Canada: Two Large MEDITECH Migrations to Expanse; One Conglomerate Chooses Cerner
EMR activity in Canada was average compared to the last five years, though the size of those decisions was above average. Two large existing MEDITECH clients (a Health Authority in British Columbia and a regional network in Ontario) decided to migrate from C/S to Expanse. These decisions cover 35 acute care facilities and 17 organizations. A regional conglomerate in southeast Ontario selected Cerner for its 11 hospitals, replacing some instances of MEDITECH MAGIC and Harris Healthcare FLEX. This is the largest decision in Canada for Cerner in the last five years. Last, a group of 3 small organizations decided to join an existing Epic deployment with neighboring organizations in Ontario.
About This Report
A Note about Terminology and What Counts as an EMR
Though the nomenclature used to describe the core patient record used throughout a hospital varies from region to region or language to language (e.g., EHR, EPR, EMR, EPD, EPJ, DPI, KIS, HCE, PEP, etc.), the term that will be used in this research is EMR (electronic medical record).
The EMR is the core record used by hospitals for day-to-day clinical tasks, such as clinical noting and documentation, ordering, results reporting, and ePrescribing. Some systems in this research may not include all of these clinical functions, but they are all viewed by their users as their core patient record. Solutions used solely for document management or scanning are excluded from this research even though they are the primary clinical system in use at some hospitals.
Additionally, the term “vendor” is used throughout this report to refer to the company supplying the EMR technology. KLAS recognizes that different countries may have different terminology, including “supplier.”
How Does KLAS Measure EMR Market Share?
In this report, any given vendor’s EMR market share is defined as the total number of inpatient hospital facilities (as opposed to organizations, which may be comprised of multiple hospitals) whose most recent contract is with that vendor. For example, if a vendor signs a contract with a four-hospital organization, that vendor’s market share would increase by four. KLAS acknowledges that in some countries, such as Spain and the Netherlands, the term “hospital” may be used to refer to an organization with multiple inpatient facilities. However, in this report, “hospital” is used to refer to a single inpatient facility.
At any point in time, only one company is recognized as the most recently contracted vendor for a hospital. KLAS considers a change in a hospital’s most recently contracted EMR vendor a “win” for the new vendor and a “loss” for the incumbent vendor (if one existed). In this report, a win does not depend on the legal status of a contract or on whether a provider organization is a paying customer. Additionally, while KLAS tracks vendor losses, these losses are not charted in this research since many hospitals outside the United States are moving from paper or from a conglomeration of best-of-breed departmental systems to an enterprise platform. KLAS will comment on losses in geographies where relevant.
Hospitals that have contracted for a new EMR normally continue to use their previous system for one or more years before/after going live with a new one. During this time, the hospital might be considered a customer of both vendors, but only the most recently contracted vendor receives market share credit in this report. Likewise, there may be a space of time between when a previous vendor’s contract ends and a new contract is formalized. In these cases, the previously contracted vendor is recognized as the current vendor until the new agreement is formalized. However, provider organizations have the final say on their own status, so in rare cases when an organization has directly informed KLAS of a decision, a win might be counted before a contract is legally signed.
When measuring market share, KLAS counts any facility that offers inpatient services. Most of the contracts discussed in this report were made by general acute care hospitals, including community hospitals and facilities offering sub–acute or step-down care services (as long as those facilities have overnight inpatient beds). However, this research also includes some EMR decisions made by inpatient rehabilitation facilities, inpatient psychiatric hospitals, and specialty acute care facilities (e.g., for oncology, pediatrics, or ophthalmology). Outpatient facilities, urgent care centers, day hospitals, and residential treatment facilities are excluded. Below is a breakdown of 2021 EMR purchasing by hospital type.
In cases where two or more healthcare organizations join together to make an EMR purchase decision, KLAS regards the decision as a single contract even if multiple contracts are signed with each participating entity because there was a single, collective decision-making and selection process. In 2021, decisions of this nature occurred in France and Canada.
Types of Wins
KLAS places newly contracted hospitals into various categories. Multihospital organizations and standalone hospital organizations that switch to a vendor not previously in use at the organization are counted as “net new” wins. “Add-on” wins occur when an organization extends their existing EMR contract to a new hospital. Often, these add-on wins come about as the result of acquisitions/mergers, newly constructed hospitals, or organizations consolidating from two or more EMRs to a single solution.
Contract changes in which an organization stays with their current EMR vendor but moves to another platform from that vendor as their go-forward solution (usually requiring sizable build/implementation effort) are noted where applicable but are not included in a vendor’s overall wins. Often, these decisions are complete platform migrations, though in some cases the organization may move forward with functionality from both platforms. For simplicity’s sake, KLAS refers to all such decisions as “migrations,” regardless of whether other vendors were also considered or how competitive that decision may have been. In this report, the following vendors all had at least one customer migration: CompuGroup Medical (KIMSYSTEM to CGM REHA), Dedalus (Galileo to C4C), IQVIA (Arcus to Arcus Air), MEDITECH (C/S or 6.x to Expanse), MV (MV2000 to SOUL MV), and Philips Tasy (Delphi-based solution to Java/HTML5 code base). Customers who upgrade their current system or re-sign with their current vendor to extend the length of their existing contract are also excluded from a vendor’s overall wins, though they are presented in the vendor’s market share counts in applicable markets.
Where Does Market Share Data Come From?
The market share data reported in this study is based on hospital EMR purchasing activity (i.e., executed contracts) that occurred 1 January–31 December 2021. The data comes from multiple sources, including publicly available information and the numerous conversations KLAS has each year with provider organizations around the globe.
KLAS also provides vendors with the opportunity to report their annual hospital EMR wins. KLAS then validates this information with provider organizations through in-depth interviews, publicly available information, and other means. The following table shows vendors’ levels of transparency and disclosure of their EMR wins for 2021.
In all cases, KLAS makes a best-effort attempt to use third-party sources and our vast provider network to independently validate all recently signed EMR contracts. While KLAS believes the data in this report is directionally correct, we acknowledge that some inaccuracies may result from lack of vendor transparency/participation.
KLAS is confident that the decisions tracked in this report account for most EMR purchasing that occurred in 2021 in Canada, Europe (excluding Eastern Europe), Latin America, the Middle East, and Oceania. However, EMR purchasing in Asia involves a wide variety of vendors, many of which KLAS does not currently track, so KLAS acknowledges that the picture given for EMR purchasing in Asia is less complete. KLAS also has less transparency into EMR purchasing happening in Africa.
KLAS’ historical global market share information is continually being updated as new information comes to light. In some cases, contracts are canceled, new vendors are chosen that were missed in previous years’ reports, hospitals close, or KLAS discovers that a contract previously recorded did not include EMR functionality. This review of the historical data necessarily results in some shifts in vendors’ overall market share numbers. In 2021, this ongoing data review resulted in notable shifts (+/- 10 or more hospitals) for ALERT, Maincare Solutions, and Cerner (all adjusted down in Europe); and for Softway Medical and Hopsis Easily (both adjusted up in Europe). In 2021, Dedalus acquired DXC Technology’s software portfolio, resulting in a significant increase in Dedalus’ overall market share. In addition to the changes noted above, KLAS has included in relevant market share counts Cerner’s 15 contracted US overseas military hospitals (previously counted under KLAS’ US hospital market share research). Additionally, this year is the first that KLAS has included market share and recent wins for Adaptive TechSoft (Middle East), CertaCure (Middle East), IQVIA (Asia and Middle East), OASIS (Middle East), Orion Health (Asia and Oceania), and Telstra Health (Australia). As KLAS makes adjustments in market share, combines vendors’ market share based on M&A activity, or adds new vendors to the research, historical trending charts are updated accordingly. The trending charts in this report supersede trending data given in previous iterations of this report.
Geographic Regions
The geographic regions used in this report are based—with some variation—on the United Nations’ geographic regions. Since all EMR purchases in Northern America in the past eight years have occurred in either Canada or the United States and since this report excludes US market share data, the UN’s designation of Northern America has been replaced with the KLAS region of Canada. EMR purchases for overseas territories are discussed in the sections for their respective geographic regions (as defined by the UN) and are not grouped into counts for the overarching country (e.g., American Samoa, Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands for the US; British Virgin Islands, Falkland Islands [Isla Malvinas], and other British Overseas Territories for the UK; French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Réunion, and Saint Pierre and Miquelon for France; Curaçao for the Netherlands). For more details on the US EMR market, please refer to KLAS’ annual US hospital EMR market share report.
Vendors that are widely considered by provider organizations in multiple regions and have a significant number of validated customers in at least two regions are labeled as “multiregional.” Vendors whose customer base is heavily skewed toward a single region are designated as “regional” and grouped by region. These designations are re-evaluated annually.

Amanda Wind

Jess Wallace-Simpson

Project Manager
Jill Wilcock
This material is copyrighted. Any organization gaining unauthorized access to this report will be liable to compensate KLAS for the full retail price. Please see the KLAS DATA USE POLICY for information regarding use of this report. © 2025 KLAS Research, LLC. All Rights Reserved. NOTE: Performance scores may change significantly when including newly interviewed provider organizations, especially when added to a smaller sample size like in emerging markets with a small number of live clients. The findings presented are not meant to be conclusive data for an entire client base.