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User Commentary
The vendor could improve our experience as a customer by being more responsive and providing...
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InterSystems' biggest opportunity for improvement is with their implementation. They could make an...
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Culture, Relationship
Support is InterSystems' strength. Their support has been extraordinary, despite the limitations of...
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InterSystems is a company with a lot of experience worldwide, and they have a project leadership...
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Relationship, Product
Reporting and interoperability are the biggest opportunities for improvement. InterSystems could...
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I like the ease of clinical and administrative processes in terms of statistics in TrakCare.
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With InterSystems, the challenge we have is that we do a train-the-trainer approach, so we don't use...
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InterSystems could improve their product support. Of course, now they want to, and I can understand...
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Relationship, Operations
Deployment is a challenge with InterSystems. It is hard to ensure that as we get into these...
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Loyalty, Product
TrakCare meets the core requirement, but we want more from it. It is doing what it should be doing,...
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We need commitment from InterSystems and more presence on-site. Clinicians' perception is the vendor...
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There is nowhere for InterSystems to hide anymore. We are going to the new user interface and taking...
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Loyalty, Relationship
I am seeking comparisons of EMRs because a lot of our clinicians aren't satisfied with InterSystems'...
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Relationship, Product
InterSystems needs to segregate versions of TrakCare based on hospital needs, and they are currently...
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InterSystems’ capability for AI is one of the best ones out there, but the functionality is not yet...
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Relationship, Operations
InterSystems established an office in our area, but they still need more people who are trained....
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Culture, Value
InterSystems is not cheap. They offer a one-stop solution, but it can be quite pricey. Also, with...
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InterSystems could utilize international experts to help locally. One of the issues we had was...
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InterSystems' biggest opportunity for improvement is the use of new technology. TrakCare could have...
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One issue was InterSystems' focus after the implementation. We had a bit of an issue at the time of...
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I'm very limited in what InterSystems is offering me as a technology. I'm a big believer in the idea...
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TrakCare's biggest strength is that it is an international product. I like that it is easy to use...
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Relationship, Product
InterSystems' strength is their expertise in the field. I like that TrakCare is a product with...
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Relationship, Product
InterSystems could have better adaptations to business organizations and processes and could have...
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Relationship, Product, Value
We have seen improved time to resolution of issues.
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In terms of opportunities for improvement, I would like the use of tablet or handheld devices, the...
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What I like the most about the system is the possibility of customization. I also like its...
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The vendor's strengths are the ERP solution, the integration engine, and the human capital of...
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What I like the most about the product is its standardization.
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The vendor should change to have comprehensive functionality for dematerialization.
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The system's main strengths are its robustness and standards.
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Relationship, Product
The vendor's opportunities for improvement are in the interfaces and dematerialization.
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Generally, TrakCare is very good. It gives us a fairly comprehensive electronic health record and...
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Loyalty, Relationship
We have done a number of surveys over the years that indicate that users do struggle with the...
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In general, InterSystems is definitely present as a vendor. We have high-level engagement with our...
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There is quite a bit of functionality that TrakCare and its associated products can deliver, and we...
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The provider could improve our experience by not changing the TrakCare team again. That already...
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The thing I like the most about the product is the floor map.
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Relationship, Product
The biggest opportunity for improvement in the product is to improve our ability to communicate with...
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Relationship, Product
The supplier's greatest strength is their back-up equipment.
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Before TrakCare, we were using cards and pieces of paper. TrakCare was the best product in the range...
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TrakCare satisfies almost all of our local needs. We have become familiar with InterSystems, and we...
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InterSystems' training was good. TrakCare works very well. It is very easy to use, and it also looks...
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Product, Value
I am really happy with TrakCare because it has helped us improve many things for our employees and...
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Relationship, Product
There are a few areas for improvement in the system related to how our employees work. For example,...
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InterSystems did not provide training to our people directly. They trained a few of the people. Then...
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Relationship, Product
I would never recommend InterSystems. They have to be more professional in the way they are handling...
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Operations, Product
As a physician, I can give InterSystems a high rating for ease of use. TrakCare is very easy for...
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I haven't liked InterSystems for a long time. The quality of InterSystems' support is the poorest....
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Relationship, Operations
Intersystems' implementation services are very poor. They said they wouldn't do many of the things...
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We upgraded to the new version of TrakCare. We were running a very old version and were struggling...
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The vendor’s support is very bad. InterSystems is not proactive. They don't respond to our issues....
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Loyalty, Value
InterSystems says that they have a newer version of the system where they are bringing some AI...
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Culture, Relationship, Product
InterSystems is not good. TrakCare is not a flexible product for the growing needs of healthcare....
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We have problems working with the JReports. We are struggling to get people from the vendor to help...
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The vendor could improve the product by reducing the menus that go to functionalities as well as the...
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Users feel that they are spending a lot of time working in the system rather than taking care of...
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We need training at least quarterly for our team. Our team sometimes has old knowledge, and...
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The solution meets most of our local needs because the vendor worked with us for a long time, and...
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Loyalty, Relationship
Our experience with InterSystems is fine because we have a long relationship with InterSystems, and...
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Loyalty, Product, Value
Our integration process for TrakCare took too long and had a high cost. We have struggled to...
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Culture, Value
InterSystems is asking for every modification or integration. They are also asking for an extra cost...
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Relationship, Operations
InterSystems' support now rates between the middle of the road and the top of the scale. My rating...
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I would buy TrakCare again. I moved to this organization because of TrakCare. It is user friendly....
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Operations, Product
One of the big changes we have had is with our RCM integration with an ancillary platform. For that,...
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I think TrakCare will be part of our long-term plans forever. TrakCare has a lot of detail. I think...
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Implementing TrakCare was a huge project. We did it online, and we had a lot of challenges, but...
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There is quite detailed information in TrakCare from the side of the doctor. Lots of doctors...
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Culture, Value
InterSystems doesn't avoid charging for every little thing. They love charging. However, this is not...
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No one is perfect, but InterSystems' implementation services were really good. When they gave us the...
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InterSystems' support is good. Sometimes we need changes in some forms, like consent forms, and that...
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Culture, Relationship
InterSystems has not kept all their promises. For example, when we started, we requested some things...
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We don't have ongoing training. There was only initial training. The training in the beginning was...
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The best thing about TrakCare is that I can use it from anywhere in the hospital. I can access a...
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Operations, Product
The opportunities for improvement with TrakCare are that some modules are different than other...
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Relationship, Operations
InterSystems could improve their proactive service by interacting with the end users or superusers...
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I don't have any direct interactions with anyone at InterSystems. However, they are for sure...
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My only concerns with TrakCare are with its support and cost. The cost increases every year, and the...
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I would buy TrakCare again. Technically speaking, TrakCare is fine as a solution, and I recommend it...
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Relationship, Operations
We have an escalation process with InterSystems. We meet their senior members sometimes. When I...
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InterSystems is still improving things. They are adding new features. I think my overall...
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Culture, Loyalty, Value
Whether TrakCare will be part of our long-term plans is a tricky question. The product's cost is...
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Relationship, Value
In general, TrakCare is good, but we have challenges with them in terms of support and enhancement....
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I was previously on an old version of TrakCare. The version we have now is more user friendly....
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TrakCare is not easy to use. We would like to have more integrations with TrakCare. TrakCare can...
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Relationship, Operations
To improve the product, InterSystems could give the clients resources to understand the logic behind...
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InterSystems meets most local needs. Still, there are some features that the application specialist...
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Relationship, Product
InterSystems' strength is their understanding of the hospital workflow and the teamwork dynamic. I...
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Relationship, Product
There is a limitation with InterSystems because they don't cover all the modalities well. That is a...
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We have contact with InterSystems. We are able to reach them. Support is not a problem.
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Loyalty, Relationship, Operations
InterSystems will be in touch and assist with our next implementation. They came to the team to...
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Relationship, Operations
In the beginning, we had some hiccups. But as the rollout progressed and we and the vendor became...
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Culture, Value
We would buy TrackCare again. One reason is the pricing. We work in an environment where the...
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The ease of use is in the eye of the beholder. In the beginning, everybody said TrakCare was not...
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Relationship, Product
Overall, I think we have had a good experience with InterSystems. InterSystems fully understands our...
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InterSystems understands the system. The system is not perfect. No EHR system is perfect, but the...
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One of the best aspects of TrakCare is its ability to integrate with most devices and other systems...
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I would love to see InterSystems have a managed SaaS offering of TrakCare in the cloud. That would...
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InterSystems needs to increase the pool of TrakCare subject matter experts within the organization....
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InterSystems has strong executive engagement. They are really willing to support our health system...
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TrakCare is a modular tool that progresses well, but there are some opportunities to enhance the...
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The senior management team at InterSystems is very proactive and engaged.
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There is still outstanding work to be done by InterSystems in terms of follow-up and bringing some...
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There was good training and a lot of support around for the week or two of the go-live from...
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TrakCare works well in some areas but not others. By and large, it works as well as promoted. The...
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Relationship, Product
TrakCare needs to be supported by local governance infrastructure. The system requires a high level...
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Culture, Loyalty, Value
InterSystems has told us there is an annual upgrade, which is included. This was part of the reason...
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The training is good. InterSystems has a work methodology they call ARIES, which they follow. They...
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I am not an end user, but when our previous system is compared to TrakCare, TrakCare is much better....
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Recently, we started using a service to report tickets, and that service could be improved a bit.
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Culture, Loyalty
We went through a selection process that was quite complete. We evaluated several options and...
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InterSystems’ implementation services could improve. They are used to carrying out implementations...
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With integration, there was an issue of measuring technical capabilities, but we were able to...
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Organizations should have early involvement of the users. At the beginning of the project, it was...
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Loyalty, Operations
We are planning to go live at other locations, and we are more prepared now than before, but still,...
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Culture, Operations, Product
My top lesson learned is the importance of setting up the process correctly in as detailed a manner...
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Relationship, Product
Things are very good in terms of the product. I don't have any reservations about it. I think it is...
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A couple of strengths of TrakCare are its reliability and expandability.
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TrakCare is too complicated for our doctors. The system is very complete, and InterSystems wants it...
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InterSystems doesn’t have a good enough product for business analytics, and they are partnering with...
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InterSystems had a patient portal for patients to assess medical records and make appointments with...
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InterSystems’ technical support team doesn’t have enough people because it is difficult to recruit...
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InterSystems has a pattern for how to implement TrakCare, and that is good because we can implement...
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InterSystems delivered a web-based environment for their product, and that was a good thing. We like...
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Relationship, Operations, Product
We recently had an upgrade for TrakCare, and there were many issues. InterSystems addressed the...
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Loyalty, Product
InterSystems is making a minimal effort to move data from another system to TrakCare. They just want...
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Our end users complain about the interface in TrakCare. They say it is not that helpful or useful....
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One reason we went with InterSystems is that they are more available in our region than other vendors....
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InterSystems limits the integration in TrakCare. We want to implement some integration features, but...
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I wouldn't buy our current version of the product again, but switching would come with a cost. When...
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InterSystems needs to support TrakCare's normal operations. For example, we need to be able to...
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Relationship, Product
Over the past several years, the vendor actually improved in terms of listening more to the...
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One of the modules for a specialty is not very good. The vendor sent someone to collect our...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
The vendor definitely knows our issues. They have what we say, but I understand them as well. They...
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When we have a problem, the vendor just tells us to upgrade. But they need to simulate a new version...
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We see various issues in the product today. If the vendor had communicated the same issues when we...
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Loyalty, Product
The newer version has a major issue. When a patient stays in the hospital for a very long time and I...
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Relationship, Product
When we ask the vendor how we can find medicine in the system, they can't explain that in a way that...
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Support is not ideal because InterSystems takes too long to come up with resolutions.
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Remaining with TrakCare is not our decision because we use the system as part of an agreement with...
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We like how we can easily gather patient information into one single platform with TrakCare. Our...
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Our users complain about the interface; it is too busy and not easy to use. We are working to...
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The adoption of the system is limited; we still use a lot of paper. InterSystems needs to do a...
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TrakCare is absolutely criticized by everybody who sees it. They all talk about every other hospital...
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Relationship, Product, Value
Even when InterSystems delivers fixes, they come with bugs, and we have to go back time and time...
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We are pretty happy with InterSystems as a company. InterSystems does not charge us for every little...
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Culture, Loyalty, Operations
I wasn't here when we bought TrakCare, but I know board members who were on the selection panel are...
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Loyalty, Product
I have used TrakCare in other organizations, so I know its potential, and I have seen better and...
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InterSystems’ support is very bureaucratic. First, there is the local technical support team, and...
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InterSystems’ implementation team is very available and willing to support and guide us during the...
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I would tell someone considering working with InterSystems that they should do it. TrakCare is a...
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Operations, Product
It is not easy for a new user to learn how to use TrakCare on their own or with just a few...
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InterSystems should have more clinical staff to teach us how to apply the product at different...
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Depending on how well our next update goes and whether we ever get fluid balance and early warning...
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Loyalty, Product
As a core product, TrakCare isn't meeting our local needs. However, we have a strong IT team, so we...
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There isn't regular training for TrakCare, and there may be some new features available in the...
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Culture, Relationship, Product
There have been a number of times when InterSystems has promised us that something was coming, but...
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Culture, Relationship
As a company and as a set of people, InterSystems has been fantastic to work with. We agreed early...
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Operations, Product
Part of the user interface in TrakCare is a bit clunky and hard to navigate. The tool has to have...
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The product ticks all the modern boxes, has all the modern integrations, and is cloud based.
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One challenge with InterSystems is that they don’t really have an office for our area. They have to...
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Voice recording and recognition technologies are there. Things will be easier for us in the future...
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Loyalty, Product
Compared to the old version that was quite flexible and that we could modify to be as user friendly...
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The system is quite stable. The connectivity among the medical devices is also there. That...
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InterSystems has helped us a lot in implementing the system. The implementation team is okay. They...
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Loyalty, Product
One thing the doctors don’t like is in the old version, we could see the results of the labs on a...
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Loyalty, Operations, Product
TrakCare is a marvelous hospital information system for us by all means, even though there are still...
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InterSystems is still working on the laboratory serial results. We still get complaints from doctors...
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Relationship, Product
InterSystems helps us a lot in the system, especially in inputting our patient master index for the...
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Loyalty, Product
The end users always compare this system with the old version. Human nature is not easy to change. I...
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We would like the product to have a little more integrity to extract information like the risk...
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We have very good engagement with the InterSystems management team. One individual in particular is...
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The product is one of the most complete HISs on the market. The vendor works with our partner so...
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InterSystems had an event where they shared that AI technology would be embedded into TrakCare. That...
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We always need to quickly and intensively obtain the reports that we have to deliver at the end of...
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With InterSystems, there are extra costs for slightly larger modifications, but not for minor...
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There is a TrakCare version that will be released soon. It is mobile. The other great thing about it...
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I'm very happy with InterSystems. However, there are always some issues regarding what we can...
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Things need to be improved in terms of the usability of the product for doctors. It has flaws. And...
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
We are implementing a newer version of the product. The new version is working fine overall. We...
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Loyalty, Product
The vendor is developing something with AI. It sounds interesting, but we are not using it yet. The...
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We had to design the training material ourselves because the training the vendor initially gave us...
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The vendor needs to improve the entire medical indications section. There are medications, imaging...
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The product is quite specific to the market in our region, so it solves several problems related to...
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Relationship, Operations
The issue is that the vendor has fewer consultants in the support area than in the implementation...
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We want to improve our billing process in TrakCare. We planned to get something for electronic...
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Loyalty, Product
In terms of integration, I need the product to have a more direct connection with the laboratory. I...
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InterSystems' main asset is the centralization of the EMR for all departments. What I like the most...
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We do most of our own training, so we don't use much of InterSystems' training services. But when...
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We did the first step of InterSystems’ TrakCare Advance Program. We have gotten our findings from...
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We are in a slightly difficult situation where we have really configured the system extensively, but...
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Loyalty, Relationship
TrakCare is absolutely fine and meets our needs. This solution is what runs our business, basically....
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We are going to do an upgrade to the platform, and we anticipate that the new version will be much...
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I don't know whether the solution is in our long-term plans. We are going through some changes, so...
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InterSystems tries their best to keep promises. My only hesitation is when they hit resource blocks....
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There is a new version of the patching process, but it still seems to be awfully long and drawn out....
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We are still waiting for the new user interface to be delivered effectively so that the usability...
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Some of InterSystems' strengths are the executive team and product specialists based in our region....
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Relationship, Operations, Product
We went through a fairly significant upgrade that was quite intense and challenging. It took a long...
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Relationship, Product
The vendor probably meets most needs throughout our country. We have certain standards that we need...
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Loyalty, Operations, Product
The upgrades aren't seamless. We have to take our system down and have it offline. Then we have to...
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There is probably no difficulty with integrations because I have an established process there. There...
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In terms of training, the vendor has very good presenters. We like presenters to be clinicians...
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I have influence and access to the vendor's people. I don't have any problem if I have to...
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Product, Value
TrakCare is accessible once someone is familiar with it and knows where to look for information....
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
We have the new TrakCare version, and generally, the upgrades have worked well. We hope the new...
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Relationship, Product
InterSystems could handle regulatory issues better and get things done more quickly depending on the...
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Loyalty, Operations
There is an opportunity to learn from the implementation that is coming to us from another hospital...
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Now that we have gotten an upgrade, the platform is a bit more user friendly now. It is visually...
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The vendor interacts with us regarding training modules, but we produce most of the stuff ourselves....
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Loyalty, Relationship, Product
I would like more open integrations regarding our requirements. We are a big board, and we have lots...
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Loyalty, Value
The vendor doesn’t keep all their promises. They give a lot of answers, but they don't always make...
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TrakCare has been sustainable with what we have built it on. Flexibility has not been there, but I...
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We just got an update that took many hours. InterSystems has ridiculous numbers that they put on...
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Relationship, Product
This product meets most local needs. Unfortunately, it cannot meet all of them. Since we work in a...
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Operations, Product
I wouldn't buy this product again because the system is very rigid and closed. It doesn't allow us...
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The rigidity of the system is a question of visualization. The TrakCare visualization that we have...
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Integration is a big issue, and we still haven't managed to integrate because InterSystems and our...
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The vendor charges for everything. Because of the type of organization we are, we don't have...
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Concerning the monitoring service provided during training, we are a complex hospital with a lot of...
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Operations, Product
The product could be easier to use. It was a complete paradigm shift from the old system to the new...
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Loyalty, Product
We were surprised that the vendor didn't have tools available for some of our specialties. We are...
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The product is neat and has lots of options. The vendor told us that there are a lot of things...
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In terms of proactivity, things are difficult with an intermediary, but the InterSystems staff...
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We have an intermediary for support issues. We communicate our support issues to them. So far, they...
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The vendor has employees who have done their jobs very well and others who have not done them so...
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If I had to choose between the older version of the product and the newer version, I would choose...
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One way the vendor's support needs improvement is that the central desk has to respond a little...
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Relationship, Product
We have been waiting for more than a week for InterSystems to fix a problem. Our PACS vendor has...
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Relationship, Operations
One issue with the product relates to the agenda. It has been designed for professionals who have...
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Relationship, Product
Since we work in a network, there are times when there are small crashes in TrakCare. This directly...
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