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User Commentary
Relationship, Operations, Product
Epic does immersion visits where they come to see how we use the tool so that they can see whether...
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Epic has regular Webex meetings for new MDSs and stuff. Also, the MDS coordinators really like the...
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Relationship, Product
The only thing that people ever request is a lot more reports. Epic has good reports, but there is...
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We appreciate the user-friendliness and formatting that Epic's system has. The UI is the big thing...
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Epic charges for the module, and they don’t charge us for enhancements or whatever. We also have...
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The way Epic LTC allows us to configure the MDS is quite good. The solution is able to populate...
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Product, Value
Our best example of a tangible outcome is our barcode medication administration. It wasn't really a...
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I'm so plugged in with Epic’s development now that I do feel like they are developing what I want...
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Operations, Product
Epic LTC was easy once we got it. The process of getting there is a lift sometimes. The solution is...
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Epic tends to not be overly communicative, but they send almost too much information about changes...
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Epic has all the support tools in place, but the teammates that we work with very much matters. A...
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We have had no problems with the last few upgrades. The only thing that could have improved with the...
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Epic does keep their promises, but the caveat is that they tend to have their own timelines that...
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Our last implementation for Epic LTC was a few years ago. In hindsight, there are things that could...
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Ultimately Epic does get things where they need to be. However, specifically around the sales...
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The product could be improved by having more integration options with Epic.
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We rolled out the system to provide consistency with our EMR and streamline access for our physician...
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One pain point for us is Epic wants to charge us for development costs for one of our facilities...
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Product, Value
The sole benefit of the EHR is having one record for one patient. We have flow sheets where we can...
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It is inexcusable that Epic LTC does not have built-in solutions for nursing facilities' key metrics...
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We had a serious compliance concern related to very burdensome CNA charting. We have a minimum data...
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Epic felt comfortable that we were sharing one patient and one record with the facility and that...
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The product is not Epic's priority. I do see some things that are underway. I see documentation for...
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Relationship, Product
For Epic LTC as a system, there is a lack of attention to the long-term customer. We have flow...
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Loyalty, Product
We have had surveyors come to us for years and remember that we have Epic LTC because Epic LTC is so...
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Loyalty, Product
There is no door care plan. We are supposed to be able to walk into a long-term care residence room...
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Epic has a BFF for every customer organization who is a relatively senior executive, and we have...
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Overall, Epic has a great suite of products. It is hard to get everything out of the system that we...
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Loyalty, Product, Value
We are leveraging Epic LTC to boost profitability because it is an integrated EHR that does a good...
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Epic’s work in the long-term care area was still incomplete at the time that we went live with Epic...
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Relationship, Product
Epic generally does a very good job in terms of the quality of their code. We have had very few...
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We leverage Epic's university for our ongoing end-user training for new hires. From an IT...
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Product, Value
Some of the transactional fees for API processing where we have third-party systems plugged in to...
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From an upgrade standpoint, we effectively manage the upgrade process in-house. We don't really...
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Relationship, Product
Epic LTC is still on the earlier side of the product life cycle. But Epic does a decent job of...
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Epic LTC provides us with everything that we need that I'm aware of so far, and we have tons of...
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Relationship, Operations
We do updates based on CMS regulation changes, and Epic provides us with a step-by-step checklist of...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Value
We are meeting with Epic to talk about certain things that we would like to have happen in Epic LTC,...
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On the therapy side, Epic LTC doesn't provide the functionality based on the way that we currently...
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Sometimes there are places where certain things will be on third-party systems rather than on Epic's...
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Culture, Loyalty, Relationship
Epic knows their product. If they say that we will be able to do something, we might not be able to...
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Relationship, Operations
I have to recertify every so many years, and I have to keep up with new-version training, and Epic...
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Epic is our EHR, and even with issues, it is much easier to have something like Epic LTC that is...
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One thing that my staff loves is the pictures for ADLs. The pictures in the system are so great for...
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Culture, Product
With SNFs, consolidated billing states there will be a daily rate. The good thing about that is...
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Loyalty, Value
I was on the committee that helped decide whether we were going to go with Epic or another vendor....
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Relationship, Operations
I would buy Epic LTC again if I had great Epic people assisting me. In the beginning, our support...
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Relationship, Product
Epic has kept promises for the most part. Their reports need the most work. That has been the...
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The price tag on Epic LTC hurt our hospital. It was expensive. Being in an independent facility hurt...
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The upgrades have gone much better than the original implementation. There was more downtime in the...
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I love MyChart. It is fabulous to have the patients and their families be able to see the charts and...
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Operations, Product
I help out in a lot of different areas, so we are working in a lot of different workflows that have...
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I don't think the vendor executives are very involved, at least they haven't been from what I have...
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The long-term care product needs to be more revenue driven. It needs to focus on how to maximize...
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Loyalty, Product
When we do have builds, those take quite a bit of time. A long time ago, Epic said they were going...
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Loyalty, Product, Value
Probably the biggest benefit of this product is that we can pull information directly from the Epic...
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I don't think Epic really makes promises because we know that there are some things they just can't...
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Recently, the vendor came on-site. That was nice of them to actually come on-site to hear the voice...
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Relationship, Product
We oftentimes run into issues with the product. The product is not amazing, especially for our...
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We lean a lot on Epic's system as a foundational tool. Instead of arguing about every decision, we...
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The product's integration and standardization across our facility give us excellent patient handoffs...
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Epic updates the MDS well. It is nice how documentation is automatically mapped to the MDS and our...
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Operations, Product
The only issue we seem to have is not necessarily with the program itself. It is with the way we...
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Loyalty, Product
Our long-term care module works wonderfully as long as our staff members use it. The vendor doesn't...
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Relationship, Operations
If we need something, we can get good training from Epic. The vendor's support people are pretty...
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Product, Value
The product is easy to use, and it is reliable. The product does drive some outcomes, but they are...
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Loyalty, Product
The satisfaction rates that we get from patients within our long-term care facility are really high....
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Relationship, Product
Sometimes, Epic provides things that our organization can't implement quickly because of staffing...
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Epic does a very good job of staying ahead of regulations so that we can do our reporting. Epic is...
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One issue we are dealing with is ensuring we get proper documentation to Medicare for reimbursement....
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Loyalty, Product
One frustrating thing is that we build all these lovely tools in Epic's system for the nurses, and...
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We are running into some things within Epic's system, and it would be nice if they fixed those...
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Relationship, Operations
Epic is still ironing out the kinks that come with a long-term care facility. There are problems...
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We work very closely with our Epic TS person. Oftentimes, they are not able to give a full answer,...
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We can have task lists in Epic's system for most of the things we need to do, except when it comes...
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The key to being successful with Epic is to ask the end users a lot of questions and find out what...
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