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User Commentary
I have seen some other things that should just be a part of what WellSky offers on their basic plan,...
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I wouldn't recommend WellSky Home Health. When I say something negative about WellSky, I always feel...
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If the choice were up to me, we would not have WellSky Home Health. At some point, I will replace...
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Loyalty, Product
We have a lot of trouble with getting kicked out of WellSky Home Health with mobile devices. I get...
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In WellSky Home Health, I wish that someone couldn't schedule a visit if they didn't have an order...
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Culture, Relationship
If we initially call the support people and talk to them about the point-of-care offline app, they...
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Operations, Product, Value
WellSky’s point-of-care offline app has never worked, but the vendor still charges for it. Nurses...
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To contact WellSky’s support people, we have to send an email. We can call and be put on hold or...
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Loyalty, Product
WellSky Home Health is fairly easy to use. I would tell others looking at WellSky's system that if...
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Culture, Operations, Value
Whenever we implement a new feature or something in WellSky Home Health, there is an implementation...
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Loyalty, Product
We are using tablet iOS iPads for our mobile devices, and WellSky Home Health is a web-based EMR, so...
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We would like WellSky’s A/R and coding reports to be stronger. There is a lot of miscommunication...
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Relationship, Operations
We would like WellSky to follow through after their implementation calls. It shouldn't be the...
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Operations, Product
One thing that could be improved in the system is that when the vendor does different updates or...
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We haven't used WellSky's training the way we should have. We don't normally pay as much attention...
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The vendor could definitely make some mobile optimizations to the system. It can be hard to do...
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When I have met with WellSky's representatives at vendor shows and things like that, they have...
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Relationship, Product
The one major problem that we have with WellSky Home Health is that we don't like our staff members...
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WellSky's upgrades have disrupted our business. Our caregivers can't clock in and out correctly, and...
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WellSky Home Health is very simple and user friendly. It isn't complicated. We can easily find...
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Loyalty, Value
I would recommend WellSky, especially for this service line. The analytics were a differentiating...
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WellSky does not avoid charging for every little thing. That hasn't been a problem, but every...
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In WellSky's financial reporting, there are probably some areas where I could see growth, and I can...
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Culture, Product
WellSky Home Health works as promoted. We don't have any trouble with it. I have no problem bringing...
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I am very likely to recommend WellSky Home Health. We have used several home health products....
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For others looking at WellSky Home Health, I would emphasize WellSky Home Health’s ease of use and...
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We have had a few problems with the system's connection and the way it works on mobile devices. We...
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Culture, Value
WellSky keeps all of their promises in terms of how their software works, the changes that are going...
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Operations, Product
We like having the ability to train our staff members on the solution. When I do orientations, it...
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Product, Value
The biggest benefit of using the product is that it is user friendly for our nurses. The financial...
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The only thing we have encountered is with the therapy side, some of the information is lacking, so...
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The product is fairly user friendly. There are some things that we wish the system would do, but I...
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Lately, several things have caused the system to glitch and have affected claims and billing, and we...
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The vendor’s customer service is not like it was when we first signed on. We used to be able to chat...
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Everything new that comes out is an additional module for WellSky and it has to be added; it comes...
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Relationship, Product
WellSky Home Health has been a good platform for us. WellSky sent us the list of patients and...
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WellSky has really absorbed quite a few different companies, and I am curious to know whether they...
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Getting through to any of the vendor's support is a challenge. They need to retain people. First of...
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Relationship, Product
I don't have faxes coming into the product, and that has been going on for months. The vendor can't...
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Loyalty, Relationship
We have had issues with Kinnser and their support team since WellSky took over. Since Wellsky...
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I have not accessed WellSky Home Health from a mobile device. I don't believe there is an app for...
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WellSky has a lot of great qualities, but there are some competitors out there who have better...
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WellSky’s support is improving, but there are still very long hold times.
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
Some days, we try to get on WellSky Home Health through the device, and we have a lot of issues...
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We have had an issue with WellSky keeping promises. WellSky did an update, and prior to that update,...
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We have interacted with WellSky’s executive team a couple of times, and I wouldn’t rate their...
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I would like to see WellSky improve the free text boxes. The text doesn’t wrap because a lot of...
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I have pretty much got WellSky Home Health down. I have used multiple home health solutions, and...
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The strength of WellSky Home Health's reports is only as good as the people who are entering in that...
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WellSky Home Health is fairly good when we use it on our tablets. However, we have had all kinds of...
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WellSky is constantly telling us about what they are working on in the system, and they always give...
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There are some things that I would like to have in the system. The vendor has given us free trials...
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WellSky's library of training information doesn't look like it has really been updated. The vendor...
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The system meets my administrative needs. That is good. I like how much information is available in...
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Product, Value
A lot of the time, I am the last one at my organization to handle discharge OASIS information....
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
Things are going well with WellSky Home Health. The vendor is working with us on some issues right...
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