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340B Management Systems
Relieving the Audit Pressure
The federal 340B program launched in 1992, allowing qualifying providers to purchase drugs at discounted prices. With the recent increase in HRSA audits, providers are under more pressure than ever to double- and triple-check their numbers. With everything else on their plates, pharmacies need a vendor that can give them great tools and responsive support. Which 340B vendors today instill the most confidence in their clients? And which vendors deliver the tools and services that make providers most effective?
Thanks to robust, capable solutions, nearly all (94%) Sentry customers were confident their product had prepared them for an audit. Macro Helix was not far behind, with over 85% of their customers feeling confident. Customers liked the capabilities offered by these solutions for both the triple split and the NDC crosswalk and lauded Macro Helix’s dashboard and Sentry’s analytics. Customers using ABTG, eAudit Solutions, and Talyst were much less confident. Respondents noted that the solutions from these vendors are less automated and require more extensive upkeep and management if providers want to stay prepared.
For providers planning to leave their current 340B vendor, Macro Helix is the top replacement consideration, garnering three times as many nods as Sentry, the nearest competitor. Sentry has a reputation for their robust tools and their capabilities with contract pharmacies, but many prefer Macro Helix’s very functional solution at a lower price point. These two vendors stand to gain customers at the expense of eAudit Solutions, ABTG, and Talyst. Those leaving ABTG and eAudit Solutions cited the need for vendor consolidation and a more robust system as the primary reasons. Talyst respondents identified a lack of auditing support and overall confidence in the system as reasons to switch. Conversely, all Macro Helix and Sentry clients interviewed said they are planning to stay put.
Providers noted that while all vendors responded to the GPO-exclusion legislation that was enacted in 2013, they did so with varying degrees of success. Sentry and Macro Helix were noted to have dealt with the change best, and eAudit Solutions also did well. However, generally, all vendors struggled to provide proactive outreach and communication to their customers. In the case of Macro Helix and Sentry, customers often stated that the lack of communication was due to the vendors’ extensive growth over the past year. Providers said all vendors, except Talyst, provided good basic support.
62% of customers said ABTG is part of long-term plans; there was medium confidence for potential audits. ABTG not being considered as a replacement option by respondents. Capable solution that requires some manual attention. Scores well for triple-split billing. Knowledgeable staff, though not as proactive. Drug crosswalk a major challenge. Too few meaningful standard reports.
Only 53% of customers said eAudit Solutions is part of long-term plans; respondents had low confidence in potential audits and gave eAudit Solutions little consideration as a replacement option. Highest-rated phone/web support. Lower-cost solution requiring extensive upkeep, especially for the triple split. Reporting can be time intensive, but improving.
100% of customers said Macro Helix is part of long-term plans; high provider confidence for audits. High provider mindshare, and most often considered vendor. Medium-cost solution with very good split billing and solid capabilities for drug crosswalk, contract pharmacy, and orphan-drug accounting. Reporting works well, but could be more intuitive. Highly regarded service/ support teams, but spread thin due to growth. Implementation and training often rushed.
100% of customers said Sentry is part of long-term plans; highest provider confidence around audits. High mindshare and second in considerations. Cadillac solution for triple split and the NDC crosswalk, with great analytics and a helpful contract-pharmacy module. Perceived as high cost. Most responsive to legislative changes, but service, implementation, and training resources stretched thin because of growth.
64% of customers said Talyst AutoSplit Desktop is part of long-term plans; low confidence in potential audits. Not being considered by respondents. Lower-cost, capable solution requiring high attention. Severe service, support, and training issues. Poor analytics tools.

Project Manager
Robert Ellis
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