2020 Best in KLAS Revenue Cycle Outsourcing

Segment Winner

2yr Trend

Solutions Not Ranked

Limited Data Products




Component [C], Not Primary [NP], Regional [R] or Limited Market Share [MS]

*Does not meet minimum KLAS Konfidence level.

Trend does not include the Best KLAS score

Light Bulb

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More information about Revenue Cycle Outsourcing is available via the following KLAS products:

Past Revenue Cycle Outsourcing Awards


Konfidence level
Konfidence Level Description
Products must have at least 30 live organizations participating for software and at least 15 live organizations for professional services. Exception to this is Transcription Services (30).
Products must have at least 20 live organizations participating for software and at least 10 live organizations for professional services. Exception to this is Transcription Services (20).
Products must have at least 15 live organizations participating for software and at least 6 live organizations for professional services. Exception to this is Transcription Services
The Konfidence level on this product rating is low. These results are for early trend detection. As more performance data is received, the result is likely to have a wide variance.