Traveling First KLAS?
I recently missed a flight home, due to no fault of my own. Ever happen to you? Frustrating! Have you ever had a piece of equipment or device go down in your department, due to no fault of your own? I’m sure all you wanted was to get it working so your department would be up and running again on all cyclinders quickly. All I wanted was to get home quickly too. Did your vendor treat you like a first class passenger and promptly respond to get things fixed or… not so much?
With the 2010 Top 20 Best in KLAS Awards: Medical Equipment report publishing, KLAS is eager to recognize the voice of thousands of providers that have rated their equipment vendors over the last year and highlight those that are “first KLAS,” or as we say in the report, Best in KLAS. This report awards vendors that are delivering high quality products and the highest levels of support to providers in the healthcare industry.
In the end I made it home the next day. However, the service from the airline was far from first class.
Have you had a “first KLAS” or worst class vendor experience recently? What has been your BEST or WORST experience with one of your equipment vendors?