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EHR Governance Services and Software 2024
Oct 2024

EHR Governance Services and Software 2024

Which Vendors/Firms Can Help Improve EHR Governance?

Authored by:  Jenna Anderson, Anna Beyer, Coray Tate, 10/29/2024 | Read Time: 4 minutes

KLAS Arch Collaborative Report EHR Governance 2024 - Peer Guidance, Shared Ownership and Governance

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clinician agreement that their organization/it delivers wellData from the KLAS Arch Collaborative shows that EHR governance—defined as a healthcare organization’s strategic and operational framework to oversee EHR management, usage, and optimization—has a significant impact on clinicians’ overall EHR experience. However, it can be challenging for organizations to establish effective EHR governance strategies. In Arch Collaborative data, only 51% of clinicians agree that their organization delivers well on EHR implementation, support, and training, and that percentage has remained stagnant year over year since 2017.

ehr house of successHealthcare organizations have a significant opportunity to make their EHR governance more effective, and an important step is to identify vendor and services firm offerings that can help drive improvements beyond what organizations can do by themselves. This report—part of a series that explores what offerings are available to improve EHR satisfaction—specifically highlights solutions that can support healthcare organizations working to improve their governance processes. KLAS first asked vendors and services firms to report their capabilities and then interviewed 83 customer organizations to validate those capabilities. For more information about how specific organizations collaborated with their vendor/firm to improve EHR governance, view the case studies linked in the full report.

klas report strategy--improving ehr satisfaction

How-To Guide for Using This Report

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Note: The validations in this report are not exhaustive; the lack of KLAS validations in certain areas does not mean that vendors and firms don’t provide offerings in those areas.

  1. Identify what EHR governance opportunities exist at your organization through Arch Collaborative measurement(s)
  2. Align organizational priorities to identify the top problem(s) to solve
  3. Review the comprehensive charts to understand what vendors and services firms offer
  4. View the full report for a more-detailed look at offerings from each vendor and firm

Services Offerings

  1. Overall EHR governance strategy: Firm helps build structures for committees, councils, boards, etc.; stabilizes processes and workflows; and defines EHR decision policies and procedures.
  2. EHR change management & organizational readiness: Firm helps create and/or execute the strategy to communicate and prepare end users for EHR changes (go-lives, upgrades, etc.).
  3. Program development: Firm helps establish informatics program, identify superusers/champions, manage rounding, and collect end-user feedback.
  4. Leadership support (for EHR governance oversight): Services include coaching/mentoring for CMIOs, CNIOs, interim staffing, etc.
  5. Managed IT services: Firm provides help desk/support resources and on-call EHR trainers.
  6. EHR infrastructure services: Services include system-performance troubleshooting, managing speed, and measuring EHR reliability for optimal end-user experience.
  7. EHR interoperability services: Firm improves internal integration of solutions used adjacent to the EHR and improves clinical usability of patient data received from outside organizations.
validated services offerings for clinician ehr governance

Software Solutions

  1. IT service management: Platforms that manage the process of submitting and responding to support requests and/or enhancement requests.
  2. EHR-related infrastructure monitoring: Platforms that monitor, assess, and troubleshoot EHR performance issues.
validated software solutions for clinician ehr governance

What Is the KLAS Arch Collaborative?

The Arch Collaborative is a group of healthcare organizations committed to improving the EHR experience through standardized surveys and benchmarking. To date, over 300 healthcare organizations have surveyed their end users and over 500,000 clinicians have responded. Reports such as this one seek to synthesize the feedback from these clinicians into actionable insights that organizations can use to revolutionize patient care by unlocking the potential of the EHR.

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This material is copyrighted. Any organization gaining unauthorized access to this report will be liable to compensate KLAS for the full retail price. Please see the KLAS DATA USE POLICY for information regarding use of this report. © 2019 KLAS Research, LLC. All Rights Reserved. NOTE: Performance scores may change significantly when including newly interviewed provider organizations, especially when added to a smaller sample size like in emerging markets with a small number of live clients. The findings presented are not meant to be conclusive data for an entire client base.

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