Examining the EMR Markets in Asia and Oceania - Cover

Examining the EMR Markets in Asia and Oceania

Over the last several years, KLAS has published EMR-specific reports covering Canada, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Recently, KLAS published our first report on EMR market share and vendor performance in Asia/Oceania. The report provides a high-level overview of the region overall and also offers separate looks at the two markets that comprise the region (Asia and Oceania) to better examine their unique trends and findings.

Current State of the EMR Market in Asia/Oceania

In previous KLAS research, ratings from provider organizations in Asia and ratings from provider organizations in Oceania have always been combined into one aggregate view. On average, the provider organizations in the region tend to rate their vendors lower than in other regions in the world. In this report, the first in which KLAS separately examines vendor performance in Asia and Oceania, it is clear that organizations in Oceania (specifically Australia and New Zealand) often desire more attention from their vendors, as evidenced by the downward trends in customer satisfaction seen in the KLAS ratings. Even so, some respondents are mentioning improvements and feeling hopeful for the future.

This report stands as an early assessment of EMR market share and vendor performance in the region. The data is not all inclusive. However, as KLAS’ understanding of the market continues to grow and as we collect feedback on additional EMR solutions, we hope to expand our coverage of the many local solutions found in the region and to provide deeper dives into specific areas within the region (e.g., China, India, Southeast Asia).

The chart below shows current performance ratings for 7 vendors in the region—ezCaretech, IQVIA, InterSystems, Oracle Health, Epic, Telstra Health, and Altera Digital Health (Allscripts). These are the vendors for which KLAS has performance data, and the full report provides additional details about the customer experiences behind the performance data of those vendors. On top of that, the report analyzes the market share of over 20 different EMR vendors across Asia and Oceania, including information on hospital wins and estimated customer bases by hospital and by country. Some vendors that have high market share (but for whom KLAS is not yet able to share individual performance ratings in Asia and Oceania) include, in Asia, Napier Healthcare and Dedalus and, in Oceania, Orion Health and Altera Digital Health (Allscripts).

asia/oceania combined overall performance

Future Market Trends

As shown in the report, some significant EMR decisions have been finalized in the last five years in both Asia and Oceania, and there are multiple pending large-scale EMR decisions that will continue to shape the market in the future. KLAS will continue to monitor and report on the trends that are influential in the market.

As the push toward further digitalization continues, provider organizations, whether public or private, need strong partners that will help them achieve better outcomes. Alongside organizations that are deploying EMRs for the first time, organizations that have already implemented an EMR are looking to optimize their environments. Wherever organizations are in their EMR journey, KLAS has resources that can help. KLAS’ performance reports, which explore the customer experience with a variety of HIT solutions (including EMRs), can help organizations who find themselves making a purchase decision. KLAS’ Arch Collaborative, a group of hundreds of healthcare organizations united in a common effort to improve clinician EMR satisfaction, can help organizations looking to optimize the solution they already have.

Looking Forward

The market energy is high when it comes to EMR software in Asia and Oceania. Healthcare provider organizations are actively looking for new or replacement HIT vendors in order to provide better healthcare for those in their areas. We hope that this report is just the first look of many into what is happening in the Asia and Oceania markets, and we hope to be able to dive deeper into more specific areas and into more vendors and products as the market continues to grow and evolve. 

Photo credit: See More, Adobe Stock


