Cardiology Structured Reporting 2020: The Heart of the Matter
Healthcare IT is known for its simplicity, much like Antarctica is known for its sunny beaches!
The cardiology space is no different. Luckily, as time has gone on, structured reporting in the cardiology space has become more and more prevalent, making it easier and simpler to obtain and process critical information.
In fact, in the big, complicated, and difficult world of cardiology, the most frequently requested cardiology report from providers is almost always structured reporting.
Structured reporting continues to dominate the conversation in cardiology due to its role in changing how information is stored and accessed.
KLAS has released the Cardiology 2020 report to dive down into the breadth and depth of adoption for several vendor systems and to tell both providers and vendors that cardiology structured reporting is still top of mind.
Even though this area has been slower to develop than others, this report shows just how this space is growing and impacting the cardiology world. In this report, we explore what vendors are doing to stand out, how they are doing in this space, and where improvements can be made.
Supportive Vendors Don’t Miss a Beat
We have found that providers are very excited to get new information on structured reporting. Even though the cardiology market segment tends to move slowly, updates can be exciting.
It is really expensive to build out and customize cardiology technology, so it is important to know what sets a fantastic experience apart from a mediocre one. The Cardiology 2020 report has shown us that the top performers are those whose efforts are very, very pronounced to the point of being extraordinary.
The vendors with the deepest and broadest adoption are those that have a strategy to go along with the traditional support that is expected from vendors. Cardiology implementations can be massive burdens because of the immense amount of information and the number of things that could go wrong.
Some of the top vendors were seen talking through providers’ workflows to figure out exactly what was needed. Training plans and templates were made up front to ensure the best chance of success. There is so much work that takes place before the implementation begins that can make or break that implementation.
Vain Attempts from Some Vendors
It should be noted that some recent success in adoption has been achieved more in spite of certain vendors than because of them.
As you can read in our report, certain vendors have built a reputation of being unable to support the technology and the strategies necessary to keep structured reporting and solutions working as well as they need to for provider organizations’ needs.
In several cases, these provider organizations were the ones that stepped up to fill the gaps in the implementation and support when some of these vendors did not provide satisfactory work.
It is critical that cardiology software and all the work associated with it be seen as one solid package since every little piece, from the support to the technology, is absolutely critical. Technology itself is not always enough.
Get Pumped for the Future
Cardiology has not quite reached the point of critical mass for structured reporting; adoption is steady but slow. There has been a lot of success in cardiology implementations, and the vendors in this space are generally doing satisfactory work for their customers.
However it is important to consider all aspects of this intense process. Great solutions can be let down by a lack of the right support, and weaker solutions can inversely be elevated by excellent support. Cardiology is a big lift, and it is important to find vendors who understand that and are prepared to put in the effort.
For more information, check out the Cardiology 2020 report.
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