Your Golf Game, EMRs, and Patient Care
I really enjoy golf. I’m horrible on the scorecard, but I still enjoy the game—the feeling of the ball flying off the club head when I hit the sweet spot perfectly or a long putt when the ball breaks and rolls straight into the heart of the hole. The difference between me and a great golfer is that, on a good day, I make a perfect shot on maybe one out of 18 holes. But the hope of making these perfect shots is what keeps me coming back to the course.
I have a friend who spends quite a bit of money on golf. He has the funds to stroll through any pro shop and purchase all of the latest and greatest golf apparel and clubs or anything else that looks like it could improve his game. When he gets to the driving range he certainly looks like he could teach golf lessons, but then he swings and the ball dribbles 50 yards and rarely goes straight. As his friend, I find it pretty hilarious.
So what is responsible for how well we play? Is it the cost of the equipment? The skill of the golfer? Or, is it the on-site PGA trainer who isn’t giving lessons? Or could it be a combination of various factors?
Let’s consider these questions in relation to healthcare. We all know those organizations that have the latest and greatest EMRs, technology, and gadgets. But ultimately, who is responsible for the quality of patient care? Is it the technology and equipment? Whether or not the vendor lends a helping hand? Or is it the healthcare providers themselves?
Some organizations go to the healthcare “course” every single day with the best EMRs and technology in the business, only to have worse outcomes than ever before. Other organizations have technology that may seem clunky or outdated but achieve outstanding improvements in their quality of care over time. So what’s the difference and what’s the driver behind this interesting finding?
Read my next blog to find out!