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Global EMR Market Share
Energy Increases Rapidly Outside the U.S. in 2014

author - Jeremy Goff
Jeremy Goff
author - Dan Czech
Dan Czech
August 14, 2015 | Read Time: 3  minutes

Fueled by provider demand to go electronic and improve care, EMR purchases outside of the U.S. grew rapidly in 2014. KLAS validated over 141 organizations (272 hospitals) signing EMR contracts around the globe. This report highlights which vendors providers are choosing, overall vendor market share, and regional momentum; it covers purchasing decisions involving five globally considered EMR vendors as well as regional solutions in Europe and Brazil. Decisions involving regional EMRs are also occurring in other geographies. These are not included in this research.

1. Cerner and InterSystems Cast the Largest Global Net

Among globally considered vendors, Cerner was selected most frequently by organizations of all types (e.g., large and small, standalone and multihospital) across Europe, the Middle East, Northern America, and Oceania. About 40% (17) of these hospitals were providers in England who in competitive post-NPfIT bids decided to keep Cerner. InterSystems also continued to expand to multiple regions with their lower-cost, web-based offering. InterSystems’ popularity among small to midsize multihospital organizations helped them expand in every region except Africa and Northern America (where the product is not marketed). MEDITECH had moderate growth in four regions. Allscripts and Epic expanded into new regions in Latin America and Oceania, respectively.

newly signed 2014 hospitals

2. Allscripts, Epic, and MEDITECH Not Competitive in UK Market

The UK was the most competitive country for acute care EMR contracts in 2014, with 21 providers (78 hospitals) choosing seven different vendors. Global vendors Allscripts, Epic, and MEDITECH did not expand significantly on their existing footprint in the country; providers looked to Cerner and InterSystems, who have more well-established customer bases and to other, lower-cost regional solutions like CSC Lorenzo and IMS MAXIMS.

2014 uk contract breakdown

3. Acquisition Gives Cerner Largest Market Share

With the Siemens acquisition finalizing in early 2014 following a strong sales year, Cerner catapulted from fourth place to first in overall EMR market share. InterSystems and MV Sistemas also had growth reflective of their large market shares. Agfa added on to a strong core in Germany and France but did not see as much relative growth as the other market share leaders. Of all global vendors, Epic had the largest percentage increase in new hospitals relative to overall market share; IMS MAXIMS had the largest among regional solutions.

estimated global market share

4. Multiple Vendors Vying in Brazil; MV Sistemas and Philips Winning

MV Sistemas had a very successful 2014 largely thanks to add-on contracts and standalone selections, solidifying their position as the market share leader in Brazil. Philips kept pace in wins but still trails significantly in overall market share. Nearly twice as many hospitals from multihospital organizations selected Philips as MV Sistemas. Agfa (not leveraging their WPD install base) and Cerner made little progress in Brazil; InterSystems signed three new hospitals through add-on contracts.



Little energy in Asia in 2014: Among global players, only Allscripts and InterSystems had new add-on wins. Providers in Australia selected InterSystems, MEDITECH, and Epic over traditional market players Allscripts and Cerner. Allscripts was selected by a provider in Guam.


Rapid growth in UK: Cerner, CSC, and InterSystems were NHS trusts’ primary choices; IMS MAXIMS chosen by a large private healthcare group. Moderate growth in Central Europe: Larger providers in France and Germany chose Agfa; in Netherlands, smaller hospitals selected market share–leading ChipSoft, while large hospitals preferred Epic. Scandinavia poised for major EMR growth.

The Americas/The Caribbean

Major energy in Brazil: Market share–leading MV Sistemas had the most wins, being selected frequently, though Philips followed close behind thanks to multihospital organizations favoring them in 2014. Canada poised for major growth, despite exhibiting little energy in 2014: two providers selected Cerner.

The Middle East/Africa

The Middle East had slower-than-expected EMR growth in 2014 as regime changes slowed decisions in Saudi Arabia. Providers selected Cerner, Epic, and InterSystems. Little energy in Africa: Botswana continues to migrate to MEDITECH 6.0 platform.

validated 2014 contracts by region

author - Jonathan Christensen
Jonathan Christensen
author - Natalie Jamison
Natalie Jamison
author - Robert Ellis
Project Manager
Robert Ellis
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This material is copyrighted. Any organization gaining unauthorized access to this report will be liable to compensate KLAS for the full retail price. Please see the KLAS DATA USE POLICY for information regarding use of this report. © 2024 KLAS Research, LLC. All Rights Reserved. NOTE: Performance scores may change significantly when including newly interviewed provider organizations, especially when added to a smaller sample size like in emerging markets with a small number of live clients. The findings presented are not meant to be conclusive data for an entire client base.

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